This juice significantly lowers harmful PSA levels
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Drink 8 ounces of this juice every morning to naturally heal the prostate
Theories about genetic risk factors have dominated cancer research over the last few decades.
This is despite a vast amount of research showing that environmental factors also play a large role (probably much larger than genes).
(The “environment” is simply anything that is not genes.)
This includes anything you eat or drink. In fact, your dietary environment alters your genes.
Researchers looking at prostate specific antigen (PSA) — an alleged marker of prostate cancer — found that pomegranate juice could greatly slow the increase in PSA levels.

The human research was carried out at the University of California at Los Angeles. The results were published in Clinical Cancer Research.
Rogue electrons are thought to be a cancer trigger — through their effects on genes.
Fruits like pomegranate contain a lot of antioxidants — compounds which mop up these rogue electrons.
“Phytochemicals in plants may have cancer preventive benefits through antioxidation and via gene-nutrient interactions.”
The compounds in fruit have many more anti-cancer effects — but let’s go with this theory for now. The results are what is important.
The researchers wanted to know whether the antioxidant effects of pomegranate juice could lower prostate specific antigen PSA.
PSA is controversial — but at least in the United States it is widely used as a marker for prostate cancer.
Whether high prostate specific antigen levels predict cancer risk is debatable — but it certainly leads to an increase in cancer treatments.
Either way — you (or your doctor) want PSA to be in the low/normal range.
“We sought to determine the effects of pomegranate juice (a major source of antioxidants) consumption on prostate-specific antigen (PSA) progression in men with a rising PSA following primary therapy.”
The study was carried out using men who had already been treated for prostate cancer.
All the men in the study had either gone through radiotherapy or surgery on the prostate.
For some men, the PSA levels continued to rise.
The researchers wanted to see the effect of pomegranate juice on the rate of prostate specific antigen increase over time.
46 men took part in the study. They all had elevated and rising PSA.
“Eligible patients had a detectable PSA > 0.2 and < 5 ng/mL.”
The treatment consisted of 8 ounces of pomegranate juice per day.
“Patients were treated with 8 ounces of pomegranate juice daily (Wonderful variety) until disease progression.”
The main factor under question in this study was PSA doubling time.
This is the time it takes for prostate specific antigen levels two double.
Longer PSA doubling times are better.
A few ounces of pomegranate juice almost quadrupled PSA doubling time!
“Mean PSA doubling time significantly increased with treatment from a mean of 15 months at baseline to 54 months posttreatment.”
It took 3.6 times as long to double prostate-specific antigen levels when the men drank their pomegranate juice daily.
“The statistically significant prolongation of PSA doubling time warrants further testing in a placebo-controlled study.”
It seems that pomegranate juice can have a major effect on prostate specific antigen levels, even in men who have already been treated for prostate cancer.
The study included tests of a number of other markers which indicate prostate cancer risk.
These included cell proliferation — how rapidly cells spread — high cell proliferation causes tumors.
Pomegranate juice was associated with a decrease in cell proliferation — another good sign.
The study also looked at apoptosis. Cells should die after a certain period of time — this prevents tumors from too many cells.
In cancer, apoptosis is decreased.
Pomegranate juice was associated with a significant increase in apoptosis.
The antioxidants in pomegranate juice were also seen to be effective.
All good signs.
“The effects on cell proliferation and proptosis as well as oxidative stress warrant further testing.”
Those results are certainly positive indicators — from just 8 ounces of pomegranate juice per day.
I personally prefer orange juice and guava juice as these have outstanding anti-inflammatory qualities — but the study above was done on pomegranate juice.
I think that all three juices are good, and probably orange juice and guava juice are arguably better.
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Phase II study of pomegranate juice for men with rising prostate-specific antigen following surgery or radiation for prostate cancer.