The anticancer superweapon most men have never heard of
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Hey, Matt Cook here, and one of my favorite foods is also one that is rarely in the spotlight…
It’s loaded with calcium, saturated fats, and fat-soluble vitamins – and those are just some of the reasons why I love it.
Because now research is showing that it can also combat cancer.
Here’s the super-healthy food you’re missing out on…
—-Important Message—-
Getting rid of 4am thoughts
I suffered for years…I used to wake up in a cold sweat.
4 in the morning. Have you ever had 4 in the morning thoughts?
They go ‘round and ‘round in your head. What if…what happens when…
Will she leave me? Is my daughter really safe? Am I in danger of being fired?
These thoughts get your pulse high, get you feeling weak and stressed out…and sleep suffers and you feel anxious when you should feel confident.
Weirdly enough, I discovered a simple way to get great rockiness, AND become confident and lose all my stress and all my anxiety.
These types of erections actually lower stress hormones to vanishingly low levels.
It’s incredible. This erections kills stress and anxiety and makes you feel pumped up, full of confidence, and relaxed.
Here’s what I’m doing — kills anxiety and creates a bubble of pleasure that changes your whole life
Eat this to stop cancer cold
The superfood I’m talking about today is colostrum, a type of dairy.
This “golden superfood” is a great way to boost the immune system.
In case you don’t know, let me explain what colostrum is.
Colostrum is the milk mammals produce in the first few days after giving birth.
It’s packed with antibodies and growth factors that help newborns build strong immune systems and grow quickly.
Colostrum also contains higher levels of protein, vitamins, and minerals than regular milk…
…making it a superfood for people of all ages.
Our study today explains how colostrum is a powerful tool in the fight against cancer.
This study was conducted at the Applied Science Private University. It was published in Molecules.
Cancer rates are skyrocketing, and there are many reasons why.
“Worldwide, the incidence of cancer is on the rise. Current cancer treatments include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment are typically associated with severe adverse effects and a decline in patients’ quality of life.”
One of the biggest culprits is our modern lifestyle.
We’re exposed to more toxins than ever before, from the air we breathe to the food we eat.
Our diets are full of processed foods and PUFAs, which can fuel cancer growth.
We’re also more sedentary than ever…
There isn’t a magic wand when it comes to curing cancer or preventing cancer.
Lifestyle change is the first thing to do.
But there are foods and supplements that make our bodies stronger against cancer. Colostrum is one of them.
“BC supplements have demonstrated efficacy in managing many human cancer cell lines (e.g., esophageal, colorectal, lung, breast, and ovarian cancer). Specific components of BC, including lactoferrin, CLA, and alpha-lactalbumin, are effective in the treatment of certain forms of cancer.”
In this study, the researchers examined various experiments.
They wanted to investigate the anti-cancer properties of bovine colostrum (BC) and its components.
In in vitro studies, scientists put colostrum into a dish with cancer cells to see if it could stop them from growing.
It did stop them.
And in animal studies, colostrum was administered to mice with tumors to evaluate its effect on tumor growth and metastasis.
Colostrum again prevented tumors from growing.
“BC has shown anti-tumor properties in a limited number of studies conducted in vitro and in animals. Several components of BC have been shown to induce apoptosis in cancer cells and limit tumor growth. In addition, after being exposed to BC, NK cells are inhibited.”
The researchers also talked about the role of lactoferrin and lactalbumin, which are abundant in colostrum in cancer therapy.
Lactoferrin is a glycoprotein with potent anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-bacterial effects.
Lactalbumin can significantly boost immune system response and glutathione (master antioxidant) synthesis.
Both lactoferrin and lactalbumin have been reported to kill malignant cancer cells.
“Lactoferrin has been observed to increase caspase-1 and IL-18, diminishing intestinal metastatic foci. Also detected is cytotoxic T and natural killer (NK) cell apoptosis triggered by lactoferrin. In addition, lactoferrin suppresses the activation of carcinogens via the hepatic CYP1A2 enzyme”
So the point is research shows that colostrum and other compounds in it have a protective effect against cancer.
It strengthens the body and prevents the spread of cancer with its anti-bacterial and anti-tumor effects, among many others.
So how can you use colostrum?
If you can get it directly in its liquid form, awesome – but you’ll need to talk to your local farms for that.
If not, you can find powdered colostrum produced as a supplement on the market.
Most studies are done in this form, so it’s still good.
—-Important Message from Matt Cook About Preventing Cancer—-
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