Or orange juice or milk…
Matt Cook here, and a lot of men are taking one very common supplement…
That has bad interactions with certain foods.
Only nobody is talking about this!
So if you’re taking this vital supplement like I am, make sure you avoid these foods…or else…
—-Important Message for Men—-
Massive erections from this simple stroking activity?
This is pretty crazy… a 55-year-old investment banker used this simple stroking activity…
And that very evening he treated his much younger lover to a tornado of full-body orgasms that made her shake convulsively…
If you’ve ever failed to get or keep a massive, super stiff boners so full of life you can see your heartbeat in it…
Or you’ve climaxed too soon and not been able to recover and keep the action going…
Then you need to see this…
>>Use this simple stroking activity for massive erections TONIGHT<<
Don’t take this with coffee or else…
Most people take treatments without reading the fine print.
And sometimes there are things you should know about certain treatments that aren’t even included in the fine print.
Sometimes treatments that you take every day interact strangely with food and drink and even “non-pharma” supplements and other treatments.
And this can cause weird side effects or potentially make the treatment not work as well as it should.
One of the treatments that seems particularly sensitive to these types of interactions is the thyroid treatment Levothyroxine.
This is a problem, because your thyroid is like the gas pedal in your body and it controls most of your metabolism.
So if your thyroid treatment isn’t working properly you are likely to feel sluggish at best.
If you take Levothyroxine to supplement your thyroid function, make sure you read this article…
So you can see what the research says about the best time to take it (and what to avoid while taking it).
In a meta-analysis of 63 studies related to the treatment Levothyroxine, the researchers found that possible interactions with thyroid treatments can and do cause the treatments to not work as well.
Levothyroxine (l-thyroxine, l-T4) is a ‘treatment’ of choice for treating congenital and primary hypothyroidism. Although clinically significant interactions between l-T4 and food can alter the safety and efficacy of the treatment, they still seem to be generally underestimated by patients, physicians and pharmacists.
What the researchers found was that many foods – including coffee, milk, and fiber…
Could create problems with the absorption of Levothyroxine if you are consuming them at the same time that you are taking the treatment.
We found limited evidence for l-T4 interactions with coffee, soy products, fiber, calcium or iron supplements, and enteral nutrition but interestingly they all resulted in decreased l-T4 absorption. The altered l-T4 efficacy when ingested with milk, juices, papaya, aluminum-containing preparations, and chromium supplements.
They also found that taking Levothyroxine with vitamin C actually ENHANCED the absorption of this treatment.
Observed enhancement effect of vitamin C on l-T4 absorption
That one is interesting, especially since juices – which are often high in vitamin C content – are on the list of things that cause poor absorption of Levothyroxine.
The food interactions don’t mean that you can’t drink coffee or milk if you are taking treatments for your thyroid.
It just means that you can’t do the two things TOGETHER.
Maintaining a proper time interval between l-T4 and food intake, especially for coffee and calcium, or iron supplements, provides another effective method of eliminating such interactions.
There are certain types of thyroid that work best when taken in small amounts during the day…
But for Levotyroxine, taking the thyroid treatment works well for folks when they take it in the morning before breakfast or right before bed.
The results proved that l-T4 ingestion in the morning and at bedtime are equally effective.
Spacing eating and taking Levothyroxine can also help stop food interactions from causing problems with absorption.
Healthy thyroid function is key to good health.
So, if you are on thyroid treatments you want to be aware of how they interact with foods and what the best times of day are for you to take them.
Unfortunately, your doctor or pharmacist may not even know this information, so I’m glad you are educating yourself!
That way you get the most out of the thyroid treatments you take.
—-Important Message for Getting More Vitamin C—-
My SUPER C is 100x more potent and powerful than regular vitamin C — increases brain adrenaline and protects mind and memory
You may have heard that the problem with regular vitamin C is that it doesn’t stay in the body long enough for you to benefit…
And it’s true. Your body eliminates it in under 5 minutes (as you can see when you pee).
Which is why I’ve developed a different type of vitamin C that stays in the bloodstream for HOURS not minutes.
And that way it has time to benefit all the organs, especially the brain.
I call it Super C and it can:
- Reduce inflammation by 45%
- Increase brain adrenaline, may prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s
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- …and so much more…
Try my powerful Super C today for free (and get a Memorial Day gift valued at $179!)
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