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No, it’s not about washing it (that’s a given) – it’s something that unlocks the gut-cleaning, bowel-easing benefits hidden in these fruits…
—-Important Message—-
Muscles? Here’s what happened to me when I started doing this 45-second activity
My wife is always squeezing my biceps…and she slips her hand down there and caresses my penis more often now…
It’s a blast to be developing new muscle…
And it’s all from a simple 45-second activity.
And this is kind of weird, but it’s true: Men who replace fat with muscle gain a bulging, fatter, and more defined penis…one that operates all the time and every time…
Not only is your body becoming more and more defined, but your penis is also looking much bigger and stronger than it was!
And it will be getting a LOT of use LOL.
Click here to get those defined muscles and rigid erections without breaking a sweat.
Detoxify your poo with this produce aisle “hack”
Does an apple a day REALLY keep the doctor away?
Studies show that the answer to that classic saying may be a big “YES.”
Gut health has been all over the news lately…
Companies are coming out with prebiotics and probiotics and all kinds of other supplements to help your gut work better.
How well these products work is up for debate, and I’m not going to get into that here.
But I am going to tell you about a simple produce aisle hack that can really improve your gut health in a very tasty way.
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I also have a specific protocol I’ve developed for gut health – you can read about that elsewhere on this site.)
One of the things we do know that works for gut health is consuming fruit.
And apples and bananas seem to be particularly beneficial when you eat them on a regular basis.
Fruit is the food that wants to be eaten.
One of the reasons that fruit is so good for you is because it’s entire reproductive strategy is to be eaten.
When humans and animals eat fruit, we then spread the seeds throughout our environment. This allows the fruit to multiply.
So it’s “smart” for the fruit to make sure that it’s desirable to be used as a food.
That why it tastes good (huge advantage) and has a huge amount of nutrients that make it work well for our bodies.
This first study looked at the effect of apples on your gut, especially poo.
This is important, because how you evacuate waste from your body affects the health of every part of your body.
When your gut works properly, your entire immune system works better.
And you’ll most likely have less inflammation in your body, making you far less prone to chronic disease.
“The effects of apple intake on the fecal flora, water content, pH, and metabolic activities in eight healthy volunteers, and the utilization of apple pectin in vitro were investigated.”
The scientists found that the pectin in the apple (the stuff that makes apple pies kind of gel up) is part of what makes apples so effective at helping your gut work properly.
“Apple consumption is related to an improved intestinal environment, and apple pectin is one of the effective apple components improving the fecal environment.”
Apples aren’t the only fruits that contain pectin.
Apricots, cherries, oranges, and other citrus fruits contain pectin as well.
And carrots do too. They are as high in pectin as apples.
Carrots aren’t a fruit, but they are super-good for your gut.
Even though pectin is kind of a “magic ingredient,” I recommend eating the whole fruit (make sure it’s ripe or cooked) as opposed to buying pectin separately.
In addition to pectin, fruits contain all kinds of other phytonutrients that are really good for your health.
What about fruits that aren’t high in pectin?
Here’s where things get super-interesting.
You’d think that if pectin is the big contributor to gut health (and by extension the health of your whole body) then it would be the fruits that are highest in pectin that provide the most benefit.
But that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Bananas, for instance, can also dramatically improve gut health.
This is really good news, because nearly everyone loves bananas.
AND they’re easy to get, they’re inexpensive, and they ripen right on your countertop.
(Remember when you’re eating fruit to make sure it’s ripe or cooked.)
“Banana is a widely consumed fruit, which contains considerable amounts of potential prebiotic indigestible carbohydrates. In our randomized, controlled trial we aimed to evaluate the in vivo prebiotic effect of banana consumption on fecal microbiota.”
When people eat bananas regularly, they have less bloating – that means their guts are working better than those of people who don’t eat the bananas.
“Analysis of the gastrointestinal symptoms records revealed significantly lower bloating levels in the banana group, compared to controls.”
Much of your immune system is based in your gut.
Since a good portion of your immune system is based in your gut, it’s important to take care of your belly.
One of the easiest ways to do that is to eat a lot of fruit.
And the easy, common fruits like apples and bananas work just fine.
——-Important Message——-
Dr. Jon Pryor, medical school chair of urology: 22% of men have this penile problem — and neither they nor their doctors know it!
Dr. Pryor is not just some doctor. He is chair of urology at the world famous University of Minnesota medical school.
Dr. Pryor tells us that a disease known as penile fibrosis “may have a prevalence of 22 percent, which illustrates that this disease is under-reported.”
According to Dr. Pryor, autopsies on men reveal 22% have it, but almost none of these men ever knew it when they were alive.
Symptoms include lower sensitivity in the male organ, poor or non-existent rigidity, little morning wood…
If it’s been a year or more since you’ve had good “rockiness” you may be a penile fibrosis sufferer…
Here’s how get rid of penile fibrosis

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