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Men who live to be over 100 ALWAYS do this before seeing their doctor. Here’s why…
——Important Message——-
“It was hard… And then we got into bed for sex and it suddenly deflated like a flat tire…”
My knees were trembling… I felt my arms get heavier as I was taking my pants off in front of her…
I had sweat dripping down my armpits even though it was not warm in the room.
Even I could smell my own fear.
I really prayed that the lights would go off… anything but let her see my floppy noodle down there. What would she think? What was she going to tell her friends?
My mind wanted to, but my body just didn’t cooperate… No erection!
But it’s all changed now…
When I feel like doing it, I’m ready to do it.
And I stay ready for as long as I’m with her, for as long as I’m inside her.
Why I have no anxiety about sex anymore – and what finally fixed everything was this ONE insight…
This one insight changed everything for me and now I have amazing erections for as long as I want
Do this before going to your doctor…
Doctors REALLY like to give meds. It’s what they’re trained to do.
But that doesn’t mean they’re always right.
Sometimes doctors give meds that are too much, not necessary, or have side effects that outweigh the benefits.
A lot of this is driven by Big Pharma dollars that produce massive advertising campaigns and give doctors perks for giving certain medications.
And this is frustrating as all get out.
Because many people would do better if they were on FEWER medications…
They would do better with lifestyle treatments that address the underlying causes of their issues.
And this is especially bad when patients can’t advocate for themselves effectively.
Like when people have dementia…
I need to remind you here that I’m not a doctor. So please don’t use what you are reading here as justification to go off of your prescribed medications willy-nilly.
The information I give you is based on research… But it is for informational purposes only – work with your doctor to get yourself off of unnecessary medications.
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Dementia and unnecessary drugs…
This study comes out of Australia.
But I suspect the results would be very similar in the United States and other parts of the world.
When people are diagnosed with dementia, they are often loaded up with chemicals that don’t actually help with dementia…
And the chemicals are potentially harmful as well.
“Our study found that following a diagnosis of dementia in older people, medication use increased by 11% in a year and the use of potentially inappropriate medications increased by 17%.
This is alarming because long-term use of inappropriate medications can have extremely bad side effects…
Especially with the types of medication that this study found were being prescribed.
Things for pain, things for sleeping, and things for depression really stand out because they can all be addictive. And they can all have negative consequences on overall health if used inappropriately.
“Potentially inappropriate or unnecessary medications included sleeping tablets, pain drugs, depression drugs, and acid reflux drugs (proton pump inhibitors).”
The importance of advocating for yourself and your loved ones…
In my experience, this problem isn’t limited to people with dementia, although over-prescribing seems to be a bigger issue for dementia patients.
This seems to be related (in part) to the fact that having dementia limits a person’s ability to self-advocate.
“A number of reasons may account for this, including inadequate guidelines, lack of time during physician-patient encounters, diminished decision-making capacity, difficulties with comprehension and communication, and difficulties in establishing goals of care.”
So if you have a loved one who has been diagnosed with dementia, make sure that you are questioning everything the doctor gives them.
You need to understand whether or not those chemicals are necessary – because the downsides are very significant.
Too many medications can lead to excessive sleepiness, falls, fractures, and even unnecessary hospitalization.
“These findings are of major concern and highlight the importance of weighing up the harms and benefits of taking potentially unnecessary medications as they may lead to increased risk of side effects such as sedation or drowsiness, and adverse drug events such as falls, fractures, and hospitalization.”
If you think your loved one is on too many medications, work with their doctor to un-prescribe them.
Some of these medications need to be stepped down gradually… So you should never do this all at once, and never without your doctor’s supervision.
“De-prescribing unnecessary medications may improve an individual’s quality of life and can reduce unnecessary healthcare cost.”
Dementia patients are not the only people who are over-prescribed.
It’s unfortunate, but in my work with men and getting them back to full potency I have found that over-prescribing of medications is epidemic.
Many men are given prescriptions for things such as cholesterol blockers and blood pressure medications that don’t do a whole lot of good and can really screw up overall health.
I’m not saying these medications are never necessary, but they are very often over-prescribed.
If you’re on a handful of Big Pharma products (whether you have dementia or not) it may be time to start working with your doctor to see how many you can reduce.
People often find their health gets better when they reduce the number of pills they take.
—-Important Message—-
Are you taking these blood pressure treatments AND experiencing erectile dysfunction?
The blood pressure treatments your doctor is giving you may be THE cause of sexual problems.
And most men don’t know it.
There are a number of blood pressure treatments that cause erection problems…
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you did not even need these treatments anymore?
Because now, you have a sturdy towel-hanger erection with your woman, and your testosterone is RISING…propelling you as a man to better health and a great sex life…

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