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We frequently talk about men who can get an erection and how to help them.
We sometimes deal with men who go soft in the middle of intercourse.
But we probably don’t talk enough about the two major ejaculatory problems that men experience.
We don’t talk about premature ejaculation and delayed ejaculation.
This study shows that there may be a hormonal basis for these ejaculation problems.
The researchers looked at 2,652 patients who complained of sexual symptoms.
They had erectile dysfunction, low sexual desire, delayed ejaculation, or premature ejaculation.
I should take this opportunity to explain that delayed ejaculation is the difficulty in ejaculating or reaching orgasm.
A man may grind away for a long time, and he just doesn’t get there.
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His wife is looking at her watch waiting for him to finish and he can’t finish.
This is something that affects a lot of guys — especially older guys.
But it’s not just older guys.
I’ve had lots of guys in their 20s who were suffering from this.
So they separated the guys who had ejaculatory problems from the rest, and they did a hormonal workup on them.
Researchers looked at their testosterone, prolactin, and their thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels.
They found that the worse the problem is in a man, the higher his prolactin and TSH levels.
TSH is a hormone that comes from the pituitary gland in the brain.
It tells the thyroid gland to produce more thyroid hormone.
People with thyroid problems usually have low TSH levels.
But TSH itself is very inflammatory.
TSH itself triggers inflammation, and I don’t like to see the TSH level high at all.
Close to zero is best.
Prolactin is another problem hormone.
As prolactin goes up, sexual desire falls, and it becomes difficult to have an orgasm.
Some drugs definitely affect ejaculation.
SSRI drugs make ejaculation more difficult.
So doctors prescribe these to men who suffer from severe premature ejaculation.
Now, some of the men were taking SSRIs.
But somehow, the study accounted for that and eliminated them from affecting the numbers through some statistical means.
And the study findings clearly show the problem with increasing prolactin levels.
The study also found that delayed ejaculation gets worse and worse as a man’s testosterone levels fall.
We don’t know if low testosterone causes delayed ejaculation, or perhaps delayed ejaculation is a contributor to low testosterone.
But they seem to go together.
Also, a key point is that men that had a high TSH were able to ejaculate much more easily.
So, just to summarize the findings, this is what we’ve learned.
Difficulty ejaculating: low T, high prolactin, high TSH, low thyroid. SSRIs also cause this.
Premature ejaculating: higher T, low TSH
Here’s what you should do with this knowledge.
I would do a hormonal workup if I were suffering this problem.
We have been able to help most men with both problems.
We help by fixing desensitization and working on health issues that cause low thyroid or low T.
Also, many men who have premature ejaculation problems have normal thyroid levels but have other problems including severe anxiety.
I have found that anxiety is probably the most common feature of men with premature ejaculation.
Which leads to a bigger problem because premature ejaculation causes anxiety.
I think there may be a chemical basis to the anxiety, probably high serotonin, and high cortisol, contribute to premature ejaculation.
It’s possible that men can overcome both premature ejaculation and delayed ejaculation,
And it may only take doing some supplement and nutritional tweaks with some new behaviors to resolve it.

Erectile dysfunction can come in many forms. Some men have issues getting soft during intercourse, or getting aroused in the first place. Some men suffer from delayed ejaculation, hammering away for far longer than normal, sometimes to no avail. What we’re going to look at today is the opposite issue: Premature ejaculation.Premature ejaculation, or PE, has been linked to several issues, such as anxiety, higher than normal levels of testosterone, and low levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).There are certain fixes we can draw from this information.Obviously, balancing out hormone levels is important for a variety of reasons. Drawing down the high testosterone while increasing your TSH levels is the chemical fix to PE.Anxiety is a little trickier, since it’s psychological. Many people end up taking SSRIs (anti-depressants), which also have the chemical effect of delaying ejaculation.Interestingly, there is anecdotal evidence to suggest that there’s another, over-the-counter solution to the problem of premature ejaculation.Dextromethorphan, the active ingredient in several cough medicines, has been found to help control a man’s ejaculation. Obviously, good news for men who are dealing with PE.Dextromethorphan, or DXM, can be found in medicines like Robitussin and Coricidin. It should be noted that, as with all things, moderation is the name of the game. As little as 10mg might be enough to help with PE, and you shouldn’t take more than the recommended dose in any circumstance.Too much DXM in your system can have some strange effects: It has hallucinogenic properties, and can cause disorientation or nausea.You should also avoid taking it over a prolong period, as too much DXM can damage your liver. But, in the short term, if you’re suffering from PE it’s worth looking into.
2. Are antidepressants for premature ejaculation safe to use?
Erectile dysfunction is a common topic of discussion for men of a certain age. But there are two other issues for men’s sexual health that often get the short shrift. These are delayed and premature ejaculation. Researchers have found that these problems may all be tied back to hormone levels.In the study, 2,652 men with sexual symptoms were given hormonal checks. The researchers were looking at their testosterone, prolactin, and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels.What they found was that the higher a man’s prolactin and TSH levels were, the more problems he had in the bedroom. The study also found that the lower a man’s testosterone, the more trouble he would have with delayed ejaculation.Now, SSRIs (antidepressants) also play into this. SSRIs tend to make ejaculation more difficult, so doctors prescribe them for folks suffering from premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation can often happen due to high anxiety, so as you can see, all these factors play a role in a man’s sexual performance.To summarize the findings of the study, we begin to see patterns. Those who have difficulty ejaculating showed low testosterone, high prolactin, high TSH, and low thyroid. Those who ejaculated too early showed high testosterone and low TSH.After finding out what your hormone levels are, its possible to change your behavior and get your body back to its ideal state. What you’re going to want to do is increase testosterone and stabilize your thyroid.Men suffering from any of these problems should investigate taking supplements and tweaking their diet, to restore balance to their hormone levels. In addition, anyone struggling with ED should avoid desensitizing their bodies and minds to sex. We’ll talk about that soon. Sometimes it can be that simple!
3. What is the relation between hyperthyroidism premature ejaculation?
Hyperthyroidism is usually a less known factor for premature ejaculation and can be also related to other disorders like low libido, delayed ejaculation and many times, erectile dysfunction. Hyperthyroidism is a case where the thyroid secretes too much hormone. Since the thyroid gland produces the essential hormone that caters to the metabolism of the body, this gland is very important and yet the least known factor to some of the associated issues with the sexual health of the male body.Medical research shows that as much as 50% of the sexual problems among men are related to a hyperactive thyroid gland. The over secretion of hormones also deactivates many other functions of the endocrine system and also affects the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland and the testes. This is because the increase in the secretion of the hormones leads to the increase in the production of Acetylcholine which plays a key role in the management of the parasympathetic nervous system. Acetylcholine effects and exerts control over the penile stimulation that allows the tightening or loosening of the prostate emission valve. So it is very important to pay attention to a good thyroid health. It is a good idea to have the testosterone, DHEA and androgen levels tested in men and adequate medical advice to be partaken of, if one faces any sexual issues which is related to premature ejaculation or delayed ejaculation. Hyperthyroidism can also cause other major sexual dysfunctions like an inability to become aroused or the difficulty to reach orgasm in a number of cases. A couple of self care or lifestyle changes may include following weight loss programs which can lower the sex hormone binding globulin to free sex drive boosting hormones naturally. Exercise and physical activity can also boost blood flow and improve hormonal balance which can help to release healthy endorphins and create a sense of well being.
4. What are some masturbation effects on hormone?
Contrary to the belief that masturbation affects the hormone levels, medical research studies prove that the answer to the same can be a bit complex. The short terms effects of masturbation can be different, than the long-term effects of masturbation.Masturbation only affects the testosterone levels in minor short-term ways. For example, short periods of abstinence can cause increase in the Testosterone levels. Usually, during masturbation and sex, the Testosterone levels increase naturally and fall to the normal level after an orgasm. Essentially Masturbation does not have a negative effect on sexual performance in relation to testosterone levels. But the psychological effects from masturbation can be different and can affect body processes and can cause depression or anxiety which when intense or in the long term can affect the testosterone levels and may cause a lowered sexual drive.However, there are studies which also show that men who masturbate frequently or who indulge in pornography and daily masturbation can reduce the normal testosterone levels in an individual. This can lead to sexual exhaustion and can hamper the sexual libido of a healthy male. The frequent masturbation can stimulate the acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions excessively, which can lead to the overproduction of sexual hormones and neurotransmitters like acetylcholine, dopamine, and serotonin. This can lead to the body’s ability to modulate the adrenal and the function of the hypothalamus. On a long-term basis this can cause many hormonal changes such as an increase in the DHT levels of the body, production of excessive stress hormones, increase in the production of Prostaglandin E2, a thyroid imbalance, damage to the parasympathetic nerves and increase in the cortisol levels which can also affect the testosterone levels.
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