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We’ve all heard the benefits of fish oil, flaxseed oil, and similar polyunsaturated fatty acids.
You may know them better as omega-3 fatty acids.
Supposedly, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are good for you if you have diabetes or blood sugar issues.
However, that’s not what the research shows.
In fact, research has shown for a long time that these omega-3 PUFAs fats can be very DANGEROUS.
Now we see a study that shows that these fats can actually cause diabetes.
It is still a mystery what causes Type 2 diabetes.
Many people think that consuming a lot of sugar creates diabetes.
But many studies demonstrate sugar consumption does not lead to diabetes.
In fact, sugar consumption correlates to LOWER diabetes.
It seems that high-fat consumption may be creating diabetes.
But it’s not just any fat — it’s omega-3 and omega-6 fats.
The so-called “healthy” fats.
So, what actually happens?
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In this study, they found that omega-3 fats keep the body from regulating insulin and blood sugar correctly.
And that’s in even small quantities!!
Normally, when you eat sugar, insulin is supposed to go up.
However, when subjects were given even small amounts of omega-3 fats and then given sugar, their insulin did not go up.
Also, the cells in the body stopped being responsive to insulin.
These effects of the omega-3 fats were associated with insulin resistance … and suppression of endogenous glucose production and impaired glucose tolerance.
This is already a diabetic condition, and it didn’t take that much omega-3 fat to create it.
This study also demonstrated that giving subjects omega-3 fats followed by saturated fats caused another issue.
It caused all of the fats to just sit there in the bloodstream affecting all the tissues.
Prolonged increased exposure to fatty acids can precipitate pancreatic beta-cell failure through a the fat-toxid effect on the beta-cells.
Beta cells in the pancreas that are responsible for producing insulin.
At last, we have another indicator of what causes diabetes!
The amount of omega-3 fats that people consume has skyrocketed.
These fats are supposedly good for us, so everyone makes sure to eat them.
And it turns out that eating even moderate amounts of omega-3 fats is a problem!
It can stop our bodies from being able to metabolize saturated fat and glucose properly.
And it promotes a diabetic condition that can become long-term — or even permanent.
Now, this is a rat study.
It may not translate 100% to people.
But It’s virtually impossible to do such studies on people.
And rats metabolize fats and sugar the same way that people do.
So it is highly likely that the same result would happen with a person as with the rat.
The biochemistry is exactly the same.
As I’ve been telling you for a long time, please stay away from polyunsaturated fatty acids.
You should especially avoid omega-3 fatty acids, the omega-3 dangers are just not worth it.
This is why fish oil is not safe.
And neither is cod liver, krill, flaxseed, canola, or any other oil that has a lot of omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids.

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