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Pain relief that lasts for weeks rather than hours – and with no side effects
—-Important Message—-
Diabetics: From finger prick to powerful prick
Many men find that their penis stops working when they have diabetes.
But this is totally unnecessary.
Many men are using this information to blow away their wives totally… And, in the process, their diabetes is GONE.
But you have to avoid these 5 bad foods…
Here are 5 foods to avoid – to reverse diabetes and get your youthful sexual proess back again…
Crazy light – erases pain for weeks
I’m beginning to think that Big Pharma companies may need to develop a new business model soon.
The breakthroughs that are coming out now are so much more targeted in how they treat people – it’s mind-boggling.
Right now, the business model is based on a whole bunch of people taking Big Pharma’s chemicals for the rest of their lives.
That might not be so bad if you REALLY need them.
But most of these chemicals are systemic – they impact your entire body, not just the symptom they’re supposed to fix.
And that’s why I try to stay off Big Pharma chemicals as much as possible.
Fortunately, a new wave of meds is coming out that is far more targeted.
And some of them look very promising for treating one of our most vexing issues – pain.
One type of pain that some people experience is neuropathic pain.
Neuropathic pain can be absolutely excruciating.
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“Imagine that the movement of a single hair on your arm causes severe pain. For patients with neuropathic pain – a chronic illness with no effective treatment – this can be a daily reality.”
What if there was a way to treat this excruciating pain without affecting the rest of your body systemically?
It seems like a breakthrough in this is getting closer.
Crazy light therapy eradicates neuropathic pain…
For most people, gentle touch, or the light brushing of the skin, can be very pleasurable.
But for people with neuropathic pain, that same type of touch can be excruciating.
And scientists have now found the specific nerve cells that are responsible for that sensitivity to gentle touch.
“Scientists from EMBL Rome have now identified a special population of nerve cells in the skin that are responsible for sensitivity to gentle touch.”
This is important because they can target just these nerve cells, instead of just deadening sensation throughout the whole body.
And this will be a much better way to treat neuropathic pain.
This treatment is incredibly innovative.
They actually get the nerve cells to back off from the surface of the skin using a combination of chemicals and a special kind of light.
“By first injecting the affected skin area with the chemical and then illuminating it with near-infrared light, the targeted nerve cells retract from the skin’s surface, leading to pain relief.”
Scientists compare this to the same effect curry has on your tongue when you eat it.
Getting the nerves that cause intense neuropathic pain to back off from the surface of the skin can provide significant pain relief for quite a bit of time.
“By clipping off the nerve endings with light, the gentle touch that can cause severe pain in neuropathic patients is no longer felt…It’s like eating a strong curry, which burns the nerve endings in your mouth and desensitizes them for some time…”
“The nice thing about our technique is that we can specifically target the small subgroup of neurons causing neuropathic pain.”
At this point, this study has only been done on mice. But they are looking into human trials.
Amazingly enough, this chemical plus light technique only affects the nerves that actually cause neuropathic pain.
And it leaves the rest of the nerves of the body completely normal.
“The skin is only desensitized to the gentlest touch, like a breeze, tickling, or an insect crawling across your skin.”
Right now, the effects of this therapy only last for a few weeks at a time.
Which, of course, is much better than NSAIDs or opioids – which last for 12 hours at best.
“The effect of the therapy lasts for a few weeks, after which the nerve endings grow back and gentle touch causes pain again.”
I think that for this therapy to succeed in human trials, they are going to have to find a better way to deliver the chemical agent besides injection.
Either that, or they’ll have to find ways for people to give themselves the injections.
It looks like it’ll be a while before this becomes available on the mass market for humans, but it’s a significant breakthrough in how pain can be treated…
…Because this targets only the cells that are causing the pain to begin with – instead of targeting the entire body.
———Important Message————
The doctor told me, “You’re not 20 anymore. Get used to it.”
I didn’t want to get used to it.
I am too young to be an old sexless grandpa.
And I want to prove that young doctor wrong.
Here’s what I’m doing NOW – and it has changed EVERYTHING:
It used to be that when I came, I’d roll over and go to sleep right away – feeling tired and spent.
But now, rather than going soft immediately after coming, I still have an erection – much to my complete surprise…and my wife’s.
And we are ready to continue with playtime.
Here’s what I’m doing to keep my erection for 30 minutes or longer.

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