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Not long ago, they believe that you only had so many beats in your heart.
So if your heart beat faster, your life would be shorter.
You can easily see that this is not true.
For example, small dogs and even tiny dogs have very quick metabolisms and their heart beats very fast.
But they live far longer than big dogs with slower metabolisms and heart beats.
But the contrast is even more striking between a rat and a bird with the same body size.
A rat lives for just a few years, but any bird can live 35 years or more.
So obviously, heart rate is not the determining factor in lifespan.
Plus, you have people living longer and longer lives, but heart rates haven’t changed.
But then, what is helping people to live longer?
That’s the subject of today’s study.
According to this study, the key to a long life is healthy long-lived mitochondria.
Mitochondria are tiny organs inside of each cell.
It’s the mitochondria that makes the energy for cells and sustains their lives.
Scientists studied the mitochondria in various animals.
And they found that animals that live a long time have very low amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids in their cells.
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In particular, there were only low amounts of these fatty acids in the mitochondria.
To understand why this is an important finding, you have to realize that a cell can either burn sugar or fat to get energy.
The mitochondria burn sugar for energy that you need immediately.
The body has no way to store very much sugar.
But fat is used to sustain energy over a long time because the body can easily store fat in the body.
There are two kinds of fat, saturated and unsaturated fat.
Some even say there are good and bad fats, although they’ve got them reversed.
They think that saturated fat is bad.
But saturated fat is chemically neutral.
It can be stored and burned without any problems.
On the other hand, unsaturated fat is very chemically active.
Unsaturated fat is present in large quantities in peanut oil, corn oil, soy oil, and other similar vegetable oils.
You can see how unsaturated fat breaks down chemically because the outside of the bottle will be sticky.
But if you leave a fully saturated oil out it will not get sticky.
Unsaturated fat is the bad fat.
In the body, unsaturated fats are very sticky.
This stickiness translates into them being very chemically reactive.
And the reactions result in vast amounts of free radicals that the body has to deal with.
This leads to lower mitochondria function, they can’t process the PUFA fats.
That’s why longer lived cells and longer-lived species have low amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids in their bodies.
This low amount of PUFA fats:
helps to protect their tissues and mitochondria against lipid peroxidation and oxidative protein modification and can be a factor contributing to their slow rate of aging.
There’s been a lot of talk about free radicals and supplements that help eliminate free radicals.
But the most important dietary and nutritional approach to eliminating free radicals is to eliminate polyunsaturated fatty acids from your diet.
Forget all the propaganda and false information that’s out there.
You can improve mitochondrial function with simple dietary improvements.
And just try to eat saturated fats and avoid unsaturated fats.
Then you will be setting yourself up to raise your metabolism and live a much longer, healthier life.

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