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Proton pump inhibitors are some of the most commonly prescribed medications in the world.
People take them for gastric upset, stomach acid issues, heartburn, GERD, and acid reflux.
Here is a list of those:
The old heartburn drugs were H2 inhibitors such as famotidine, also known in the USA as Pepcid AC.
However, those H2 drugs went off patent.
Those drugs were very useful and remain very useful — we talked about them in the past.
But the proton pump inhibitors are supposedly new and improved.
At this point, I have to tell you that your doctor doesn’t do his own research.
He receives this drug company information and reads their propaganda about why this new drug is a miracle.
And then he prescribes whatever the drug companies tell him to prescribe.
It’s very sad.
But very few doctors have the interest, will, or the ability to evaluate claims and studies made by drug companies.
This age of managed care makes it difficult for even those doctors who would do the research.
They don’t have to have the time to look at the studies.
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They’re just far too busy to be able to have the time to evaluate these studies on their own.
That’s where I come in.
I research these things because that’s my primary job.
I don’t have to see patients because I’m not a physician.
But I can give you the information you need, and you can take it to your doctor.
It helps you both.
So years ago there were many red flags about these proton pump inhibitors.
For example, let’s look at this study.
This was a small study done in Japan, but it’s a good study.
And the researchers found an early correlation with multiple bone fractures in women that were suffering from acid reflux.
These women had taken proton pump inhibitors as prescribed by their doctor.
And they found that these women had a high level of fractures.
But nobody wanted to pay much attention to these findings.
Big Pharma provides big fees, payments, and sponsorships to doctors and researchers.
They want doctors to continue prescribing their heartburn medicine.
So it’s not surprising that they work to find favor for their patented drugs that they’re pushing at the time.
And this is what is going on with these proton pump inhibitors — they have been super profitable.
Just in the US alone, in 2013, Nexium was almost a $6 billion drug.
That doesn’t count all the other proton pump inhibitors.
And it doesn’t count the even more lucrative markets outside of the US.
Drug company profit margins are extremely high.
So this shows you how protective these drug companies must be of their profits from these proton pump inhibitors.
Big Pharma pretends they don’t see these studies.
Theye don’t want to see studies on the adverse effects of Nexium or its cousins.
Like this one.
There was another study showing fractures from proton pump inhibitors, this one out of Canada.
The drug companies have tried to blame other drugs such as biphosphonates for these fractured wrists.
They said that patients taking proton pump inhibitors were also taking other drugs.
And obviously, those other drugs are the cause of those fractures.
However, it is clear that proton pump inhibitors cause severe bone loss.
In this recent study shows the mechanism behind the damage done by proton pump inhibitors.
Proton pump inhibitors often double parathyroid hormone levels.
Parathyroid hormone draws calcium out of the bones, among other things.
That calcium is then either absorbed by soft tissue or excreted.
All that calcium loss weakens the bones.
And calcium fills tissues where calcium doesn’t belong.
So it’s not surprising that there is an increase in heart disease in patients taking proton pump inhibitors.
It’s because all that calcium leaching out of their bones clogs arteries.
And it causes calcification in the heart and heart valves.
Indeed, here is a study showing how common the problem is.
Keep in mind that a myocardial infarction is a common type of heart attack.
In patients taking proton pump inhibitors, researchers report:
Survival analysis found a two-fold increase in association with cardiovascular mortality.
That means that death from heart attacks doubled amongst proton pump inhibitor users.
We have a lot of evidence damning proton pump inhibitors.
So why are people still taking them?
Is this study says,
We also found that H2 blockers, an alternate treatment for GERD, were not associated with increased cardiovascular risk.
The problem with the H2 blockers such as Pepcid AC isn’t medical.
The problem is that they are off patent and therefore not very profitable.
This is why you need to be reading and paying a lot of attention to Daily Medical Discoveries.
Sadly, thousands of men reading this will continue taking these proton pump inhibitors.
When instead, they should talk to the doctor about getting on when the older safer drugs.

Top proton pump inhibitors based on U.S. revenue in 2013 (in million U.S. dollars)
Multiple vertebral fractures are associated with refractory reflux esophagitis in postmenopausal women
The effect of proton pump inhibitors on fracture risk: report from the Canadian Multicenter Osteoporosis Study
Hyperparathyroidism Associated with Long-Term Proton Pump Inhibitors Independent of Concurrent Bisphosphonate Therapy...
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrew_M_Hinson/publication/272420141_Hyperparathyroidism _Associated_with_LongTerm_Proton_Pump_Inhibitors_Independent_of _Concurrent_Bisphosphonate_Therapy_in_Elderly_Adults/links/ 560d9c4908ae96742010dc62.pdf
Proton Pump Inhibitor Usage and the Risk of Myocardial Infarction in the General Population
Proton pump inhibitors are some of the most commonly prescribed medications in the world.