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Hey, Matt Cook here, and recently I’ve discovered a delicious fruit preserve I’ve been eating every morning…
And not only is it tasty, it’s helping protect my testosterone levels and my blood sugar…
Because it turns out there’s a surprising connection between T and blood sugar.
Here’s how to protect both at the same time with this delicious treat…
—-Important Message—-
This new foreplay is 100 times more powerful than the old kind of foreplay
I’m going to show you why massages and jazz music and candlelit dinners are nothing compared to what this 1 simple method can do…
And I’m going to show you how this fully clothed foreplay method cuts out all the work on your part, so her arousal is as simple as 1-2-3.
So if you want to join me in effortlessly getting a woman so turned on that she can’t stand waiting another second to have you inside of her…
Then check out this short report…
The citrus treat protecting men’s T levels
Type 2 diabetes and even prediabetes is strongly tied to low testosterone levels.
In fact, the relationship goes both ways.
Low testosterone can increase the risk of diabetes.
Some of the processes that occur in diabetes cause damage to the testicles, lowering testosterone levels.
This can be tricky to work your way out of without hormone supplementation.
But animal experiments have shown that a compound in oranges can protect the testicles against diabetes-induced damage.
Diabetic rats given supplemental naringenin had higher testosterone levels.
The animal experiments were carried out at the NSHM Knowledge Campus, Kolkata, India. The results were published in the Journal of Applied Biomedicine.
Naringenin is a compound found in a number of fruits. It is abundant in oranges – there is some in orange juice.
Naringenin concentrates in the skin or peel – so marmalade is probably the best source.
Numerous studies have shown the benefits of this compound.
It helps with many metabolic problems, including dyslipidemia, hyperinsulinemia, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.
Naringenin has numerous other beneficial effects including as an antiviral.
This research was designed to see if naringenin could protect the testicles against damage seen in diabetes.
“We investigated the effect of naringenin on oxidative stress, inflammatory cytokines, and on programmed cell death in the testicular damage resulting from diabetes in rats.”
In the experiments, some rats were made diabetic using a chemical called streptozotocin.
This produces changes identical to more naturally derived type 2 diabetes.
Some of those rats were given low or high doses of naringenin.
“Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin and the rats were treated with naringenin once a day for 10 weeks.”
Naringenin supplementation only began 3 days after the animals received the diabetes-causing chemical.
Other rats were not given the diabetes inducing toxin and they were used for comparison.
The researchers then carried out detailed clinical examinations of the animals 10 weeks later.
“Testis tissue and blood samples were collected for the assessment of sperm parameters, and for biochemical and histopathological analysis.”
The researchers found clear evidence of lower oxidative stress in the diabetic animals who had received naringenin.
These experiments were based on the theory that oxidative stress causes damage to the testicles in diabetics.
So the decrease in oxidative stress should have led to improvements.
Diabetic animals given the orange-based compound had healthier testicles.
The testicles looked healthier under a microscope and the sperm was healthier.
“The naringenin treated rats in the diabetic group showed improved histological appearance and sperm parameters.”
Testosterone levels were higher in the blood of diabetic animals who had received naringenin.
“Naringenin treated animals in the diabetic group had improved serum testosterone levels.”
Oxidative stress can trigger inflammation.
It is inflammation in the testicles which is believed to cause the testicle damage and low-T in diabetics.
The researchers looked directly at levels of inflammatory markers in the testicles of the animals.
They looked at inflammation in Sertoli cells and Leydig cells – these produce sperm and testosterone.
Diabetic animals given naringenin had lower inflammatory markers in their testicles.
“Naringenin treated diabetic rats showed a reduced over expression of TGF-β1, IL-1β in Sertoli cells and Leydig cells.”
TGF-β1 and IL-1β are inflammatory markers which are increased by diabetes.
Naringenin boosts testosterone levels in diabetics by helping to control inflammation in the testicles.
“The results suggest that naringenin is a food supplement which is potentially beneficial in reducing testicular damage in diabetic rats.”
Naringenin-containing foods like oranges should be on everyone’s menu…
But particularly those who are worried about metabolic issues like diabetes.
Marmalade with the fewest ingredients possible is the best source of naringenin – but there is some in orange juice too.
—-Important Message About Testosterone—-
Think you need testosterone? Don’t do anything until you read this…
Once a man begins getting medical testosterone — his body down-regulates its natural production.
Plus, the testosterone gets turned into estrogen, the feminine hormone that grows breasts and damages a man’s libido further.
So now, the man’s body stops producing its own testosterone naturally and it turns a big part of the fake testosterone into estrogen.
The man needs more and more fake testosterone, but that means more estrogen…
…and soon it all becomes a downward spiral for the man’s libido and performance.
So now, knowing all this…
…the only thing left is to figure out how to naturally raise testosterone…