This primes her body for intercourse…so she can have a super satisfying orgasm from you penetrating her…
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—-Important Message—-
Finger her like this first – makes intercourse even better for you both
If you’ve ever struggled with making your woman climax during sex…
You’ll want to use this sneaky little fingering method first…before the main course…
When you do…
…she’ll be orgasming faster, more intensely, and more often…
… and she’ll love you for the insane amounts of pleasure you’re giving her from penetration
…pleasure like she’s never experienced before.
Great orgasms can change everything…
So just finger her like this first to make her have orgasm after orgasm…
These magnesium-rich foods prevent atherosclerosis in men
Most people have heard about the benefits of magnesium – but many don’t heed the advice to supplement.
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals – its importance cannot be overstated – and most people don’t get enough.
One of the first places you will see the signs of magnesium deficiency is in the cardiovascular system.
Atherosclerosis is just one of dozens of cardiovascular problems which can be caused by magnesium deficiency.
In one series of experiments, researchers showed that magnesium lowers cholesterol.
It had this effect in animals fed a high cholesterol diet.
Magnesium had a profound effect on atherosclerosis – limiting the growth of plaques which cause deadly cardiovascular events.
The animal research was carried out at the State University of New York. The findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy Of The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
The research project consisted of a number of different experiments carried out on rabbits.
Some rabbits were fed a normal diet.
Some rabbits were fed a high cholesterol diet.
Within those groups, the rabbits were given varying amounts of magnesium.
Some rabbits were fed a magnesium deficient diet – others were given plenty of this essential mineral.
In animals fed a high cholesterol diet, magnesium significantly lowered the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
“Magnesium supplementation in rabbits on a high cholesterol diet lowers cholesterol and triglycerides.”
Some of those animals developed atherosclerosis, but cholesterol levels were lower in those rabbits when given magnesium.
The researchers found that magnesium significantly decreased atherosclerosis development in the animals.
This is far more significant than any changes in cholesterol.
“Magnesium supplementation attenuates atherosclerotic processes markedly.”
The aortic intima is the inner layer of the largest artery in the body.
This layer can become thick with calcified plaques in the process of atherosclerosis.
Measuring the thickness of the aortic intima is a quick and precise way to assess the degree of atherosclerosis.
The researchers found that magnesium supplementation prevented thickening of the aortic intima and the buildup of fatty residues in this major blood vessel.
“In animals fed a high magnesium, high cholesterol diet, only a small proportion of the aortic intima contained atherosclerotic material and those animals exhibited minimal aortic intimal thickening.”
Magnesium greatly slowed atherosclerosis in rabbits fed massive amounts of cholesterol.
When the rabbits didn’t get enough magnesium, the growth of atherosclerotic plaques accelerated rapidly.
Dietary magnesium is much more important than dietary calcium.
“We found that dietary deficiency of magnesium increases atherogenesis markedly.”
Stress and aging make it more difficult for people to hold onto magnesium. We burn through a lot of it as we get older.
Getting enough magnesium is important for everyone – but it’s even more important as we age.
The magnesium-cholesterol connection.
I’ve explained elsewhere why I believe that high cholesterol is usually a response to stress – and that cholesterol itself is not a problem.
Common stressors which cause high cholesterol include a leaky gut…
As cholesterol detoxifies bacteria which leak from the gut into the rest of the body.
Low thyroid hormones – hypothyroidism – also leads to high cholesterol because of imbalances in hormones further down the chain.
Many of the stresses which lead to high cholesterol drain the body of magnesium.
The animal experiments also found that high cholesterol seemed to be associated with an inability to retain magnesium.
“Evidence is presented to indicate that high cholesterol may cause the loss of magnesium and mask an underlying magnesium deficiency.”
I doubt cholesterol causes low magnesium – but the stresses which increase cholesterol probably do.
Magnesium deficiency plays a large role in many of the chronic diseases which afflict millions of people around the world today.
It’s difficult to get magnesium from the diet – especially when you need a lot.
It’s one of those supplements that almost everyone should be taking.
—-Important Message for Boosting Magnesium Naturally—-
These 5 “flow” foods boost magnesium and boost blood flow
I’ve discovered certain foods naturally rich in magnesium.
And these foods are perfect for giving men the magnesium they need to have great blood flow.
See, magnesium is important in relaxing the blood vessels to get good blood flow.
When the arteries are relaxed and flexible, more blood can flow through…
And that takes pressure off your heart, it helps raise testosterone, and it really gives men a big boost downstairs.
Here are the 5 “flow” foods that boost magnesium and boost blood flow (especially down there)