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Imagine… feeling orgasmic pleasure that extends through your whole body and lasts for 30 minutes at least. That’s entirely possible with what I’m revealing here…
—-Important Message—-
I discovered a simple but weird little practice… I do it at home.
So now when I want more potency and vigor, I do this weird little practice at home and then I’m raring to go.
It works because it raises my temperatures and literally makes my metabolism the same as when I was a young man of 20.
Right now I’m doing it, and my temperature is at 98.8… And I’m raring to go with Jodi.
Easy peasy.
And you can do the same in your life.
In fact, if you don’t, you will find that you deflate as a man and everything seems tougher, slower, lower, and colder.
But with my weird little practice, you are always ready and always hot to trot.
And it’s wonderful for a man’s overall health and longevity too.
What a winner… Better sex, more sex, and a younger brain and body.
All from this one simple but weird little practice.
Here’s the weird little practice
Can you increase sensitivity AND last a lot longer?
Two different programs.
Your brain has two different, built-in programs for sex…
One that makes babies… and one that makes you insanely, incredibly, stupidly happy.
I know… That’s a really BIG claim.
But I’ve taught thousands and thousands of men these methods and it’s absolutely TRUE.
There is a biological program available to you for sex that is so good it will make nearly all the other problems in your life disappear.
But most guys don’t follow this “stupidly happy” program… They don’t even know about it.
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I’ll tell you a little more about that in a bit…
But first I want to let you know just ONE reason why the programs people follow to fix their sex lives really don’t work all that well for most men (even if you think they do).
So… Are you ready to have your mind BLOWN?
Nature doesn’t care if you’re happy.
Here’s the big TRUTH…
Nature doesn’t care at all if you’re happy. Not even a little bit.
The only thing nature really cares about is if you spread your genes around to the next generation.
That’s why sex FEELS so good and the drive for sex is so strong…
Because nature wants us to create offspring.
BUT… Reproductive sex (that’s what I call it) has a downside that almost NO-ONE talks about…
It can make you FEEL miserable afterward – a feeling of dissatisfaction in your partner and a general feeling of the blues.
“A world-first study by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) researchers concludes men can and do suffer from postcoital dysphoria (PCD) which results in feelings of sadness, tearfulness, or irritability following sex.”
This isn’t unusual or an accident.
We’re designed this way so we will seek out new partners and spread more of our genes around.
That’s why feeling this way after reproductive-type sex is SO COMMON.
“Forty-one percent of the participants reported experiencing PCD in their lifetime with 20 percent reporting they had experienced it in the previous four weeks. Up to four percent suffered from PCD on a regular basis.”
Joel Maczkowiack, one of the authors of the QUT study, published some of the comments from men who participated and who experienced PCD.
Here are a few of their comments:
“I don’t want to be touched and want to be left alone.”
“I feel unsatisfied, annoyed, and very fidgety. All I really want is to leave and distract myself from everything I participated in.”
“…emotionless and empty…”
There is a serious downside to feeling this way…
Sex may feel good at the moment – but leaves you feeling empty afterward.
For some guys in a long-term relationship, this can make it difficult to get great erections.
And this can make it far more tempting to cheat.
Now I want to be clear here… I’m not making any moral judgments.
If you are fulfilled by having sexual relationships with multiple partners or are into polyamory then that’s fine.
There is nothing wrong with that.
But there is a BETTER way than this “pump and done” type of sex that every porn channel in the world says is the best thing ever.
Because it’s not – not by a long shot.
Imagine instead… feeling orgasmic pleasure that extends through your whole body and lasts for 30 minutes at least.
That’s entirely possible…
But it requires activating the OTHER sex program in your brain…
…the one that has been there all along that you probably don’t know about…
I’ve taught thousands of guys how to hack this program – and the results are INCREDIBLE.
If you’re curious about hacking this blissful sex program – be sure to check out the important message below…
—-Important Message—-
Months ago, I discovered this method that made sex last for hours… and more pleasurable than ever before.

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