Gurus say to avoid it — but men living to 100 are eating it…
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Erase 20 years of old age with this 1 food?
I know it sounds crazy, but there’s 1 food that very old and vital men are eating — and they’re often living to 100, 110 or even 120…
While many so-called health gurus are dropping dead at 50 or 60 by AVOIDING this one food…
Here’s the 1 food — are you eating it or are you avoiding it?
Why I warn men about high fat diets
C. diff is a bacteria which can cause severe infections.
It leads to severe diarrhea and inflammation of the gastrointestinal system.
About one in six people who are diagnosed with C. diff will have a recurrent infection within the next couple of months.
About 10% of people over the age of 65 who are diagnosed with C. diff will die within a month…
Although not all of these deaths are officially attributed to C. diff.
It’s a serious infection and one that is difficult to totally shake off.
But recent research indicates that diet can play a large role in the likelihood of being infected or reinfected with C. diff.
The animal experiments were performed at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The paper was published in Systems.
“C. diff infection can result from the disruption of the resident gut microbiota.”
The researchers were working on the idea that people are more likely to get infected with C. diff when something alters the levels of otherwise protective bacteria in their gut…
Bacteria which would otherwise outcompete harmful C. diff bacteria.
“Western diets and popular weight-loss diets drive large changes in the gut microbiome; however, the literature is conflicted with regard to the effect of diet on C. diff infection.”
The researchers wanted to look at the effect of diet on beneficial gut bacteria which may help to prevent infections with aggressive strains of C. difficile.
“Using a hypervirulent strain of C. diff in a mouse model of antibiotic-induced C. diff infection, we assessed disease outcome in mice fed two high-fat diets in comparison with a high-carbohydrate diet and a standard rodent diet.”
The researchers found that high-fat diets were more likely to lead to C. diff infections.
The combination of high-fat and high protein was the most lethal.
All the animals fed a high-fat, high-protein diet and exposed to C. diff died.
“The two high-fat diets exacerbated C. diff infection, with a high-fat/high-protein, Atkins-like diet leading to severe C. diff infection and 100% mortality.”
There were varying results from high-fat, low protein diets.
“A high-fat/low-protein diet induced highly variable C. diff infection outcomes.”
However, the researchers discovered that a high-carbohydrate diet was protective against C. diff infections.
“In contrast, mice fed a high-carbohydrate diet were protected from C. diff infection, despite the high levels of refined carbohydrate and low levels of fiber in the diet.”
The researchers found that the diets which led to severe C. diff infections had similar effects on gut bacteria to that of antibiotics…
Which are known to be a trigger for C. difficile.
High-fat diets or certain antibiotics can kill off bacteria which otherwise consume the resources that C. difficile can thrive on.
“Beneficial bacteria decreased due to diet and/or antibiotic treatment; these organisms may compete with C. difficile for amino acids and protect healthy animals from C. diff infection in the absence of antibiotics.”
The combination of high-fat diets and antibiotics can prove lethal in the context of C. difficile.
But high-carbohydrate diets have just the opposite effect.
“In contrast, high-carbohydrate diets might be protective regardless of the source of carbohydrate or of antibiotic-driven loss of C. difficile competitors.”
The results are quite the opposite of what many people have been led to believe…
The researchers found that the high carb (high sugar) diet was protective against severe bacterial infection.
“A high-fat/high-protein, Atkins-type diet greatly exacerbated antibiotic-induced C. diff infection, whereas a high-carbohydrate diet protected, despite the high refined sugar content.”
Many people eat higher fat diets because it’s just the done thing – that IS the standard Western diet.
But many others are eating what they believe to be healthy high-fat diets – C. diff doesn’t care – it just thrives in an environment high in fat.
High-carbohydrate diets may be the key to limiting disease and death from C. difficile.
“A high-carbohydrate diet might be protective, despite reports on the recent evolution of enhanced carbohydrate metabolism in C. difficile.”
You should always consult your healthcare practitioner for guidance on medical diagnosis and treatment.
—-Important Message—-
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