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—-Important Message For Men—-
Do women enjoy penetration?
There are many gurus out there that will tell you penetrative sex is just for child-bearing, that it’s not meant to be pleasurable for women…
…that you should focus on other techniques and rely less on penetration to make her come.
But I completely disagree.
Intercourse is actually the most important thing you can ever do in your relationship:
So years ago, I set out to figure out why women have such a tough time reaching orgasm from penetrative intercourse…
And now I’m bringing you an amazing discovery you can try as soon as tonight.
Beware this blood thinner causing deadly cardiovascular calcification
Calcium is one of the most health-giving nutrients. But at the same time calcium can be deadly.
Most people overlook the benefits and risks of calcium.
The dangers of calcium occur not when we consume too much, but when it becomes deposited in the wrong places.
In overly simple terms, most calcium should stay in the bones.
When calcium is dysregulated, it becomes deposited in the soft tissues of the body.
A lot of research was done on out of place calcium (calcification) by Hans Selye back in the 1960s.
He found that dysregulated calcium led to extreme accelerated aging.
Both animals are the same age but the one on the left has calcium deposits in the soft tissues.
Dysregulated calcium causes harm to all of the soft tissues in the body.
But the most lethal effect of dysregulated calcium is inside the cardiovascular system, where it causes plaques and blocks the flow of blood.
A common blood thinning treatment called warfarin causes this effect.
The animal research was carried out at the University of California, San Diego. The paper was published in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology.
In the animal experiments, animals were given the treatment warfarin.
Later, the researchers examined the animals for signs of calcium buildup in the blood vessels.
Aortic valve calcification is a buildup of calcium deposits in the aortic valve in the heart.
These deposits can cause narrowing at the opening of the aortic valve.
This narrowing can become severe enough to reduce blood flow through the aortic valve — a condition called aortic valve stenosis.
The researchers found clear signs of calcification of the cardiovascular system after just 2 weeks of warfarin treatment.
The problem only got worse over time.
“Aortic calcification was first seen after 2 weeks of warfarin treatment and progressively increased in density at 3, 4, and 5 weeks of treatment.”
After a little more than a month, the problems of calcification became easily visible to the naked eye.
“By 5 weeks, the highly focal calcification of major arteries could be seen on radiographs and by visual inspection of the artery.”
The effects were similar to health problems exhibited by genetically modified mice missing a protein called MGP.
MGP helps to keep calcium where it should be.
“The calcification of arteries induced by warfarin is similar to that seen in the matrix Gla protein (MGP)-deficient mouse”
The researchers discovered that warfarin causes calcium deposits in the cardiovascular system by altering this essential MGP protein.
“Warfarin treatment markedly increased the levels of MGP mRNA and protein in calcifying arteries and decreased the level of MGP in serum.”
The effects were so pronounced that the researchers declared they had discovered a new method used to carry out experiments…
Experiments looking at the role of MGP in calcification of the cardiovascular system.
“The results indicate that the improved warfarin plus vitamin K treatment protocol developed in this study should provide a useful model to investigate the role of MGP in preventing calcification of arteries and heart valves.”
Of course, the results of this study are more important because of what they tell us about the effects of warfarin and the cardiovascular system.
Warfarin is a very common anticoagulant – a treatment used to thin the blood and prevent things like clots.
Calcification of the cardiovascular system caused by warfarin is an extremely serious side effect that needs to be taken seriously.
Warfarin may prevent a number of deaths…
But who knows how many deaths this treatment is causing due to its effects on calcium in the cardiovascular system.
What is more, other research has shown that other blood thinners like aspirin can be just as effective as warfarin…
…and without the risk of cardiovascular calcification.
Note that it can be extremely dangerous to mix and match blood-thinning treatments…
Or to alter your dosing of these treatments without speaking to your doctor first.
—-Important Message About Blocked Blood Vessels—-
This washes the penile chambers clean from blood fat for better rockiness
Blood fat irritates the linings of the penile chambers in the male member:
These linings are called endothelium.
And there are at least 1,000 studies showing how blood fat causes what scientists call “endothelial dysfunction.”
The linings of the arteries and the linings in the penile chambers become swollen, inflamed, and angry when they are exposed to blood fat.
Then plaque begins to build up in the arteries, the arteries that you need to be nice and clear if you want to get good erections again…
Some of these arteries feeding blood to the male member are barely the width of a human hair.
So it doesn’t take much blood fat to clog up the arteries that you need down in the penile chambers.
Many men feel they are getting less and less blood flow down there as they get older…and it’s not their imagination!
Blood fat is reducing blood flow to the penile chambers and that’s why many men can’t get great erections anymore.
And it gets even worse…
… because the linings of the penile chambers and the linings of the arteries and organs are all made of this endothelium.
So it’s not only the male member that doesn’t get good blood flow, it’s also other crucial organs like the liver and the heart.
Luckily, you can stop this dangerous blood fat from spreading and make it commit mass suicide!
And that will not only clear the penile chambers, but it will also result in loss of flab…
Discover the only way to safely remove this blood fat and get good health and great erections again

Warfarin causes rapid calcification of the elastic lamellae in rat arteries and heart valves