This is why Big Pharma wants this video taken down…
—-Important Message From Bill Grant—-
Scientists have discovered a simple and easy “brain hack” to almost instantly reverse arousal problems…
Contrary to what your doctor has told you, getting rocky has nothing to do with testosterone levels or anxiety…
And it’s not a blood flow problem either…
However, new science does reveal your brain has a “control switch” that determines whether you get stiff…
…or suffer from embarrassing limpness.
And inside this short controversial video, you’ll discover a new approach to immediately enhance your rockiness…
…while increasing stamina, duration, and fullness practically on demand.
This raises T while lowering cortisol
Cortisol is a very important hormone – one that I have written newsletters about.
A little bit of cortisol is essential, it helps to maintain blood sugar and regulate inflammation.
But chronically elevated levels of cortisol are a major problem for many people.
Cortisol dissolves bone and muscle – it attacks the testicles, lowering testosterone.
Cortisol is a major player in the feminization of men and an essential factor causing accelerated aging.
Aging affects the entire body – but perhaps the bones pose the greatest risk.
Weak bones can lead to severe fractures.
Fractures can necessitate assisted living and are often the cause for prescription of very harmful medications.
Cortisol is a major factor in causing brittle bones – it cuts off the supply of nutrients to the bones – meaning they can’t rebuild properly.
This is one of many reasons why I say it’s essential to keep your cortisol under control if you want to optimize your health and longevity.
The animal experiments were carried out at the University of Arkansas. The findings were published in Aging – Cell.
The authors of this study were familiar with older research showing that both aging and high levels of glucocorticoids cause fragile bones.
Glucocorticoids are naturally produced hormones – the most well-known is cortisol.
The loss of bone mass happens in aging – but this isn’t the full picture.
Bones can also become weaker without losing as much mass as you might expect.
“Aging or glucocorticoid excess decrease bone strength more than bone mass, with an explanation for this mismatch remains elusive.”
Through a number of experiments on mice, the researchers gained a greater understanding of this problem.
The researchers found that older mice produced higher levels of glucocorticoids.
On top of this, older mice had higher levels of an enzyme called HSD11B1.
HSD11B1 is an enzyme involved in the conversion of glucocorticoids. The end product of this enzyme is cortisol.
In other words – older mice produced more cortisol in their bones.
“Aging was associated with an increase in adrenal production of glucocorticoids as well as the enzyme that activates cortisol.”
More importantly, the researchers found that older mice had limited supply of nutrients into the bones.
The blood vessels (vasculature) which supply nutrients to the bones, withered over time – cutting off the supply lines to the bones.
“Aging decreases the volume of bone vasculature and solid transport from the peripheral circulation to the bones.”
The question then was whether cortisol, or some other age-related factor were responsible for this problem.
The researchers injected young mice with cortisol to bring their cortisol levels up.
Those experiments showed that it was indeed cortisol which was causing the withering away of the supply system for the bones.
Cortisol, not age ,weakened bones.
“The same changes were reproduced by pharmacologic hyperglucocorticoidism.”
In other experiments, the researchers found that the strength of the bones could be retained when bone cells were protected against the degenerative effects of cortisol.
These experiments show a number of things.
It is cortisol, not aging, which is the major factor in causing brittle bones.
Cortisol weakens bones partly by reducing the supply of nutrients to the bones from the rest of the body.
“Endogenous glucocorticoids increase skeletal fragility and old-age.”
The increase in cortisol is not entirely age-dependent.
There are many things we can do which will increase or decrease cortisol levels.
For example, the body elevates cortisol when blood sugar becomes low – in order to dissolve skeletal muscle to produce more sugar.
(Cortisol dissolves muscle just as it does bone.)
Simply staying well fed can help to keep cortisol levels down.
I think that many people taking on extreme fasting and high-fat diets are accelerating problems usually attributed to aging…
Because these diets spike their cortisol levels.
Cortisol is anti-inflammatory – this is why these diets can feel quite good for people with health problems – at least for a while.
But chronically elevated cortisol levels dissolve bone and muscle – cortisol causes degeneration of the whole body.
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health with problems.
—-Important Message About Lowering Cortisol—-
This raises T while lowering cortisol
When men have chronically high cortisol levels, they usually suffer from low libido and erections problems too.
This is because cortisol inhibits testosterone production in men.
So the more cortisol you have, the less T you have.
And that ups your risk of heart disease by a lot… not good…
But here’s the good news…
If you can naturally raise T, you can naturally lower cortisol…
Because when testosterone is being made in the body, stress hormones automatically go down — including cortisol.
And the easiest way to naturally raise testosterone is to pop this in your mouth…