I just take 1 sip and another, and then it starts stirring down there…
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—-Important Message—-
This jungle juice is making me a “big man” again
I sip this sex primer each morning and wait for the results…
At first, nothing.
Then, I notice my pants feeling tighter… in the crotch…
My wife comments (quite impressed) about my bigger bulge.
She can’t keep her hands off me when we’re together (YEAH!)
I’m gaining size little by little.
And my erections has gotten to the point where even I can’t believe the towel-hangers that are rigidly going on down there.
It isn’t anything special about me…it’s this jungle juice I’ve been sipping…
How could no one have known about this? And you won’t believe how I discovered it…
Because it all started with a topless native girl with the roundest breasts I’ve ever seen…
Miller juice
Hypothyroidism is a metabolic issue caused by low levels of thyroid hormones.
It can cause everything from depression to weight gain to cardiovascular disease – and much more.
It can usually be treated with the right mix of thyroid hormones (T3 and T4).
But some people can’t access the right mix of these hormones – and even then, there may be residual issues.
There are a lot of natural substances which can help with hypothyroidism.
For example, aloe vera juice lowered TSH, decreased thyroid antibodies, and increased the thyroid hormone T4.
The human research was carried out at the University of Messina in Italy. This paper was published in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Endocrinology.
Thyroid autoantibodies attack the thyroid gland in Hashimoto’s disease – this is a major cause of hypothyroidism.
“Some natural compounds decrease serum levels of thyroid autoantibodies, but results are inconsistent and thyroid function has been evaluated infrequently.”
The scientist who initiated this study became aware of the potential benefits of aloe vera juice.
They became aware when they noticed that their thyroid labs had improved after taking it for a while.
“This study stems from the observation of one co-author, who has Hashimoto’s thyroiditis-related subclinical hypothyroidism.”
They noticed an improvement in thyroid hormones, TSH, and thyroid antibodies.
“Upon checking her biochemical thyroid panel when taking daily Aloe barbadensis Miller juice for thyroid-unrelated reasons, she noticed a decrease in serum TPOAB and TSH and an increase in serum free T3.”
Aloe barbadensis Miller juice is a liquid extracted from Aloe vera plant leaves. It has several known medicinal and therapeutic properties.
The researchers conducted the experiments on 30 people with Hashimoto’s disease who were not taking thyroid treatments (levothyroxine).
“We enrolled 30 consecutive Hashimoto’s thyroiditis women with levothyroxine-untreated subclinical hypothyroidism and high TPOAB levels.”
(TPOAb is the antibody that attacks the thyroid, causing hypothyroidism in Hashimoto’s disease.)
The patients were diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism.
This is a condition with elevated levels of thyrotropin (TSH) and normal levels of thyroid hormones.
TSH is a pituitary hormone that normally reacts to thyroid hormone levels in the blood.
Therefore, high TSH often indicates low levels of thyroid hormones.
But high levels of TSH are a problem in and of themselves, because TSH is inflammatory.
High TSH is now clearly implicated in arthritis, atherosclerosis, low testosterone, male infertility and cardiovascular disease.
“All of them took Aloe barbardensis Miller juice (50 ml daily) for nine months and were tested for serum TSH, T3, T3 and TPOAb.”
The research carried out thyroid tests before supplementation, after 3 months, and then again after 9 months.
The researchers found a massive improvement in TSH, T4, and thyroid antibodies.
“TSH, T4, and TPOAb improved significantly already at month 3 and further (-61%, +23% and -56%) at month 9.”
Using the cutoff point of 4.0 for TSH (moderately high) – all participants had high TSH at the outset…
…but none had high TSH after nine months of supplementation.
There was also a massive reduction in the percentage of participants with high thyroid antibodies.
“At baseline, 100% of women had TSH > 4.0 mU/L and TPOAb> 400 U/ml, but frequencies fell to 0% and 37%, respectively, at month 9.”
There were no significant improvements in the control group.
“We conclude that the daily intake of 100 ml Aloe barbardensis Miller juice for 9 months in women with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis-related subclinical hypothyroidism decreases the burden of thyroid autoimmune inflammation.”
There was a slight decrease in T3 – the active thyroid hormone. In itself, this is usually a bad thing.
But in the context of these other massive improvements, something else may be happening here.
The researchers speculate that the overall improvements in thyroid function and immunity led to a decreased need to convert T4 into T3.
I would let symptomology be the deciding factor in this. I.e., does aloe juice make hypothyroid people feel better?
“Aloe juice rescues thyrocyte function, with decreased need for conversion of the prohormone T4 into the more active T3 through inhibition of T4 deiodination.”
You should always consult your healthcare practitioner for medical diagnosis and treatment guidance.
—-Important Message From MNA Online V LLC—-
My buddy Richard La Ruina has cracked the code when it comes to getting women to want more sex…
Richard is a world-recognized coach for men who want to meet pretty young women…
And now that he’s been in a long term relationship, he’s turned his talents to helping men and women achieve happy sex lives for as long as they live…
For the past 10 years, he’s been teaching his methods to hundreds of thousands of guys around the globe in his live workshops…
These guys just want to have MORE sex MORE often. And can you blame them?
Heck, we all want that! I know I do.
That’s why I had to tell you about this…
Richard just distilled all of his best libido-boosting techniques down into a single book.
It’s selling for $34.26 on Amazon, and it’s got 4.5 stars out of 5 with over 350 reviews.
But guess what?
Today, you’re getting the book for FREE.
Richard’s publisher sent us copies of the book to give away for promotional purposes.
But instead of giving them away to bloggers, podcast hosts, and TV stations he’s decided to give them to normal guys like you and me…
This morning, he sent an email announcing the giveaway — and as soon as I saw what he was doing I hit him up and was like:
“Rich…you gotta let my guys get in on this too.”
This free book has over 180 pages of his best methods for getting the hottest girls in the world.
This stuff is really *EASY* to implement.
It’s all about immediately usable tactics and techniques that you can start using right away to pull really, really hot women with very little risk of rejection.
Get your jam-packed book on the web site before you’re too late.
This incredible guide will be shipped to your door…
…and it’s already PAID FOR! 🙂
Here’s the catch…
Because Mr. La Ruina is eating all of the cost for you, he is making this an extremely limited offer.
…He only has 200 of these guides in stock!
Click here to get your copy before they’re all gone