Does back surgery really help?

October 12, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”4174″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] Back surgery continues to be a big opportunity with 500,000 of surgeries done per year. But does back surgery actually […]

Cancer is no longer a death sentence

October 10, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”4086″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] Imagine being diagnosed with cancer at age 45, serious cancer. But you live until you’re 93 years old. And […]

Prostate Cancer: Are PUFAs the reason?

October 8, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”4082″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] The US government cancer statistics are full of lies. Here’s a chart showing what the government is telling us […]

What causes age spots?

What causes age spots?

October 6, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”4078″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] Have you ever wondered what causes age spots?I want you to meet Lipofuscin. I want you to meet Lipofuscin. Lipofuscin is […]

DHT supplementation vs Testosterone

DHT supplementation vs Testosterone

October 2, 2016 Matt Cook 1

[cmamad id=”4069″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] One of the primary problems that we address here is the seemingly inevitable decline in testosterone. As men age, their testosterone […]

Coconut oil helps shrink prostate

Coconut oil helps shrink prostate

September 30, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”3994″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””]People think that all kinds of things cause prostate issues. But the evidence is pretty clear that estrogen causes prostate […]

Canola oil is bad for you

Canola oil is bad for you

September 28, 2016 Matt Cook 1

[cmamad id=”3990″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] Every day, many email me something like, “Matt, is it okay to eat peanut butter every day?” Or, “Matt, […]

Nicotine is anti-estrogenic

September 24, 2016 Matt Cook 0

[cmamad id=”3982″ align=”center” tabid=”display-desktop” mobid=”display-desktop” stg=””] It’s long been believed that smoking causes heart disease and lung cancer. I don’t believe that it is as […]