Just 1 night of this is enough to destroy your natural T
—-Important Message—-
Feeling tired all the time? This doubles your energy AND your stamina

Do you know what’s really making you tired all the time?
It’s not work, it’s not a lumpy mattress, it’s not the neighbor’s dog barking all night…
It’s low brain blood sugar!
Men who feel like they’re dragging all the time are suffering from low brain blood sugar.
And this makes every movement just plain exhausting.
And it’s no wonder these men aren’t lasting very long in bed!
It’s not their fault — it’s low brain blood sugar.
Fortunately, this boosts brain blood sugar fast — so you never feel tired again.
And not only will this increase brain blood sugar and give you more energy…
…it will increase your stamina, so you perform better in bed!
DO NOT do this at night if you want to keep high testosterone levels
Testosterone is one of the foundations of male health and vitality.
Across the globe in recent decades, testosterone levels have been plummeting.
Low testosterone is associated with poor rockiness, heart disease, type II diabetes, and obesity.
A new study shows that deep sleep is required for optimal testosterone production.
Men getting inadequate sleep could be suffering from lower testosterone levels because of it.

This human study was conducted at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.
The results were published in the Journal of Sleep Medicine.
This study enrolled 12 healthy men and put them all through two separate sleep experiments.
In one experiment the men were prevented from entering deep sleep for much of the night.
In another experiment the men were allowed to sleep naturally.
“Twelve healthy male volunteers participated in two experimental sessions: a session with selective deep sleep suppression during night sleep and a session with regular night sleep.”
A noise machine was placed in the room in one of the experiments in order to prevent the men from sleeping properly.
“Deep sleep suppression was achieved by stimulation using an acoustic tone.”
After both of these experiments all of the men were tested for levels of a number of hormones.
“Salivary hormone samples were collected in the morning immediately after awakening and again 40 min later.”
The saliva samples were tested for testosterone and other hormones.
The noise machine cut the amount of time that the men spent in deep sleep in half.
The men were actually asleep for similar amounts of time — the differences were in sleep quality.
“Deep sleep suppression reduced overall slow wave sleep duration by 54.2% without significant changes in total sleep time and sleep efficiency.”
The study found that inadequate deep sleep lowered testosterone levels after only one night.
“In the session with selective deep sleep suppression, the average level of morning testosterone was lower than in the control session.”
The results showed that slow-wave sleep suppression also lowered 17-OHP.
17-OHP is a steroid hormone — a precursor to androgens and other hormones.
“Likewise, 17-OHP was lower in the deep sleep suppression condition.”
Proper, deep sleep is essential for healthy hormonal balance.
“The effect of selective deep sleep suppression on morning levels of testosterone and 17-OHP points to the importance of deep sleep for the synthesis and secretion of androgens.”
Chronic sleep problems are associated with many chronic diseases, as is low testosterone in men.
This study indicates that poor sleep may lower testosterone.
This may play a role in some of these chronic diseases.
Chronic sleep deficiency may cause low testosterone.
“These results suggest that chronic sleep problems increase the risk for the development of androgen deficiency in the long term.”
Sleep scientists have identified many different parts of the sleep cycle that we go through every night.
Slow wave sleep (deep sleep) happens during the well known REM phase.
Sleep periods are identified by the different electrical patterns in the brain during these different periods.
Slow wave sleep is believed to be important for making memories — poor memory is a well-known side effect of insomnia or interrupted sleep.
As this study shows, noise is one factor that can decrease slow wave sleep.
Bedrooms should be quiet for the most part. (Some people do better with a little “white noise.”)
Slow wave sleep is the most important sleep period.
It begins about 45 minutes after falling asleep and sleep period patterns should repeat throughout the night.
During slow wave sleep the body is at its most relaxed.
This is the time that sleep breathing disorders are at their most problematic.
Sleep disordered breathing destroys slow wave sleep.
—-Important Message About Boosting Testosterone—-
Think you need testosterone? Don’t do anything until you read this…
Once you begin getting medical testosterone — your body will start to down-regulate its own natural production…
Your body thinks it doesn’t need to make testosterone anymore.
And then that medical testosterone will inevitably start getting turned into estrogen in your body…
Estrogen that leads to big bellies, and manboobs, and damages libido and erections in men…
So now you’re left with a body that isn’t producing testosterone on its own aymore — and the testosterone you’re getting from the doc is just getting turned into estrogen.
So now you’re stuck needing more and more fake testosterone — but that just means more estrogen!
And it all becomes a downward spiral for your rockiness, libido, and health as a man.
So now, knowing all this…

Slow-wave sleep and androgens: selective slow-wave sleep suppression affects testosterone and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone secretion