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Try this tonight. You will fall asleep faster, sleep deeper, and wake up with tons of energy.
—–Important Message—–
Increasing testosterone and thyroid naturally – is that possible?
Some foods contain bad fats that kill our testosterone and send our thyroid levels out of whack.
Over 1,000 medical studies done at different universities agree: These bad fats lower metabolism, lower testosterone, and lower thyroid.
No wonder so many men are experiencing more and more stubborn belly fat, erectile dysfunction, and other metabolic problems.
There are more of these bad fats in processed foods today than ever before.
By cutting out these bad fats, a man’s body will begin building testosterone and thyroid levels.
At that point, the man experiences more and more energy.
And that surge of testosterone also makes a man confident and makes a man’s muscles hard and firm.
And that surge of testosterone also helps the man’s sexual performance.
Here is how men can eat a little bit differently and boost their thyroid and their testosterone.
Can’t sleep? Try this…
Sleep is necessary for repair and rejuvenation.
When their healthy sleep cycle is interrupted, people develop more diseases.
Strong associations have been shown between poor sleep, peptic ulcers, and coronary heart disease.
Could modern technology be destroying your ability to sleep properly?
More and more people find themselves using electronic devices before sleep.
The screens on these devices are often used near the eye, and they emit a lot of blue light.
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The blue light from screens can affect the circadian rhythm.
Sleep specialists from the US and Germany investigated the effect of eReaders on circadian rhythms and morning alertness.
12 young adults were recruited into the study – six men and six women.
For two weeks the participants read an eBook in a dim room before bed – or a physical book in the same light environment.
All of the participants completed both experiments – eBook and physical book.
The study found that reading the eBook suppressed melatonin.
And melatonin is an important sleep-inducing hormone…
“The light-emitting eBook condition suppressed evening levels of melatonin by 55%, whereas the print-book condition showed no suppression.”
The eBook reader also caused a delayed circadian rhythm.
Melatonin levels started rising later after using an eBook reader.
This can mean later sleeping times and less sleep in the long term.
“Dim light melatonin onset was >1.5 h later on the day following the light-emitting eBook condition than in the print-book condition”
When people used an eBook before bed it took longer for them to fall asleep.
“In the litght-emitting eBook condition, participants averaged nearly 10 min longer to fall asleep than in the print-book condition.”
Maybe 10 minutes doesn’t seem like much. But consider that these experiments only ran for 5 days.
REM sleep was also affected by the eBook reader.
The electronic devices produced a negative effect on the all-important rapid eye movement (REM) phase of sleep.
“Participants also had significantly less REM sleep following the light-emitting eBook.”
Participants were asked to describe how tired they felt an hour before bedtime.
It turned out that the eReader produced an alertness not found with physical books.
“Reading the light-emitting eBook was associated with decreased sleepiness in the evening. An hour before bedtime, study participants rated themselves as less sleepy.”
Examinations of brainwaves with EEG proved that these reports were in fact correct.
“EEG showed less power within the delta/theta frequency range in the light-emitting eBook condition.”
As you would expect with all of these negative effects on sleep metrics from the electronic device, the next morning the participants felt less rested and less alert.
“The following morning, however, the results for self-reported sleepiness were reversed, with participants feeling sleepier the morning after reading a light-emitting eBook the prior evening.”
After reading an eBook people took longer to wake up the next day.
“Not only did they awaken feeling sleepier, it took them hours longer to fully wake up.”
Our eyes have different types of light-sensitive receptors.
These light sensors can be divided into image-sensitive and non-image-sensitive.
The non-image-sensitive sensors are not used for seeing. Some of them are used to take in information about our light environment. We program our daily patterns with this information.
In nature, blue light tends to peak around midday.
Midday is the time when we need to be most alert.
The eReader used in this experiment emitted a large amount of stimulating blue light.
“Light from the eBook is short-wavelength–enriched, with a peak in the blue light range.”
When we use electronic devices late in the evening we are destroying our sleep cycle.
We are giving our light receptors signals that tell us to increase alertness as if it were midday.
Screens should be avoided at night to protect sleep rhythms.
And, by extension, to protect our health.
Another option is to use blue-blocking software or blue-blocker glasses after the sun goes down.
Many applications marketed for blocking blue light aren’t very good at it.
F.lux (software) is one of the few that seems to block blue light effectively.
If you have any health problems you should consult with a healthcare professional.
—–Important Message—–
Nothing lets you sleep better than a whole-body orgasm that comes in waves and leaves you floating on a cushy cloud of pleasure.
How to experience this sensation of bliss?
Months ago, I discovered this strange practice that makes sex last for hours and makes it more pleasurable than ever before.
So I tried it.
At first, it felt nice, but it was nothing terribly exciting. But they had told me that it would be kind of slow at first.
But about 3 weeks later, the crap hit the fan (in a good way)…
The pleasure went through my whole body and it was like a 45-minute orgasm.
This strange practice was SO great I couldn’t stop telling my buddies about it. And about others guys who were solving their erection problems by doing this…
As I told them, “This is like being in pleasure-land. You look up and an hour has passed while you’ve been in Nirvana land inside her.”
And long pleasurable intercourse brings you closer to each other, loving each other madly. It’s the connection you always craved and dreamed of but never could realize.
The secret of lasting a really long time with feeling and pleasure that I haven’t experienced since being a young man… if EVER…

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