It’s just a simple tweak to what I’m already doing in bed…
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I’ve got a secret weapon that’s allowing me to last as long as I want in bed…
And it is NOT a technique, or breathing exercise, or anything like that.
It’s just a small little tweak to what I’m already doing in bed…
And it slows down my climax, giving me full control over when I blow my load…
…and it even increases the amount of pleasure I feel, not just in my member but all over my body.
When used this way, this tweak is a complete game changer for your sex life.
You’ll be pleasuring her more and more, and she will be loving every second of it.
And you’ll be feeling more too, and have full control over your own pleasure.
Are you drinking this life-extending beverage?
I’m always shocking people when I tell them to drink lots of coffee.
Sometimes they really question me about it!
That’s because so many people view coffee as being something “bad” and they think they should get out of the coffee habit.
This is nonsense that’s peddled by health gurus and sometimes even doctors that just don’t know what they’re talking about!
Coffee is actually really good for you and has significant health benefits.
According to a study from the European Society of Cardiology…
…drinking coffee can extend your life and reduce the chance that you’ll get heart disease.
That means fewer heart attacks, fewer strokes, and a better health span.
Those are GREAT benefits from something that many people really enjoy.
Drinking two to three cups of coffee a day is linked with a longer lifespan and lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared with avoiding coffee, according to new research. The findings applied to ground, instant and decaffeinated varieties.
This study was HUGE and had over 400,000 participants!
It covered both men and women and the average age of the people in the study was 58 years old.
The study included 449,563 participants free of arrhythmias or other cardiovascular disease at baseline. The median age was 58 years and 55.3% were women.
They asked people how much coffee they drank and what type of coffee they drank and then followed them for 12.5 years on average.
The risk of death decreased the most with regular, caffeinated ground coffee, but decaf and instant both had benefits.
Again, the lowest risk was observed with two to three cups a day, which compared to abstinence from coffee was associated with a 6%, 20%, and 9% reduced likelihood of cardiovascular disease for decaffeinated, ground, instant coffee, respectively.
Ground coffee also produced the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease.
But if you drink decaf or instant you STILL get a benefit, just not quite as much.
Again, the lowest risk was observed with two to three cups a day, which compared to abstinence from coffee was associated with a 6%, 20%, and 9% reduced likelihood of cardiovascular disease for decaffeinated, ground, instant coffee, respectively.
And check this out! A lot of times people are told to stop drinking coffee because it can produce heart arrhythmias.
But this study showed a REDUCTION in arrhythmias in people who drink coffee!
An arrhythmia was diagnosed in 30,100 (6.7%) participants during follow-ups. Ground and instant coffee, but not decaffeinated, was associated with a reduction in arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation.
The scientists think it’s the plant compounds and not the caffeine that is so beneficial when drinking coffee.
Caffeine is the most well-known constituent in coffee, but the beverage contains more than 100 biologically active components. It is likely that the non-caffeinated compounds were responsible for the positive relationships observed between coffee drinking, cardiovascular disease and survival.
Personally, I think both the plant compounds and the caffeine are both important.
I drink a lot of coffee. I love the stuff and I even put milk and sugar in it.
I find that when you drink coffee you become less sensitive to caffeine over time.
If you don’t drink coffee now, you may want to start and if you do drink coffee don’t let anyone tell you to quit!
Drinking coffee is one of the best things you can do for your health.
—-Important Message—-
This one unhealthy food may be the fountain of youth
I know it sounds crazy… but there’s 1 strange food that very old and vital men are eating — and they’re often living to 100, 110 or even 120…
While many so-called health gurus are dropping dead at 50 or 60 by AVOIDING this one food…
Here’s the 1 food — are you eating it or are you avoiding it?