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Next time you pee, you’ll discover some amazing things about your own body and metabolism…
—-Important Message—-
This will pump up your sexual performance…
Want longer-lasting, spine-tingling sex?
If you’re looking for a boost in your sex life – a boost that will make your sex more intense, more pleasurable, and longer-lasting – then you need to discover these solo activities.
These solo activities help boost your sexual performance and stamina quickly and in the privacy of your own home.
And one of the most exciting benefits of these solo activities it that they will work for any adult man who’s looking for a quick, easy way to add more excitement, pleasure, and satisfaction to his sex life…
…no matter how past your prime you may feel.
What the color, odor of urine say about your health…
The number of people in the US with kidney disease today is very high…
One-fifth of all Medicare spending on older people in the US is for kidney disease.
And yet nothing is as poorly treated as kidney disease.
It seems there is simply no understanding of this problem.
In today’s newsletter, you’re going to discover an amazing scientific discovery about the prevention and reversal of kidney disease.
This is an excellent study. Before we get into it, let me just explain what the kidneys do:
The kidneys filter blood. And their output is urine.
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One sign of kidney problems is protein spilling into the urine.
This is often a warning sign of diabetes or goes along with diabetes.
Doctors often treat the symptoms rather than the cause.
They prescribe ACE inhibitors or ARBs – and that’s like adding fuel to a house fire but then trying to cut holes in the roof to let out the heat.
But this approach does not address the cause of the disease.
The tubules in the kidneys normally filter out the bad stuff which is then dissolved in water – in the form of urine.
Protein is the good stuff and isn’t supposed to get into the urine at all.
However, doctors never bother trying to figure out how protein gets into the urine.
Instead, they treat it with all these chemicals and often label it as a medical mystery.
But it’s not a mystery.
What happens is that fats – free fatty acids – are picked up by proteins in the blood.
And this protein-fat combination damages the kidney tubules.
Eventually, this results in protein spilling into the urine.
It’s been known for some time that bad fats can cause kidney damage in this way.
But doctors have ignored this because of propaganda for the so-called benefits of the “essential” fatty acids…
… which are not essential at all but actually very damaging.
The researchers in this study administered a high-fat diet to mice.
They found that a high-fat diet is exactly what can cause proteins to show up in the urine.
A high-fat diet causes kidney damage and ultimately death.
“Our results indicated that a high-fat diet dramatically increased the urine output and worsened albuminuria (protein in the urine).”
So, what fats are the worst fats?
This study answered that question.
“Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) induce peroxynitrite generation. The increasing peroxynitrite formation in response to PUFA requires heat shock protein and is associated with Ca2+ (calcium) efflux from the mitochondria.”
The researchers gave lab mice a chemical that stops the heat shock protein that processes PUFAs.
But this is research. That isn’t what you want for yourself, right? You’re not a lab mouse.
You want to be healthy without having to take anything.
So now we can see the steps that lead to kidney damage.
1 – PUFAs in particular cause free radical damage.
2 – The body’s defense against free radical damage is actually involved in causing inflammation in the kidney tubules.
3 – The kidney tubules become inflamed, causing them to spill protein into the urine.
The best solution is to eliminate PUFAs from your diet.
And if you already have this problem go on a very low-fat diet to restore kidney function.
Always ask your doctor before embarking on any kind of diet or change in medication, but show your doctor these studies.
—-Important Message—-
Important: If you are trying to lose belly fat, READ THIS.
Did you know that almost all weight loss diets result in a man losing muscle?
Sure he loses fat, but he also loses precious muscle that he may NEVER get back.
And of course, it seems the diet is working. He’s losing weight, right?
But remember, muscle weighs more than fat. So losing weight may actually HARM the male body because the muscle drains away along with some fat.
That muscle may NEVER come back… And it isn’t just muscle that he loses…it’s precious organ mass, lean mass…
…the heart muscle, the liver, the kidneys, even the brain and testes shrink when a man goes on the wrong diet…
But I discovered that simple safe foods and supplements let a man lose fat WITHOUT losing muscle.
And best of all, men don’t just lose belly fat…they gain nice, bulging muscles while the fat melts off.
You’ll grin as you tighten your belt another notch in the morning, and your wife will be thrilled at your new sexual prowess.
Yes, your waist gets firmer and smaller, and your chest and thigh muscles get better defined. Some older guys even discover that, yes, they have ab muscles – even a six pack.

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