I continue to see people not consuming enough vitamin D. Vitamin D in the form of vitamin D3 is easily and inexpensively consumed orally.
So here is a new study that shows that people with low vitamin D levels are more likely to suffer stress fractures.
Stress fractures are more and more common, as even people who walk a lot, or who jog tend to get stress fractures. You don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to suffer stress fractures. They are especially common in the foot and heal.
I think that the reliance on fancy shoes probably make stress fractures worse. That’s just my opinion, in fact I go barefoot most of the time, and try to exercise barefoot. But the current trend is towards high-end shoes and expensive orthotics.
Anyway, getting back to the study, they found that vitamin D levels correlate with stress fractures. The lower the level, the more likely you are to get stress fractures.
This is not the only study that showed this.
In this earlier study, they actually gave a large group of people vitamin D supplements for four months.
They didn’t give them a lot.
They gave them 100,000 units, over four months. I personally often take 50,000 units in a single day.
But they found that the people that received the supplements had a lower death rate, and a lower stress fracture rate, and were generally healthier than the people that did not get the supplement.
Remember if you do take vitamin D3, you want to make sure to take vitamin K2, vitamin A, and vitamin E. These all go together.
You can also spend time in the sun. 15 minutes in full sun with a bathing suit on can get you as much as 10,000 to 15,000 units of vitamin D. And it’s healthier than consuming vitamin D3 orally, because it’s more natural. And sunlight has a lot of advantages.
But we can always get the sunlight, can we? In fact, as you move closer to the equator, you find a pattern of fewer heart attacks, fewer fractures, and happier people. Why? Perhaps because they get more son. As mankind moved further north, he suffered so try to increase your vitamin D3. You can get a blood test for vitamin D. As WebMD says:
The most accurate way to measure how much vitamin D is in your body is the 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood test. A level of 20 nanograms/milliliter to 50 ng/mL is considered adequate for healthy people. A level less than 12 ng/mL indicates vitamin D deficiency.
I think that is completely wrong. I think you should aim for a level of 60 to 100.
Click for more information on Vitamin D, for Anti-Aging information, or for information about Vitamins benefits.