This one food works just as good if not better than Big Pharma’s treatments

Matt Cook here, and there are certain fruits that men should be eating when they are very ripe…
Because these ripe fruits can lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, lower inflammation, and even prevent cardiovascular disease.
So just add one or more of these fruits to your breakfast and watch how quickly your health and function get a boost…
—-Important Message From Matt About Cholesterol—-
Use this one supplement to turn high cholesterol into high testosterone
There’s something doctors aren’t telling men about high cholesterol…
And it has to do with testosterone…and how lowering cholesterol may actually lower T…
Most men have no idea that they can safely and naturally turn their high cholesterol levels into high testosterone…
And it’s as easy as using this one simple supplement — check it out
Eat this fruit when it’s ripe for perfect blood pressure and cholesterol
If you go to your family doctor and have high cholesterol or high blood pressure…
…you are likely to be given treatments that you are supposed to take every single day for the rest of your life.
There will generally be very little discussion about whether these treatments actually extend life or not.
There will also most likely be no talk about simple lifestyle changes that you can make in order to create better health for yourself without the Big Pharma products.
That’s because there is no money in making you better, but there is a whole lot of money in having you take a daily treatment.
Now, if you are on Rx treatments you should never go off of them without talking to your doctor first.
I’m not a doctor and I can’t give you medical advice.

Here’s the thing, when most people hear the words “lifestyle change” they think of tons of work and giving up everything they love.
That’s not what I’m talking about here.
What I’m talking about are a few small tweaks that can start to make a huge difference in your health and well being, just by doing them consistently.
One of those small tweaks is to eat lots of ripe fruit.
There are tons of studies on fruit and how good it is for you.
In this study published in the Journal of Medical Food, they took a look at the impact of consuming prunes.
Now, I know that prunes aren’t everybody’s favorite fruit, but they are easy to eat and good for you.
Based on research, I personally think that upping your intake of most ripe fruits will give you a similar effect.
In this study, researchers from the San Diego State University School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences studied 48 healthy people over 6 months.
There were three groups.
One had no prunes, one was told to eat about 6 prunes per day, the other was told to eat about 12 prunes per day.
What the researchers found is that both groups that ate prunes lowered BOTH cholesterol and inflammation in their bodies.
What researchers found was that, after six months, the individuals who consumed either 50 or 100 grams of prunes each day saw significant improvements in their total cholesterol and their HDL, or “good” cholesterol, both of which can affect a person’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
Among the prune-consuming study subjects, two indications of inflammation—interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha—both known to contribute to heart disease risk, were reduced as well.
The researchers believe that the lowering of chronic inflammation will put these folks at lower risk of heart disease.
And I am 100% sure they are right.
“Reducing chronic inflammation and increasing antioxidant capacity in the body is associated with lower risk of CVD, along with many other diseases,” said Mark Kern, Ph.D., RD, CSSD Professor of Nutrition at the School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences at San Diego State University, said in a statement.
Since lowering inflammation helps to lower the risk and even reverse many chronic diseases this is really good news.
Although this study was done with prunes, I’ve found that the benefits of eating just about any ripe fruit are huge.
I personally stay away from apples and pears, but berries, melons, citrus, and tropical fruits are all great.
Changing small things one at a time can really add up to having much better health in the long term.
—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-
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