This best-selling book cracks the code on getting women to want more sex — and you can have it for free
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—-Important Message From Richard La Ruina—-
My buddy Richard La Ruina has cracked the code when it comes to getting women to want more sex…
Richard is a world-recognized coach for men who want to meet pretty young women…
And now that he’s been in a long term relationship, he’s turned his talents to helping men and women achieve happy sex lives for as long as they live…
For the past 10 years, he’s been teaching his methods to hundreds of thousands of guys around the globe in his live workshops…
These guys just want to have MORE sex MORE often. And can you blame them?
Heck, we all want that! I know I do.
That’s why I had to tell you about this…
Richard just distilled all of his best libido-boosting techniques down into a single book.
It’s selling for $34.26 on Amazon, and it’s got 4.5 stars out of 5 with over 350 reviews.
But guess what?
Today, you’re getting the book for FREE.
Richard’s publisher sent us copies of the book to give away for promotional purposes.
But instead of giving them away to bloggers, podcast hosts, and TV stations he’s decided to give them to normal guys like you and me…
This morning, he sent an email announcing the giveaway — and as soon as I saw what he was doing I hit him up and was like:
“Rich…you gotta let my guys get in on this too.”
This free book has over 180 pages of his best methods for getting the hottest girls in the world.
This stuff is really *EASY* to implement.
It’s all about immediately usable tactics and techniques that you can start using right away to pull really, really hot women with very little risk of rejection.
Get your jam-packed book on the web site before you’re too late.
This incredible book set will be shipped to your door…
…and it’s already PAID FOR! 🙂
Here’s the catch…
Because Richard is eating all of the cost for you, he is making this an extremely limited offer…
…he only has 200 of these books left in stock!
Click here to get your copy before they’re all gone
Beware this extremely dangerous “guru approved” diet
Sometimes my head just wants to explode when I’m reading about what the “gurus’” diet recommendations.There are so many damaging “health” trends out there – from PUFAs (terrible) to high-protein diets.
But the one I want to talk to you about today is the fad that eating a high-fat diet is a good thing.
The people that promote high-fat diets do it because it makes you feel full (sort of).
But they DON’T take into consideration how much damage they’re doing to the body.This one makes me really mad, because there is SO MUCH EVIDENCE that shows that eating a high-fat diet is terrible for you.
I wish these gurus would be more interested in health than in selling books.
Now, I’m not saying to cut all the fat out of your diet.
You do need to eat some fat in order to feel full and for your body to work properly.What I AM saying is that research published in the eLife journal shows that a high-fat diet actually changes the bone marrow of mice.
“These results show that high-fat diets can cause remodeling in bone marrow fat cells that disrupt the normal balance of monocytes, and can subsequently lead to invasive Ly6C high monocytes spilling into the body,” continues Klip.
Although this is a mouse experiment, I strongly believe that something similar happens in humans when we eat a high-fat diet.
Most people believe that body weight is all about calories in and calories out.
That’s only sort of true. Our bodies are far more complex than calories in and calories out.
“Our study reveals how high-fat diets trigger a cascade of inflammation in the body that involves the bone marrow,” concludes Klip.
When you eat a high-fat diet, you change your bone marrow in a way that promotes massive internal inflammation.
The internal inflammation then triggers obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular problems.
The results may help explain how high-fat diets trigger inflammation, which can contribute to the development of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and other complications in individuals with obesity.
It’s a huge mess.But it doesn’t start with calories.
These metabolic disruptions START with eating a high-fat diet.
Check out what happens in the mice on a high-fat diet:
Fat cells in the bone marrow multiply and take on white fat cell characteristics. Metabolic changes in the monocytes at the bone marrow cells also occur — they use less oxygen to break down sugar into energy, and lactic acid builds up in the cells and surrounding fluid. The team also found that mitochondria, cellular factories that break down sugar into energy, break apart into fragments within the monocytes and become less efficient.
The cells become less oxygenated, and the mitochondria become less efficient.
This sets up the metabolism to start failing and for inflammation to take hold.Look… I can’t tell you what to do or how to eat.
But I can present the evidence for you so that you can make your own decisions.
High-fat diets are TERRIBLE for your body.
They alter your bone marrow and set you up for failure.I would personally never go on a high-fat diet. I actually eat a lot of carbs and starches.
I find it’s an easier and healthier way to exist in this world.
But the choice is ultimately up to you.
—-Important Message For Kickstarting the Body into Burning Sugar—-
Why eating MORE sugar may be the best thing you ever do
I recently discovered that 99% of the so-called “gurus” are flat dead wrong…
No wonder so many men are suffering…
The so-called gurus are telling men to burn more FAT and that is precisely what men are doing.
They are doing keto.
They are doing low carb-high fat diets.
They are trying like crazy to burn fat…
…and they are getting more sick, more flaccid, more flabby…
That’s when I realized there is a connection.
Fat burning causes men to sport a flaccid flat tire, and a fat middle…
Sugar burning causes men to have a sky high libido, rocky member, and to be healthful and youthful no matter what their chronological age.
So how do you restore a sugar-burning metabolism?