This is why I never get these new prostate screenings…
—-Important Message for Men Who Love Cheap Natural Remedies—-
This cheap white powder oxygenates the cells and protects against cancer
Multiple studies show that cancer cells thrive in low-oxygen states…
…so cancer cells hate oxygen the way a burglar in the night hates bright lights.

And this natural white powder — it oxygenates the cells, making them healthier and more resistant to cancer.
It’s like a spotlight shining directly onto every single one of your cells, protecting them and ready to act if any threat appears…
And you can get a pound of it for 89 cents or less at most grocery stores. You may even have some in your kitchen right now…
Here’s the cheap white powder that oxygenates the cells and protects against cancer.
Controversial truths about prostate cancer
Cancer is scary. And getting a diagnosis of prostate cancer can be REALLY scary for men.
The fear can cause men to have a “just get it out” reaction.
The problem is that, in this case, the cure is often worse than the problem.
I get that reaction. I really do.
But prostate cancer – especially if you get it in your 60s or 70s or later – will often never branch out beyond the prostate… And it will not be much of a health threat, if any.
But aggressive treatments happen anyway.
That’s why I’m worried about a potential new test for prostate cancer…
It could dramatically increase the rate of overtreatment – and cause men LOTS of pain.

How common is prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer is quite common, especially as men age.
“About 1 man in 9 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime.”
In fact, I think many men have prostate cancer and just don’t know it.
This is especially true if you are over the age of 65.
“Prostate cancer is more likely to develop in older men and in African-American men. About 6 cases in 10 are diagnosed in men who are 65 or older. And it is rare in men under 40. The average age at diagnosis is about 66.”
Because prostate cancer is so common, doctors usually recommend screenings.
Current prostate screenings don’t work all that well.
It’s pretty amazing that the medical community diagnoses so many men with prostate cancer.
And that’s because we don’t have very good screening tools for it.
“Tissue biopsies are invasive and notoriously difficult because they often miss cancer cells. And existing tests, such as PSA (prostate-specific antigen) elevation, are not very helpful in identifying cancer.”
The lack of reliability in screening is pushing scientists to develop new methods.
New screening methods are on the horizon.
It looks like there might be a simple pee test in the near future that doctors can use to screen for prostate cancer.
“We discovered cancer-specific changes in urinary RNAs and metabolites that – if confirmed in a larger, separate group of patients – will allow us to develop a urinary test for prostate cancer in the future.”
But will more screening lead to better outcomes?
This doesn’t mean you should get screened.
Currently, screening can lead to both false positives and MASSIVE overtreatment.
“Prostate cancer can be a serious disease, but most men diagnosed with prostate cancer do not die from it. In fact, more than 3.1 million men in the United States who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point are still alive today.”
That’s because MOST prostate cancers remain confined to the prostate and do not need aggressive treatment.
There are some exceptions, but those USUALLY happen in younger men.
Here’s what I see happening:
- A man gets screened for prostate cancer.
- He finds out he might have cancer and undergoes a dangerous biopsy.
- Then he gets the cancerous diagnosis and gets aggressive treatment.
- He loses sexual function and urinary function.
- He probably doesn’t live any longer than he would have otherwise.
Now… If you have prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate, I am NOT telling you not to get treatment.
You need to discuss that with your doctor. I’m not a doctor and I can’t give you that advice.
What I am telling you is that an approach that involves monitoring instead of aggressive treatment is likely to let you have your sexual and urinary functions longer.
My BIG concern with urine testing is that many more men will get a diagnosis of something they didn’t know they had and may not need treated.
I’m worried that this will lead to even more overtreatment… Time will tell.
—-Important Message for Men Who Want a Healthy Prostate—-
NEW prostate-shrinking machine gives men immediate relief from prostate symptoms and shrinks the prostate down to normal size
I’ve discovered a natural prostate shrinking machine that is over 60-years-old yet totally forgotten…
…and it actually reduces inflammation and shrinks the prostate to normal size over a few months…
But see, nobody wants to wait a few months…
So I’ve put my own spin on this old forgotten prostate remedy to make it start working right away…
And the means for men with annoying prostate symptoms like peeing all the time, struggling to pee, and waking up several times a night…
…you can get immediate relief using my new prostate shrinking machine for free right now…