Do trigger words really work on girls?

Here’s what I’ve found…

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—-Important Message—-

Here’s the truth about “trigger words” and if they work with girls

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Listen up – this is important…

Because you’re about to see something that will make sure you never have to end up alone at the end of the night ever again.

I’m serious – this stuff is crazy.

I’ve put together this expose revealing why most girls shoot guys down before they even get to know them…

…and why simple trigger words flip the script, making girls suddenly begging to get you into bed.

Yes it’s true — trigger words really work!

Discover the little known “trigger words” that make girls instantly soaking wet and eager to sleep with you


Like to drink? Let this vitamin protect your gut microbiome from the negative effects of alcohol

Alcohol is a funny thing – 1 drink is associated with greater health, better longevity, lower risk of dementia, and better mental health.

Once you get over that 1-drink limit, those benefits are lost, and we incur costs.

One of the reasons alcohol causes problems is that it breaks down the gut barrier lining.

As a result, toxic bacteria leak from the gut into the rest of the body.

It’s not so much the alcohol that poisons you as the bacteria.

And so, if you have a few drinks, anything that can protect your gut barrier should offer some protection against a hangover…

…and also reduce the long-term detrimental effects of alcohol consumption.

One of those things is NAD – and NAD can be increased using a cheap, over-the-counter vitamin.

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The human research was conducted at the Department of Nutrition, School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University in China. This paper was published in Nutrients.

One of the major weaknesses in the human body is the gut barrier.

It’s easily damaged, and when this is damaged we are poisoned by our gut bacteria.

These bacteria drive everything from type II diabetes to obesity to poor erections to depression and even dementia.

“The epithelial tight junction is an important intestinal barrier whose disruption can lead to the release of harmful intestinal substances into the circulation and cause damage to systemic injury.”

These bacteria cause so many problems because they poison the mitochondria – the structures we use to generate all of our energy.

“The maintenance of intestinal epithelial tight junctions is closely related to energy homeostasis and mitochondrial function.”

The authors were interested in the effect of nicotine riboside, a supplement that can boost NAD, on the effects of alcohol on the gut and the rest of the body.

“Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is a NAD booster that can enhance mitochondrial biogenesis in the liver.”

The experiments were carried out in most models of excessive alcohol consumption and on human gut cancer cells.

“We applied the mouse “chronic plus binge ethanol feeding” and Caco-2 cells to explore the effects of NR on ethanol-induced intestinal barrier dysfunction.”

(Caco-2 cells are a cell line of human colorectal adenocarcinoma cancer cells.)

The researchers confirmed that alcohol/ethanol causes a leaky gut.

This triggers the release of bacteria (LPS) into the body proper – wreaking havoc.

“Ethanol increased intestinal permeability, increased the release of LPS into the circulation and destroyed the intestinal epithelial barrier structure in mice.”

The NAD-boosting supplement was effective at reducing damage to the gut lining – minimizing the flow of toxic bacteria into the rest of the body.

“NR supplementation attenuated intestinal barrier injury.”

We learned that increasing NAD reduces the negative effects of alcohol consumption by reinforcing the gut barrier.

“Boosting NAD by NR alleviates ethanol-induced intestinal epithelial barrier damage via protecting mitochondrial function.”

This research used nicotinamide riboside to boost NAD levels.

There’s nothing wrong with nicotinamide riboside except that it’s a little expensive.

Another supplement has been around for decades that has the same effect but is a lot cheaper.

This is the niacinamide or nicotinamide form of vitamin B3.

Niacinamide and nicotinamide are the same things – but niacin is completely different.

Niacinamide/nicotinamide can have the same protective effect as nicotinamide riboside.

Because they both increase NAD levels, they protect the gut barrier and provide extra energy for the rest of the body.

—-Important Message—-

Here’s what happens to erections when you clean out your liver

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Did you know that a man’s sexual performance is tied to his liver?

Whenever I work with men who have erections or performance problems, it’s due to toxins in the liver…

These toxins overwhelm the liver — and the T gets lower and erections starts to suffer…

Even cancer increases with these toxins when the liver gets overwhelmed.

Fortunately, I’ve come up with my very own liver protocol for men only…

…and it’s super simple and very effective at cleaning out a fatty liver and increasing testosterone…

And I think you will find, like I did, that when you clean out your liver this way, erections improves…

Try my natural liver protocol for men only — free today


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
NAD Supplement Alleviates Intestinal Barrier Injury Induced by Ethanol Via Protecting Epithelial Mitochondrial Function