Discover The Ancient Zoroastrian Method Everyone’s Talking About

Discover The Ancient Zoroastrian Method Everyone’s Talking About

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Is it true? How men who practice this ancient method have more sex and live decades longer than other men…

—–Important Message—–

Sexy Russian Girl Story

Here is the story of Yuri my crazy boyfriend and the sex we have…

Click here for a crazy erotic story…


Discover the Ancient Zoroastrian Method Everyone’s Talking About

“Good thoughts, good words, good deeds.”

This is the motto of the one of the oldest, most practiced monotheistic religions on the planet – Zoroastrianism.

And it turns out that they’re on the something…

Thoughts not only affect our words and deeds, but they can also profoundly affect our outcomes.

The way you think affects almost every aspect of your life…

From the opportunities you pursue, to the kind of character you have, to the health outcomes you can expect.

New studies are showing that the ancient wisdom of religions like Zoroastrianism, Taoism, and Buddhism has a lot of merit.

The body and the brain are connected in ways that we never imagined.

They affect each other in profound ways that are sometimes unexpected.

This study shows that the way we think about our potential health outcomes can affect whether we get better or we die. And yep. I said die.

Your doctor probably is not going to tell you about this connection, even though it can have a grave impact on your health and wellbeing…

It’s not because they don’t want to… It’s just because they usually don’t know.

Health literacy and how you THINK about stuff…

This study looks at something called “health literacy” – and how it relates to the ability to recover.

The basic idea is that when patients understood their condition well and knew the behaviors they needed to recover, they recovered better.

On the other side of that coin is that patients who didn’t have good health literacy ended up dying much sooner.

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“Patients hospitalized with a cardiovascular event are more likely to die within one year if they have low health literacy…”

To me, that makes sense.

Because if you understand what is wrong and how to fix it, you’re more likely to take care of yourself and DO the things you need to do to recover.

But there’s another part of the study a little on the weird side.

If you believe you have a level of control over whether you recover, then you’ll recover faster.

This one is a little strange.

And it has to do with whether or not people BELIEVE they have a level of control over whether they get better or not.

“The mechanisms that were linking lower health literacy and premature mortality were not only how sick the patient was but also things patients have control over like health behaviors and how much they believe that they can change their outcomes…”

In order to get better, patients had to buy into the idea that they had some control over the outcome of the recovery process.

“And there is also this psychological component, independent of your health behavior, just this belief that you have control over your health outcomes that is also protective…”

And here’s the thing that is mind-blowing!

This belief helps in recovery – even if there aren’t a lot of changes in health behaviors (although appropriate health behaviors help as well).

Here is what I take away from this:

If you’re sick with anything – it doesn’t have to be a cardiovascular event – believing that you can find a solution and that you can get better is key to getting better.

This is one of the reasons that we spend so much time educating men about how to fix diabetes, ED, high blood pressure, and more.

Men who understand how to fix something have more confidence that they can get better – and so they often do.

Health literacy and the belief that you have some power over your medical conditions combine to create a recovery mechanism that beats out “acceptance” of a negative health outcome any day of the week.

The key here is to get educated about whatever health problem you’re having.

If you have cardiac trouble, figure out what is in YOUR control and do that.

If you have ED, then I know for certain there are TONS of things in your control – like having sex no matter what your penis is doing.

When you focus on the things you CAN control then you’ll feel more hopeful and get better results.

“Good thoughts, good words, good deeds.” I think the Zoroastrians really have something right there…

—–Important Message—–

The easiest way to have great sex happens when you are by yourself

I found a little thing that works best when a man is by himself… And it leads to amazing partner sex.

This IMPROVES men’s erections.

It’s just one small simple little change and it can make sex SO much better every single time you do it.

Click here to discover THIS way to raise sexual performance when you are by yourself…





Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
Low health literacy associated with early death for cardiovascular patients

What are the basic beliefs of Zoroastrianism that help health?

The saying that “Thinking creates realities” is as old as man himself. But the real truth of this statement is far too easy to understand and ingrain in our everyday life. Maybe the ease of it makes it too hard to practice.Zoroastrianism as a religion is one of the oldest, though most texts denote that Zoroastrianism developed even before the advent of Christianity. As old as Hinduism, the “beliefs and sayings” practiced in this religion harps on the power of belief and mental consciousness.So do simple thoughts affect Health? Can it heal your body? Can it change your health?According to Zoroastrianism, this might be the case. Zoroastrianism teaches that a sound mental and physical wellness is paramount for an active, meaningful and fulfilling life. When a person develops a sound mind in a sound body, he attains the balance and spiritual prowess that helps him to fulfill his highest calling in life. In other words, Health and wellness with a sound spirit help one achieve his fullest potential.A lack of sound health and spirit will block that highest calling of an individual. This had a relevant effect on the importance of health during the lifetime. “Do everything but in Moderation” is a tenant that is believed and adhered by the Zoroastrianism community. This also included the type of diet that was followed by the Zoroastrianism community. Nuts, Herbs, Fruits and Dairy products include a prominent part of their diets while Meat and Alcohol is only reserved for specific occasions and that too, with much adherence to self-control.Zoroastrianism wellness and healing concepts state that any specific health condition or problem is not limited to a physical cure. The true healing is within. And to approach that kind of healing, one has to go within and analyze the areas where one is truly lacking. This maybe is due to the presence of constricting beliefs or specific aspects which call for a higher order of thinking. Texts say that the spiritual abilities and the healing factor that is present within have a direct effect on the physical and mental health of a human being.An interesting approach in Zoroastrianism is treating health disorders with Natural cures and Mantras (Verses in the Zoroastrianism scripts) which is believed to establish harmony within the physical and mental states of an Individual.“The wellness and healing of the individual soul is paramount for true healing to take place”, as laid by the scriptures. They have a very high regards for nature and being in the open. Trees and plant life are considered symbols of everlasting longevity and no wonder, being in close contact with them is a important belief in the Zoroastrianism culture.Wellbeing and health were two aspects which was adhered by the Zoroastrianism community very strongly. Belief systems revolved around cleanliness and purity as well as having a pure state of mind. The healing power of personal care is given utmost importance in this culture and no wonder, it does play a very powerful role in personal health.Herbs play an important role in the Zoroastrianism culture and have been believed to heal and infuse divine energy into the partakers. Yoga and Tai-chi were given prime importance in the Zoroastrianism culture as healing principles which helped provide balance and harmony to the body and spirit.

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