You may be surprised at what women are saying…
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Do women enjoy penetration?
There are many gurus out there that will tell you penetrative sex is just for child-bearing, that it’s not meant to be pleasurable for women…
…that you should focus on other techniques and rely less on penetration to make her come.
But I completely disagree.
Intercourse is actually the most important thing you can ever do in your relationship:
So years ago, I set out to figure out why women have such a tough time reaching orgasm from penetrative intercourse…
And now I’m bringing you an amazing discovery you can try as soon as tonight.
How much coffee should men be drinking?
Personally, I’m a huge coffee drinker.
I love coffee and it’s also good for me. It’s a win-win situation.
I often drink coffee all day long, and because I have a healthy liver it doesn’t keep me up at night.
Coffee is something that has a lot of myths around it.
For instance, many people believe that coffee is bad for you.
I don’t know where that comes from, but the evidence shows that coffee is very much an overall net positive for health.
Let’s take a look at several different ways coffee can benefit health.
There are a wide variety of studies on how protective coffee can be, and what I’m presenting here is only scratching the surface.
Protecting your colon:
Most people don’t like to think about their colons…
…but they are important organs and coffee consumption has been linked to the slowing of the progression of colorectal cancer.
“Coffee consumption may be associated with reduced risk of disease progression and death in patients with advanced or metastatic colorectal cancer. Further research is warranted to elucidate underlying biological mechanisms.”
It doesn’t matter if the coffee is decaf or if it’s regular. It has the same effect either way.
But the more coffee the person drank, the better the results were.
Protecting your liver:
Your liver is a hugely important organ because it cleans your blood and influences your metabolism.
If you keep your liver healthy then it’s easier to stay healthier overall.
In a study from the UK with over 2 million participants, coffee was linked to a 35% reduction in liver cancer!
Increased consumption of caffeinated coffee and, to a lesser extent, decaffeinated coffee are associated with reduced risk of HCC, including in pre-existing liver disease. These findings are important given the increasing incidence of HCC globally and its poor prognosis.
Caffeinated coffee had the best effect, but decaf coffee also helped.
Preventing diabetes:
Diabetes is a huge health problem throughout the United States and the world.
If you are a coffee drinker you have a much lower chance of getting diabetes then if you aren’t a coffee drinker.
Here’s one study that shows the connection:
This study confirms a striking protective effect of caffeinated coffee against incident diabetes and extends these findings to incident diabetes based on OGTT independent of multiple plausible confounders.
And here’s another study that shows the same connection between drinking coffee and lowering the risk of diabetes.
These results suggest that moderate consumption of both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee may lower risk of type 2 diabetes in younger and middle-aged women. Coffee constituents other than caffeine may affect the development of type 2 diabetes.
You’ll notice here that both caffeinated and decaf coffee have the same effects of lowering diabetes risks.
The bottom line? Drink coffee!
If you already drink coffee, then keep drinking it.
If you don’t drink coffee now, you might want to consider starting just for the health benefits.
Coffee can take a bit of getting used to if you aren’t already a coffee drinker, but it’s worth it.
Most people find that drinking it with sugar and cream is helpful if they don’t like coffee, and you still get the great health benefits that way.
In fact, it’s probably better with sugar and cream.
If you want to stay healthy, then the science says that drinking coffee can help a lot!
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Why this shake keeps increasing my blood flow down there…
Thanks to this shake, I’m getting hot, pumping blood flow everywhere in my body…
…especially in my member where it’s plumping up and looking bigger than ever…
My wife even commented on how much thicker I felt inside her — and this was just a week after drinking this shake!
The reason it works is because it contains 5 vital nutrients for great blood flow.
These 5 nutrients open up my arteries and increase blood flow, and it even lowers my pressure naturally.
Here’s my new blood flow shake — try it and let me know how it goes