Here’s what happens when you go without eating for 8 hours or more
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—-Important Message From Aaron Wilcoxx—-
Copy what I do — get your wife or girlfriend squirting tonight
When you make her squirt like this, she literally melts for you…
She becomes your personal sex kitten willing to do anything and everything to feel that pleasure again.
And it’s way easier than you think to make her squirt…
And it’s a sexual experience that she won’t ever forget for the rest of her life.
All you have to do is copy this one “porn star” technique to make her squirt like the fountains at the Bellagio
Does fasting lead to more muscle mass in men?
Various types of fasting have become popular ways to lose weight over the last few years.
One of these fads is intermittent fasting – this only means that you don’t eat for long periods.
So, for example, you might only allow yourself to eat for 8 hours out of a 24-hour day.
Numerous studies have shown that fasting doesn’t help with weight in the long-term.
In fact, it often makes things worse because the stress of not eating lowers the resting metabolic rate.
Just recently, another study found that fasting is not useful for weight loss.
The human research was conducted at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, MD. This paper was published in JAMA.
The researchers examined the relationship between eating patterns and weight loss or gain.
“We aim to evaluate the association between meal intervals and weight trajectory among adults from a clinical cohort.”
The research was carried out on over 500 adults recruited by 3 healthcare authorities in the United States.
“This is a multisite prospective cohort study of adults recruited from 3 health systems.”
The participants used a mobile app to record their meals and sleep patterns.
“Over the 6-month study period, participants downloaded and used a mobile application to record the timing of meals and sleep for at least 1 day.”
The participants also went through an interview and were weighed at the health centers.
“We obtained information on weight and comorbidities at each outpatient visit from electronic health records for up to 10 years before until 10 months after baseline.”
The researchers found that people who ate more meals tended to gain more weight.
“The number of meals per day was positively associated with weight change.”
1 extra meal per day was associated with 0.6 pounds of weight gain annually.
“The average difference in annual weight change associated with an increase of 1 daily meal was 0.28 kg.”
The researchers didn’t find a relationship between meal timing and changes in weight.
There was no relationship between time-restricted eating and changes in body weight.
Yet another study shows that intermittent fasting is not beneficial if you want to lose fat.
Eating more meals is associated with weight gain – but the researchers didn’t look at what or how much people ate.
When people ate – and how long they went without meals – was not associated with weight loss.
“The frequency, rather than the timing, of meals is a stronger determinant of weight change over time.”
This is not strong evidence in and of itself…
…but I reported half a dozen different experimental data showing that intermittent fasting and other types of fasting do not help with weight loss in the long term.
It’s a problem because the number on the scales can go down rapidly over the first few days of fasting.
But this weight loss is mostly water associated with stored sugar – not fat loss.
Intermittent fasting will cause a suppression of the resting metabolic rate over time.
This means that you use less energy at rest.
If you consume the same amount of calories, you will have to store the extra calories as fat.
Time-restricted eating, fasting, and intermittent fasting are detrimental to weight loss and metabolic health goals.
“Our findings did not support the use of time-restricted eating as a strategy for long-term weight loss in a general medical population.”
You should always consult your healthcare practitioner for guidance on medical diagnosis and treatment.
—-Important Message—-
99% of the so-called “gurus” are flat dead wrong when it comes to fat loss in men
No wonder so many men are suffering…
The so-called gurus are telling men to burn more FAT and that is precisely what men are doing.
They are doing keto.
They are doing low carb-high fat diets.
They are trying like crazy to burn fat…
…and they are getting more sick, more flaccid, more flabby…
That’s when I realized there is a connection…
Fat burning causes men to sport a flaccid flat tire, and a fat middle.
Sugar burning causes men to have a sky high libido, rocky member, and to be healthful and youthful no matter what their chronological age.
So I’ve found that, contrary to what we’ve all been told…
…youth is sugar-burning, so a sugar-burning metabolism is the key to reclaiming your health and vitality as a man.
So if you have any of the following health problems or conditions, like:
- Prostate issues
- Sleep problems
- Anxiety or depression
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Rockiness problems
- Diabetes
- Low libido
- …even cancer…
…then I can pretty much guarantee that you are mostly burning fat and not sugar.
And in order to reverse all these health problems, and gain a powerful rocky male member…you’ve got to kickstart your body into burning sugar again.