This book cracks the code on getting women to want more sex — and you can have it for free
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—-Important Message From MNA Online V LLC—-
My buddy Richard La Ruina has cracked the code when it comes to getting women to want more sex…
Richard is a world-recognized coach for men who want to meet pretty young women…
And now that he’s been in a long term relationship, he’s turned his talents to helping men and women achieve happy sex lives for as long as they live…
For the past 10 years, he’s been teaching his methods to hundreds of thousands of guys around the globe in his live workshops…
These guys just want to have MORE sex MORE often. And can you blame them?
Heck, we all want that! I know I do.
That’s why I had to tell you about this…
Richard just distilled all of his best libido-boosting techniques down into a single hardcover book.
It’s selling for $34.26 on Amazon, and it’s got 4.5 stars out of 5 with over 350 reviews.
But guess what?
Today, you’re getting the book for FREE.
Richard’s publisher sent us copies of the book to give away for promotional purposes.
But instead of giving them away to bloggers, podcast hosts, and TV stations he’s decided to give them to normal guys like you and me…
This morning, he sent an email announcing the giveaway — and as soon as I saw what he was doing I hit him up and was like:
“Rich…you gotta let my guys get in on this too.”
This free book has over 180 pages of his best methods for getting the hottest girls in the world.
This stuff is really *EASY* to implement.
It’s all about immediately usable tactics and techniques that you can start using right away to pull really, really hot women with very little risk of rejection.
Get your jam-packed book on the web site before you’re too late.
This incredible book set will be shipped to your door…
…and it’s already PAID FOR! 🙂
Here’s the catch…
Because Mr. La Ruina is eating all of the cost for you, he is making this an extremely limited offer.
…He only has 200 of these books in stock!
Click here to get your copy before they’re all gone
Boosting T this way reverses fatty liver disease in men
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an increasingly common problem.
Animal experiments have shown that testosterone has a significantly protective effect on liver health in males.
The research was carried out at Meiji University in Japan. The paper was published in Nutrition.
There are a number of ways to increase the accumulation of fat in the liver of lab animals.
One of these is to deprive the animals of adequate protein.
Protein is needed to build muscle but it’s also needed for proper liver function.
“Protein deficiency is known to cause fat accumulation in the liver.”
The authors of this study used this mechanism to look at the effect of testosterone and fatty liver disease in these animals.
“The effects of testosterone on liver fat, muscle protein and energy expenditure in fat tissue were investigated in castrated or testosterone-injected male rats fed different diets.”
As the rats reached maturity, the female rats began to accumulate excessive fat in the liver while the male rats did not show the same tendency.
When introducing protein deficiency, castrated male rats began to accumulate more liver fat.
Removing the testicles removes the main source of testosterone.
“Protein restriction resulted in significant increase in liver fat in castrated rats but not in non-castrated rats.”
The research shows that testosterone has a protective effect on the liver…
Preventing the buildup of harmful fatty tissue known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or hepatic steatosis.
These conditions can eventually lead to liver failure and death from liver cancer.
“The results demonstrate that endogenous testosterone reduces liver fat accumulation in male rats.”
In humans, these types of liver diseases are very common in people with metabolic disorders like type II diabetes.
It has also been shown that men with type II diabetes are almost certain to have low testosterone.
Low testosterone may be a major factor in precipitating liver disease due to fat accumulation in the organ.
The researchers also found an increase in corticosterone in the castrated rats fed the low-protein diet.
Corticosterone is the animal equivalent of cortisol – a stress hormone which breaks down tissue to provide extra energy.
“Castration increased corticosterone levels and muscle breakdown activity.”
The researchers speculate that the breakdown of muscle tissue by corticosterone could be the source of the excess fat in the animals.
The idea is that the sugar and protein made from muscle tissue was being converted to fat and then stored in the liver.
“Decreased muscle due to protein restriction and activation of corticosterone following castration reduced muscle mass thereby releasing surplus energy and promoting fat buildup in the liver.”
It may be that testosterone prevents liver buildup partly by protecting muscle tissue from degeneration…
Thereby preventing the creation of fat which can go on to be stored in the liver.
“We hypothesise that testosterone reduces liver fat accumulation – a novel finding and the gender-specific differences in hepatic steatosis.”
Testosterone is not the only factor which predisposes people to liver disease…
But these experiments and the mechanisms behind them provide a strong argument that testosterone has a protective effect against fatty liver disease.
Testosterone levels are particularly important for liver health in people with metabolic problems like type II diabetes.
—-Important Message About Testosterone and Liver Health—-
How this liver cleanse releases testosterone in men
I’ve come up with my very own liver cleanse for men only…
And it’s super simple and very effective at detoxing your liver and increasing testosterone…
And when you have a clean, healthy liver, your testosterone levels will start climbing higher and higher…
And you will start getting morning wood every day like you did as a young man.
And before you know it, you will be having sex every day or every other day…
And your wife or girlfriend will barely be able to believe the “new” you.
Here’s my free liver cleanse for men who want better penile function and higher T.