It all depends on how much you do this…
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This will guarantee you’re the best lover she’s ever had

There are really only two ways to give her a nice, long, satisfying stretch of penetration that ends in a pleasure explosion for her…
1. You can learn to last a really long time during intercourse, without blowing your load… (and without having to rely on costly pills, creams, etc.)
2. You can simply do this to her…
Doing this daily makes you 79% more likely to get high blood pressure
I work with lots of guys with various health issues…and one of the things I noticed early on was that many men had multiple different issues that they were treating.
That could mean erections problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol.
Those are probably the most common, but other conditions can occur as well.
The technical name for having multiple health conditions at the same time is comorbidity.
It sounds scary, but it’s very common.
After studying this for a long time, I think that most of these conditions have a common root cause — internal chronic inflammation.
And that if you can get rid of the chronic inflammation, then many chronic health conditions will improve and/or disappear.
But internal chronic inflammation is the subject of another article.
Today I want to talk about two conditions that go together all the time — blood sugar and high blood pressure…
And how drinking can dramatically increase your risk of getting high blood pressure if you already have blood sugar problems.

In this study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, researchers looked at alcohol consumption in 10,000 people who have Type 2 diabetes.
The folks in this study had diabetes for an average of 10 years before the study and drinking was divided into categories of light, medium, and high.
In this study, alcohol consumption was categorized as none; light (1-7 drinks per week); moderate (8-14 drinks per week); and heavy (15 or more drinks per week)
The researchers found no correlation between light drinking and high blood pressure…
But as soon as people got to an average of 2 drinks a day or 8 drinks a week the risk went up by a lot.
Moderate drinking was associated with increased odds of elevated blood pressure by 79%; Stage 1 high blood pressure by 66%; and Stage 2 high blood pressure by 62%
A 79% increased risk is pretty significant. And heavy drinking created even higher blood pressure risk!
Heavy drinking was associated with increased odds of elevated blood pressure by 91%; Stage 1 high blood pressure by 149% (a 2.49-fold increase); and Stage 2 high blood pressure by 204% (a 3.04-fold increase)
The bottom line is that the more alcohol people consume, the more risk they have of developing high blood pressure in conjunction with diabetes.
The more alcohol consumed, the higher the risk and severity of high blood pressure.
This is consistent with earlier findings that heavy drinking can cause high blood pressure in the general population.
Previous studies have suggested that heavy alcohol consumption was associated with high blood pressure, however, the association of moderate alcohol consumption with high blood pressure was unclear.
But if you have diabetes it seems like even moderate drinking can greatly increase your risk of high blood pressure.
This is bad enough on its own…but to make it worse is that when you have high blood pressure and diabetes together you also will often get erections problems…
If not from the conditions then from the meds you need to manage the conditions.
It’s a bad combination all around and can lead to a cascade of health issues.
That doesn’t mean if you have diabetes you shouldn’t drink at all, but you should be aware of the risk that moderate to heavy drinking poses on your health and decide if it’s worth it to you.
—-Important Message—-
Here’s my new shake that’s nearly doubling my male blood flow (and lowering pressure naturally)

Thanks to this shake, I’m getting hot, pumping blood flow everywhere in my body…
…especially in my member where it’s plumping up and looking bigger than ever…
My wife even commented on how much thicker I felt inside her — and this was just a week after drinking this shake!
The reason it works is because it contains 5 vital nutrients for great blood flow.
These 5 nutrients open up my arteries and increase blood flow, and it even lowers my pressure naturally.
Here’s my new blood flow shake — try it and let me know how it’s working for you…