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Glaucoma is the second-worst eye disease.
And it’s the most common eye disease after cataracts.
PLUS, it turns out that glaucoma may be 100% preventable.
Without drugs.
First of all, glaucoma is caused by too much pressure in eyes.
It affects primarily people who are over 40.
Millions of folks have glaucoma.
But many of them don’t know it.
That’s because an eye doctor needs to diagnose the disease and many people never go to an eye doctor.
The good news is that you can take certain vitamins for glaucoma prevention!
You could even improve existing glaucoma and lower eye pressure.
Could something as simple as niacinamide, vitamin B3, prevent glaucoma?
This is a brand-new study done with mice, but it should work just as well with people.
The biochemistry is the same.
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Researchers studied mice who either had or were developing glaucoma.
And they treated them with simple vitamin B3.
They found that the vitamin B3 (or niacinamide) stopped glaucoma cold!
Even for mice that already had it, they found that B3 improved their glaucoma quite a bit.
Oral administration of niacinamide (vitamin B3) was protective both prophylactically and as an intervention.
The reason that vitamin B3 works is because vitamin B3 promotes cellular energy.
This is by promoting the formation of NAD+, which is short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.
It’s a coenzyme found in all living cells.
For people who have oxidative stress or a low metabolism, their NAD+ is very low.
Niacinamide increases the cellular energy and increases NAD+.
So, what should you do if you have glaucoma, or want to prevent it?
Well, if you have glaucoma, or you think you may be getting it, there’s no harm in trying vitamin B3.
You can treat glaucoma naturally.
But, like everything else, you should always check with your doctor and don’t listen to me.
The ideal doses aren’t known yet, but niacinamide is extremely safe.
People often take 1000 to 1500 mg per day.
A dose of 50 to 100 mg several times a day seems very reasonable for anybody.

Facts About Glaucoma
Vitamin B3 modulates mitochondrial vulnerability and prevents glaucoma in aged mice
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