This is so easy to do… and your woman will be looking at you in wonder, willing to do anything you want…
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—-Important Message For Bringing Her Incredible Pleasure—-
Squirting is now easy with this one little tip
I’ve discovered that when a woman experiences the same kind of O’s over and over again, her body gets used to it…
So it stops feeling as good, it loses some of the intensity and power it once had.
Fortunately it’s so easy to fix — you just introduce one single change…
I often suggest this one special technique that triggers such intense pleasure in a woman…
…that she starts shuddering uncontrollably and squirting juices all over the place…
When she’s squirting, you know that you’re doing it right!
This is why you should really be careful about your iron levels in your blood
Iron levels have a lot to do with a number of health problems — aging too fast, erections problems, heart issues.
And another problem is gout that arises from high iron levels, believe it or not..
Gout is a type of inflammatory arthritis that causes recurring attacks of pain and swelling.
The most common point of pain is the joint at the base of the big toe.
Over the years many different things have been blamed for causing gout.
The condition mostly happens in older men.
We now have numerous lines of evidence – including human research – showing that reducing iron massively reduces gout attacks.
This human research was carried out at San Francisco General Hospital and the University of California San Francisco. The paper was published in Rheumatology.
In the past few decades, numerous lines of evidence pointed toward a role for excess iron as a cause of gout.
These days, many people accumulate far more iron than is healthy – and it’s a cause of all sorts of health problems.
“Previous evidence supports a role for iron in the pathogenesis of gout.”
In the lab, adding iron to the urate crystals (which are the trigger for gout) increased oxidative stress…
And aggravated a type of white blood cell believed to cause pain and swelling in the condition.
Removing iron showed benefits in those lab experiments and later animal studies.
“Iron removal inhibited these responses and decreased urate crystals induced footpad inflammation in rats.”
So this research was carried out in order to see whether the same effects could be found in humans.
The researchers recruited a dozen people who suffered with gout.
The participants had tracked the number of gout attacks over the previous 2 years.
They suffered about 50 gout attacks per year.
The participants were enrolled in an iron reduction program.
This involved phlebotomy, just like blood donation, which continued until blood iron levels were just above the lower safe level.
The participants were maintained in a state of near iron deficiency for 2 years as part of the study.
“Phlebotomy was used to remove iron in patients with gouty arthritis and maintain their body iron at near-iron deficiency, low body iron stores compatible with the absence of anemia.”
Every single patient reported significant decreases in gout attacks when their levels were reduced.
“During 28 months of near iron deficiency, gouty attacks markedly diminished in every patient.”
The average number of gout attacks in the 2 years previous to the study was 48 and 53 attacks per year.
Over the next 2 years the average number of gout attacks reported dropped from 53 down to 32 and then down to 11 per year.
The next year the number of attacks decreased again – down to 7.
“Attacks diminished from 48 and 53 attacks per year before iron reduction down to 32, 11 and 7 attacks per year.”
The study clearly shows that reducing iron levels to a lower safe range can massively reduce the number of gout attacks experienced.
The number of attacks were still decreasing a few years into the research…
And they may eventually have reached zero in all participants over a long enough time period.
“Maintenance of near iron deficiency was found to be safe and beneficial in all patients, with effects ranging from complete remission to marked reduction in incidence and severity of gouty attacks.”
Gout was historically known as the “rich man’s disease” and “the disease of kings.”
This may be due to the fact that eating daily amounts of red meat, a great source of iron, was historically only available to the very wealthy.
Excess iron has a major role to play in causing diabetes, cardiovascular disease and dementia.
People who do blood donations remove iron from their body – they have better health and live longer.
Most people would have significantly better health if they decrease their iron to a lower safe level.
—-Important Message for Men 40+—-
I think I figured out why so many men are being diagnosed today…
Did you ever wonder why today, men are suffering more and more inflammation…
…more and more issues like gout, fatty liver, and low T…
Don’t you personally know many men who are suffering from prostate problems, when a few years ago they were rare?
Not to mention how many men you know who have a belly they can’t get rid of, a belly that is causing them health and sex problems?
Look: today 85% of men have belly fat they can’t seem to get rid of…
…including all that goes with it: low libido, a sucky sex life, and just the feeling of blah…
So in this short report, I’m going to tell you the exact reason for ALL of these problems, why they are happening now, and what you can do about them…
And it will shock you to your core.
This is the exact solution, the answer, that you will NEVER hear from your doctor…