Can a stuffed animal really give a man better boners?
—-Important Message From Lloyd Lester—-
53-year-old man restores his erections using *this* unusual toy
A shocking study done by the prestigious Cleveland Clinic reveals that men who use this mysterious stuffed animal…
…are able to start enjoying rod-stiff boners…
…even after years of struggling with erections problems…
So rather than your manhood not responding to what your mind tells you, it quickly “gets the message”…
And turns into one big, pulsing towel-hanger!
Imagine not having to go to the doctor for another tablet…
Or crippling yourself with horrible exercises, rings, pumps, or even surgery… just to get “rocky enough” for your lady…
Instead, you can bring that stiffy out naturally using this unusual plush toy…
A weird new way to erase pain naturally
Chronic pain is a horrible thing to deal with.
Personally, I’ve dealt with recurring headaches most of my life, and while they are under control now…
It’s taken me many years to find answers that actually work.
That’s why I’m always interested in chronic pain and how we might be able to treat it more effectively.
I’m especially interested in solutions that are low risk and potentially have high reward.
That’s why this study from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research really caught my eye.
Scientists used sound to blunt pain in mice and figured out WHY using sound worked to minimize pain.
Scientists have identified the neural mechanisms through which sound blunts pain in mice. The findings could inform development of safer methods to treat pain.
The researchers are hoping that this leads to breakthroughs in pain treatment for people.
Effective and safe treatment for pain would certainly be welcome.
“We need more effective methods of managing acute and chronic pain, and that starts with gaining a better understanding of the basic neural processes that regulate pain,” said NIDCR Director Rena D’Souza, D.D.S., Ph.D. “By uncovering the circuitry that mediates the pain-reducing effects of sound in mice, this study adds critical knowledge that could ultimately inform new approaches for pain therapy.”
But because what actually worked in the mice is so low risk, I think that we can start experimenting with this now.
After all, studies have already shown that music can help to minimize pain in humans.
Dating back to 1960, studies in humans have shown that music and other kinds of sound can help alleviate acute and chronic pain, including pain from dental and medical surgery, labor and delivery, and cancer.
In this experiment, the researchers exposed mice to different types of sound.
The researchers first exposed mice with inflamed paws to three types of sound: a pleasant piece of classical music, an unpleasant rearrangement of the same piece, and white noise.
But researchers were surprised.
It wasn’t the type of sound, but the intensity of the sound that made a difference in pain levels in these animals.
Low intensity sound reduced pain sensitivity, when louder sounds did not.
Surprisingly, all three types of sound, when played at a low intensity relative to background noise (about the level of a whisper) reduced pain sensitivity in the mice. Higher intensities of the same sounds had no effect on animals’ pain responses.
The researchers found that low level sound actually blocked the ROUTE of pain sensors in mice brains.
They identified a route from the auditory cortex, which receives and processes information about sound, to the thalamus, which acts as a relay station for sensory signals, including pain, from the body. In freely moving mice, low-intensity white noise reduced the activity of neurons at the receiving end of the pathway in the thalamus.
This experiment hasn’t been replicated with humans, but I still think it’s worth experimenting with if you have pain.
You could play low intensity music in the background, or get a white noise machine and play it at a low level.
Observe what happens to your pain and if it’s better keep going.
If it doesn’t make a difference then you’ve only experimented with a safe methodology to see if it works for you.
This is how I often get my best breakthroughs.
I find a solution that might work and I try it out to see if it does.
It’s amazing what you can discover with a little bit of research and some experimentation!
—-Important Message About Treating Pain—-
#1 doctor recommended pain reliever is lowering men’s testosterone — are you taking it?
Believe it or not, most over-the-counter pain relievers are terrible for men…
Because they lower a man’s testosterone levels while raising estrogen…
And the worst one is actually the #1 doctor recommended pain reliever in the country…
…that more than 60 million men are using right now…
Plus, here’s a natural way to defeat pain while actually BOOSTING testosterone (you only need a pinch)…