Eating these 3 foods can make you more attractive to women

Are you eating these?

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Matt Cook here, and believe it or not, what you eat has a big affect on your mood and personality.

I’ve discovered 3 micronutrients that have a huge impact on men’s confidence and attractiveness to women.

So if you want to give yourself an edge over other men, make sure you’re eating these 3 foods…

—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-

Men are using this one technique to give a woman an orgasm in just 30 seconds

She’ll swear she’s never felt this good before…

And she will be begging you to do it to her again and again.

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In just 30 seconds, you will give her the most intense, toe-curling orgasm she’s ever had.

And from that moment on, she will be willing to do anything you want…

Here’s the one technique that will make her come in 30 seconds or less.


Eating these 3 foods can make you more attractive to women

Do you ever look back at things that you’ve done and wish you had done things differently?

Many of our decisions are made quickly – on-the-spot – and these impulsive decisions can be costly.

And yet, different people in the same situation will make different on-the-spot decisions.

You might think that these differences are simply down to personality or experience.

But the fact is that what you eat can have a major influence on the decisions that you make.

Simply changing the amount of protein or carbohydrates you have in meals can have a major impact on your decision-making choices.

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The human study was carried out at the Department of Psychology at the University of Lubeck in Germany.

The findings were published in The Proceedings of the National Academy Of Sciences of the USA.

Everyone understands that food affects mood…

But changes in brain patterns caused by dietary choices are much more complex than most people are aware of.

What we eat can have rapid effects on hormones and other brain chemicals.

Choosing one type of meal can increase dopamine which makes people feel focused and confident…

While another type of meal can increase serotonin, making you tired and irritable.

These brain hormones are made from amino acids – the building blocks of protein.

These brain chemicals are also modulated by choices of fats, carbohydrate and protein levels.

“Food intake impacts multiple biochemical processes that influence our behavior.”

This study was particularly interested in the influence of macronutrient ratios decision-making.

The three micronutrients are protein, carbohydrate, and fat.

This study looked at the ratio of protein to carbohydrate to see if this could have any effect on decision-making.

The researchers carried out a couple of different experiments.

In the experiments, the participants were given either a high carbohydrate and low-protein breakfast or a low carbohydrate and high-protein breakfast.

The participants went through some psychological tests to see if the breakfasts had any influence on their decision-making.

“We investigated the causal relationship between macronutrient composition, biochemical impact and modulation of human social decision-making.”

They found that simply changing the ratio of protein to carbohydrate could have large effects on people’s decision-making.

“High-carb:protein ratio increased social punishment behavior in response to norm violations compared to low-carb:protein meals.”

The high carbohydrate meals were 80% carbohydrate and only 10% protein.

This made people more likely to want to punish others for behaviors which they saw as unfair.

When protein was increased to 25% and carbs were 50%, the participants were less likely to want to punish others.

The researchers looked at the levels of amino acids in the blood.

These amino acids come from dietary protein and they serve as the building blocks for dopamine and serotonin.

Dopamine and serotonin are very active inside the brain – they have a major influence on decisions and behavior.

The researchers found that the lower protein meal altered the levels of the amino acids used to build these brain neurotransmitters.

Tryptophan which serves to create serotonin was increased — while tyrosine, the building block of dopamine was decreased.

These drops in tyrosine and dopamine levels from low protein meals may have the biggest effect on behavior

Causing people to engage in more aggressive punishment strategies which they may regret later on.

“Previous studies have already shown that brain tyrosine and its neurotransmitter product dopamine are involved in a variety of social decisions. Genetic studies indicate a link between the dopamine system and social punishment.”

I think that the take away from this study is to make sure that you get enough protein.

About 25% of the calories from every meal should be from protein – less than this could make you more likely to accumulate unnecessary enemies.

“Macronutrient induced behavioral changes in decision-making are causally related to a lowering of tyrosine levels. The findings indicate that “we are what we eat”.”

You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.

—-Important Message—-

1,357 year-old “living chemistry” secret to perfect pressure and impressive erections without treatments or side effects

I’ve discovered a strange 1,357 year-old-secret that until now had been lost to history…

A little-known pre-nookie ritual practiced by a fierce ancient warlord of the far east…

This tasty, ancient mix of powerful warrior foods you can get in any grocery store in the world contains a unique “living chemistry” that was poorly understood until recently…

And this living chemistry naturally and permanently reverses the true, root cause of soft, unsatisfying rockiness…while naturally lowering pressure…


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
Impact of nutrition on social decision-making