This could help so many victims of trauma and men living with PTSD…

Matt Cook here, and studies are claiming there’s a way to block traumatic memories in the brain…
…using a Big Pharma treatment meant for men with heart disease…
And while that sounds fantastic, especially for men with PTSD, what are the risks?
And does it really work? Here’s the full story…
—-Important Message From Jack Grave—-
Men who do this one thing during intercourse naturally last longer
In this controversial video, you will discover the strange story of how I figured out the secret to go from lasting less than 10 seconds in bed to over 30 minutes.
What I reveal in this video is not a trick, con or scam and has been taught to thousands of other men.
You’ll discover one special thing to do during sex that will make you last longer in bed naturally.
Erasing bad memories from the brain – possible?
The ability to selectively “erase” bad memories has long been a theme of science fiction.
But the technology to make that happen is already here. It’s just not mainstream yet or widely available.
Imagine being able to tone down memories that cause PTSD responses or make the memory of a particularly bad event in your life fade into the background.
If you’ve ever experienced an event that you relive over and over, getting relief from that memory and making it affect you less seems like the holy grail.
Scientists are making this happen now.
In some cases, it’s with humans — and in other cases, it’s with mice.
And all of it’s interesting…

If you’ve faced a seriously traumatic event in your life, then you might end up with PTSD.
It doesn’t have to be war that causes it — it can be any number of causes.
But bad memories that your brain relives over and over and cause ongoing stress responses can be seriously problematic and interfere with your day to day life.
That’s why this new research is so interesting.
New treatments that are being used to “fade” the impact of these memories could give many people a whole new way to live life.
Research has uncovered several physiological interventions — including electrical currents and well-timed pharmacology — that appear to help destabilize fearful memories, a finding that could lead to more effective, targeted psychotherapy in the future.
Now… before you rush out and get treatments based on these studies, make sure you do your research.
You ALWAYS should understand how a specific treatment will affect you and the possible side effects before you take it.
Also, always work with your doctor. I’m not a doctor and this isn’t medical advice.
The good news is that scientists are discovering more and more that even long-term memories have plasticity.
Which means that they have the ability to be changed.
Extinguishing the traumatic aspect of a memory involves creating new, safer mental associations to the same sensory cues. Even long-term memories, when recalled, have plasticity and the potential to be updated, an ability psychologists co-opt during exposure therapy, in which a patient faces his or her fears in a non-threatening environment in the hope of gaining control of them.
One of the treatments currently under study for reducing trauma and fear responses is propranolol.
Propranolol is a beta blocker and is used with people who have heart disease.
It’s also used off label to help with anxiety and fear.
Dutch researchers used propranolol and psychotherapy combined to help people get over arachnophobia.
By giving them a dose of the ‘treatment’ propranolol, Kindt and her team were able to alleviate the overwhelming fear her subjects had when confronted with a tarantula in a glass jar.
In another experiment, two researchers from Boston used Xenon gas in an experiment with mice to erase pain that is associated with specific memories.
Two Boston area researchers were able to “erase” pain associated with memories, this time using the anesthetic xenon gas, used medically in Europe.
I think that eventually humans will have much better ways to deal with painful memories and trauma related brain phenomena like PTSD.
But right now, much of this research is still in the experimental stage, so it’s something to be cautious with and go in fully informed.
—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-
How to keep a young mind and memory, even in old age

I’ve found that you can get and keep the sharpest memory and mind — never forget where you left your keys.
Never miss appointments. Remember what your boss needs from you and be the sharpest guy in the room.
Plus this discovery makes you thin — and it can reverse Alzheimer’s symptoms.
I’ve dug up the studies that prove THIS is the true cause of Alzheimer’s, and I’ve also discovered a method to prevent it from ever happening to you…
