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A lot of men are experiencing classic hardening of the arteries and even penile fibrosis.
And they are wondering what they can do about it.
They’re asking their doctors for help.
But the help they’re getting only makes things worse.
Doctors are reluctant to prescribe calcium.
And it’s because there is often already too much calcium in the arteries and penile chambers.
The idea is that more calcium would make this calcium buildup happen faster.
That adding more calcium worsens the clogging and hardening of the arteries even more.
I have long felt that this is not the case.
The body has huge stores of calcium, of course, most calcium is in the bones.
Whether the calcium goes into the bones or goes out of the bones and into the tissues, depends upon many things.
If you have calcium in your tissues, it means that your body is taking that calcium out of your bones.
And that’s not a good thing.
In this study shows how extra calcium in your diet can actually lower and remove calcium from tissue and put it back in the bones!
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In other words, if you’re suffering from too much calcium in your arteries and tissues take extra calcium.
The extra calcium in your diet may REVERSE the problem.
The experiment involved 32 healthy men.
Researchers gave some of the men extra calcium.
And they gave other men a placebo that the men believed was calcium.
So this was a well done double-blind study.
They gave the calcium group 2 grams of calcium per day.
This is quite a lot.
One of the most important effects was that the extra calcium sucked out vitamin D3 from their blood.
So if you’re going to take extra calcium, you need to make sure to get enough vitamin D3.
Either get a healthy amount of sunlight or take a good supplemental vitamin D3.
There was another effect of calcium — it lowered parathyroid hormone.
Parathyroid hormone should be lower in a healthy person.
It’s much higher in an unhealthy person.
Too much parathyroid hormone sucks the calcium out of your bones.
It deposits the leeched calcium in your tissues and arteries.
Parathyroid hormone also causes fibrosis in the organs.
So it’s good news that calcium lowered parathyroid hormone levels in these men.
And there was one more dramatic effect.
The extra calcium lowered the amount of calcium in the cells and bloodstream.
Rather than raising calcium levels, extra calcium lowered calcium levels in tissues such as the blood platelets.
Exactly what I’ve been telling men for some time.
Extra calcium led to:
a reduction in the intracellular free and total calcium concentration in platelets and erythrocytes.
If you are going to take supplemental calcium, make sure to discuss it with your doctor first.
And you might want to increase your vitamin D3 and K2 consumption.
These are important vitamins to take when you take extra calcium.

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