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—-Important Message—-
Do this 1 thing during intercourse to naturally last longer
- You DO NOT need a large manhood
- You DO NOT have to make sex less fun for yourself
- You DO NOT need to reduce the pleasure you experience (in fact, it often improves what you experience)
- You DO NOT need to use meds, special condoms, gadgets or any other weird stuff
- You DO NOT have to be a specific age or have a specific amount of experience (i.e. it works for all adult men)
Any man who does this one thing during intercourse naturally lasts longer…
Chromium or selenium for diabetes?
Blood sugar problems are triggered by decreased insulin sensitivity and insulin resistance.
This leads to hunger, tiredness, inability to focus, anxiety, high blood pressure and even infertility.
Many things can affect insulin sensitivity.
What most people don’t know is that the mineral selenium has a potent effect on insulin resistance.
A recent study shows that daily supplementation with selenium for a few weeks can lower insulin resistance and improve insulin sensitivity.
The study also recorded a whole host of other benefits including lower inflammation and increased antioxidants.
This human research was carried out at the Department of Cardiology, School of Medicine, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Iran. The results were published in the Journal of Hormone and Metabolic Research.
A total of 60 men and women were recruited into this study.
Patients were between 40 and 85 years old.
All of the patients had a diagnosis of type II diabetes and coronary heart disease.
“This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was performed among 60 patients with diabetes and heart disease aged 40-85 years.”
The participants were randomly split into two groups.
There were 20 women and 10 men in each group.
One group received selenium supplementation while the other was used as a control group for comparison.
“Group A received 200 μg selenium supplements and group B received placebo per day for 8 weeks.”
The researchers took a large battery of blood samples before the study and again at the very end.
“Fasting blood samples were taken at the beginning of the study and after 8-week intervention to quantify metabolic profiles.”
Insulin increases in people suffering from insulin resistance.
Selenium supplementation led to a large decrease in insulin levels.
“After 8 weeks, compared with the placebo, selenium supplementation resulted in a significant decrease in serum insulin levels.”
HOMA-IR is a complex analysis used to accurately assess insulin resistance and pancreatic beta cell function.
It is the gold standard for looking at these 2 critical aspects of insulin resistance.
HOMA-IR has a cutoff point, above which people are diagnosed with insulin resistance.
So a lower HOMA-IR is better.
Selenium significantly lowered HOMA-IR – proof that it improves insulin resistance.
“After 8 weeks, selenium supplementation resulted in a significant decrease in the homeostasis model of assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR).”
There is a similar, complex method of assessing insulin sensitivity called the quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI).
Unlike the HOMA-IR, higher scores are better for QUICKI.
Selenium supplementation caused a significant increase in the QUICKI.
Selenium supplementation seems to improve insulin sensitivity and insulin resistance.
“Selenium supplementation resulted in a significant increase in the quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI).”
C-reactive protein — also known as CRP – is an inflammatory marker detectable in the blood.
CRP increases in diabetes, insulin resistance, and with insulin sensitivity problems.
High CRP is also associated with other diseases like coronary heart disease.
Selenium supplementation led to a significant decrease in CRP.
This indicates a lowered inflammation and a decreased risk for most chronic diseases.
“Patients who received selenium supplements had a significant reduction in serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein.”
But the blood tests provided even more good news.
Oxidative stress is the term used for damage to DNA in cells caused by rogue electrons.
Some scientists believe that oxidative stress is the main cause of aging and disease.
Antioxidants are molecules that combat oxidative stress.
Antioxidants can be produced in the body – they nullify the free electrons that cause oxidative stress.
The researchers found that so much supplementation led to a significant increase in protective antioxidants in the blood.
“Selenium supplementation caused a significant rise in plasma total antioxidant capacity concentrations compared with the placebo.
The study shows that selenium could be beneficial for people with type II diabetes, insulin resistance, insulin insensitivity and coronary heart disease.
Oysters, yellowfin tuna, and calves’ liver are great sources of dietary selenium.
—-Important Message About Getting More Selenium—-
This special selenium-rich breakfast can eliminate blood sugar problems in 2 weeks
It costs less than $5 to make, and it only takes a minute.
Men are using it to reverse blood sugar problems in as little as 2 weeks — and some are reporting a big boost in testosterone too!
That’s how you know it’s working — when blood sugar normalizes, symptoms disappear, and testosterone starts climbing.