Any man can do this, even from the couch

Matt Cook here, and there are so many Big Pharma treatments for high blood pressure.
And I’m not too fond of any of them.
They all come with really risky side effects.
And they don’t fix the underlying root cause of high blood pressure.
So why use one of those when there are easy natural ways to lower blood pressure?
Like this simple “exercise” that you can do while sitting on the couch watching TV…
—-Important Message From RJ—-
Turn her on without saying a word

For hundreds of thousands of years…men had to seduce women without saying a single word.
Before spoken language even existed…
The only tool men had to turn a woman on…
And convince her to sleep with them…
Was what he could communicate with his body language.
Discover the body language move to instantly turn a woman on
Do this while you’re watching TV to get perfect pressure naturally
According to the CDC, nearly half of the adults in the US have high blood pressure.
This is defined as being higher than 130 over 80.
I’ve done a lot of research on blood pressure and a lot of what qualifies as “high blood pressure” these days probably isn’t actually dangerous.
But that’s a whole other article and I’m not going to address that in depth today.
The reality is that because so many people are diagnosed with high blood pressure, there are a lot of people on high blood pressure treatments.
These treatments can cause some serious side effects, including erections problems for many men.
So I’m always on the lookout for ways to effectively lower blood pressure without the treatments causing poor rockiness.

Before I dig into this study, you need to know that I’m not a doctor and this isn’t medical advice.
Never go off of an Rx treatment or doctor recommended treatments without consulting with your physician.
This study coming out of the University of New South Wales in Australia takes a look at isometric resistance training and how it affects blood pressure.
Isometric resistance training (IRT) is a specific type of strength training.
IRT is a type of strength training. During IRT, the muscles produce force but do not change length. For example, pushing against a wall or holding a ‘plank’. This is different to more traditional strength training like a squat or a push up or where muscles shorten and lengthen during the movement.
IRT does cause blood pressure to increase during exercise, so there is some concern about recommending it as a tool to lower blood pressure.
This was mostly due to concerns over its safety because the static nature of IRT causes blood pressure to increase markedly during exercise, particularly when performed using large muscle groups or at high intensity.
So the researchers took a look at whether or not IRT was safe for people who have high blood pressure and the overall effect it had on blood pressure.
What they found was that IRT is safe for people with high blood pressure.
“In fact, there were actually lower rates of adverse events in older adults, making it a very appealing mode of exercise, especially in those with mobility restrictions who may not be able to do other exercises like aerobic or dynamic resistance training.”
They also found that isometric resistance training is VERY effective at helping people lower blood pressure.
We found that IRT was very safe and caused meaningful changes in blood pressure — almost as much as what you’d expect to see with blood pressure lowering ‘treatments,’” explained Dr Jones.
IRT is very easy to do as well, which makes it accessible to people who may have trouble with other forms of exercise.
While the studies included in our review normally used a specialised handgrip device, it’s possible we would see the same effects simply by asking participants to make a fist and squeeze it at a certain intensity for the ‘given’ amount of time. This means IRT could easily be performed while participants are sitting down watching TV
If you are on blood pressure treatments now or are on the borderline of needing them, then IRT may very well be a good alternative to treatments that can significantly decrease your sexual function.
It’s easy to do and can have effects nearly as effective as treatments. I think it’s worth a try.
—-Important Message For Men With High Blood Pressure—-
This boosts male blood flow, lowers blood pressure, and embiggens the male member
Believe it or not, high blood pressure is actually a natural response to bad penile blood flow.
This means that bad blood flow causes high blood pressure, and links it to male rockiness.
Because when the arteries in the male member lose their flexibility and become too narrow for blood to flow through, the heart has to work much harder…

The heart pumps the blood of course — and the heart has to work harder to force more blood through those narrow, constricted arteries and down to your member.
This is why blood pressure goes up.
The body raises pressure to try and force more blood through your arteries, so organs (like your penis) get enough blood.
So when blood pressure is high, it’s a sign that the male member isn’t getting enough blood flow.
And this kills men’s natural rockiness… it can even shrink the male member!
Luckily, there’s 2 simple steps to improving penile blood flow and blood flow all over the body…