Feeling forgetful? Here’s why

Here’s how I’m protecting my noggin

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Hey, Matt Cook here, and aluminum is a toxic metal that poses a danger to men’s health.

Aluminum, a metal once rare and precious, is now everywhere since its commercial availability skyrocketed in the late 19th century.

Today, it’s all around us – in soda and beer cans, cooking utensils, and even some of our foods and treatments.

And research suggests it can pose health risks, particularly affecting the brain and potentially linking to other health issues.

Here’s how I’m protecting myself from this toxic metal that’s everywhere…

—-Important Message from MNA Online V LLC—-

World-famous dating coach Richard La Ruina has cracked the code when it comes to getting women to want more intimacy…

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Richard is an internationally-recognized coach for men who want to meet pretty young women…

And now that he’s been in a long term relationship, he’s turned his talents to helping men and women achieve happy intimacy for as long as they live…

For the past 10 years, he’s been teaching his methods to hundreds of thousands of guys around the globe in his live workshops…

These guys just want to have MORE intimacy MORE often. And can you blame them?

Heck, we all want that! I know I do.

That’s why I had to tell you about this…

Richard just condensed all of his best drive-boosting techniques down into a single book.

It’s selling for $34.26 on Amazon, and it’s got 4.5 stars out of 5 with over 350 reviews.

But guess what?

Today, you’re getting the book for FREE.

Richard’s publisher sent us copies of the book to give away for promotional purposes.

But instead of giving them away to bloggers, podcast hosts, and TV stations he’s decided to give them to normal guys like you and me…

This morning, he sent an email announcing the giveaway — and as soon as I saw what he was doing I hit him up and was like:

“Rich…you gotta let my guys get in on this too.”

This free book has over 180 pages of his best methods for getting the hottest girls in the world.

This stuff is really *EASY* to implement.

It’s all about immediately usable tactics and techniques that you can start using right away to pull really, really hot women with very little risk of rejection.

Get your jam-packed book on the web site before you’re too late.

This incredible guide will be shipped to your door…

…and it’s already PAID FOR! 🙂

Here’s the catch…

Because Mr. La Ruina is eating all of the cost for you, he is making this an extremely limited offer.

…He only has 200 of these guides in stock!

Click here to get your copy before they’re all gone


Feeling forgetful? Here’s why

For the life of me, I CAN’T understand why regular products contain toxic substances such as aluminum.

It’s probably because Big Pharma doesn’t want healthy people – instead, they want sick people to feed on.

It makes sense when you understand that modern healthcare is not about making people healthy…

Because healthy people are not profitable.

Aluminum is a great example of this.

It is commonly used in food additives and packaging…

…and it can also leach into food and beverages from aluminum cookware and containers.

Additionally, everyday products such as antacids and antiperspirants contain high levels of aluminum.

How crazy is that?

You go to the pharmacy to buy a treatment, and they give you toxic-ridden stuff.

You go to the grocery store to buy a deodorant to smell better (maybe you have a date that night)…

… and you realize that deodorant is made of aluminum.

We no longer have the luxury of not paying attention…

Because chronic exposure to aluminum has been linked to a number of health problems…

…including bone disease, respiratory problems, and cognitive dysfunction.

Today’s study is about how aluminum-containing products can lead to Alzheimer’s.

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This study was conducted at the University of Washington. It was published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.

The researchers used data from patients of a psychiatric clinic in Seattle.

They found an association between Alzheimer’s and aluminum-containing products used by patients.

The first of these products was antiperspirants.

Patients with Alzheimer’s disease used antiperspirants more often and for longer than others.

“However, the relationship between the lifetime use of aluminum-containing antiperspirants and the risk of AD, adjusted for age, showed a statistically significant dose-response gradient.”

And the second was antacids.

“A very strong increasing trend in risk was observed with an increasing number of years of using antacids (…).”

Of course, correlation does not necessarily imply causation.

“These results are provocative but inconclusive due to methodologic problems relating to the necessary use of surrogate respondents and the long time period of potential exposure for this dementing disease.”

So there is no such thing that you will “definitely get Alzheimer’s because you have used these products…

But it is certain that aluminum causes various problems.

So reducing the exposure will be beneficial for you in every sense.

  • Replace regular antiperspirants with natural versions
  • Make sure your treatments are aluminum-free
  • Do not use aluminum foil.

—-Important Message About Preventing Leaky Brain—

Brand NEW discovery: Have the mind and memory of a 20 year old

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The way to appear young is to maintain a sharp memory and mind…

Remember: the moment you are forgetful is the moment those around you see you as “an old man.”

I’ve found that you can get and keep the sharpest memory and mind — never forget where you left your keys.

Never miss appointments. Remember what your boss needs from you and be the sharpest guy in the room.

I’ve dug up the studies that prove THIS is the true cause of Alzheimer’s

…and I’ve also discovered a method to prevent it from ever happening to you.

So if you value your mind and your memory, and your dignity as a man…

I urge you to check this out and save yourself from Alzheimer’s disease.


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.