It sounds “woo woo” but it really works
—-Important Message—-
Incredible white powder reduces joint pain by 80%

You can get this powder at the supermarket dirt cheap…
It’s incredibly safe. Anyone can take it, even if you’re taking other things at the same time.
Some men report joint pain just “disappears.”
Here’s the incredible white powder that destroys joint pain in 2 weeks or less
Can biofeedback make men rocky?
Most of the time when you go to the doctor’s office with something wrong, you’ll walk out with a bunch of scripts for new chemicals.
Sometimes this is necessary…
…but sometimes there are alternative treatments that can help you to minimize or eliminate the need for Big Pharma’s substances.
That’s good news, because recently research has been finding that many of the popular Big Pharma substances have long-term side effects that are downright scary.
That’s why I personally take those kinds of treatments ONLY when necessary and look for alternative paths to good health as much as possible.
Note: I’m not telling YOU what to do. You should always consult with your doctor.

One of the alternative paths that has some good data behind it is biofeedback.
Biofeedback sounds really fancy, but it’s just a bunch of sensors that help you know and control what your body is doing.
Biofeedback is a technique you can use to learn to control some of your body’s functions, such as your heart rate. During biofeedback, you’re connected to electrical sensors that help you receive information about your body.
At the Portland VA, they conducted a study on the literature about biofeedback to see how effective it is for different conditions.
Biofeedback is low cost and low risk and doesn’t involve any long-term substances, although it can be used in conjunction with other therapies.
We are encouraged by the positive findings and the additional findings of potential benefits for a wide range of conditions. Biofeedback is a low-risk, cost-effective intervention.
Biofeedback can help with headache pain.
One of the areas where biofeedback helps is headache pain — and this includes often difficult to treat migraines.
The review showed clear evidence that biofeedback is effective at reducing headache pain. A variety of biofeedback measures have been used for headache, including EMG, skin temperature, and blood pressure monitoring. These techniques appear to help decrease the frequency, duration, and intensity of both migraine and tension headaches.
Patients who used biofeedback had fewer and less intense headaches on average.
Biofeedback can help with urinary incontinence after prostate surgery.
This one is really exciting to me.
Biofeedback has been shown to be very effective in helping men regain bladder control after prostate surgery.
Strong evidence also exists showing that biofeedback can help with urinary incontinence for men who have had their prostate removed. In this case, EMG is used to assist with pelvic floor muscle training. Adding biofeedback provides both immediate and long-term improvements beyond those seen with muscle training alone.
I can’t tell you what to do and you should always consult with your doctor, but in my experience prostate surgery can be brutal on men.
It can cause problems with bladder control as well as problems with sexual function.
Effective pelvic floor training assisted with biofeedback can help with both of these issues.
Biofeedback can aid recovery after a stroke.
This one is interesting, because biofeedback has been shown to help with “lower limb activity” or walking after a person has a stroke.
Adding biofeedback to therapy for lower-limb activity after stroke also appears to help patients. Stroke therapy can include several different types of biofeedback, such as platforms that measure weight distribution to help with balance, sensors to measure the angle of the joints during walking, and EMG to record muscle activity.
Since walking is a huge part of human activity, this is very good news.
Overall, biofeedback seems very promising in several areas, it has low risk of side effects and can complement more traditional Western Medicine.
Can it make a man rocky? I think it may be very useful for that. I’ve experimented with it and will continue to do so.
It’s something to keep in mind if you want to minimize Big Pharma chemicals and go with treatments that have fewer side effects.
—-Important Message for Aging Men—-
This cancer-fighting nutrient can shrink the prostate
Men can have a prostate the size of a lemon… sometimes even larger…

With this special cancer-fighting nutrient I’ve discovered, you can shrink a lemon-sized prostate down to a walnut, the normal size, with good urinary function.
And you can do this at home, without medications or procedures, or even a doctors visit.
See, most men are deficient in this special nutrient that’s been called the “anti cancer nutrient” by some scientists.
It fights back against toxins and chemicals in the testicles to protect your prostate and keep it healthy.
And now I’ve found a very simple way to increase this cancer-fighting nutrient in the body — here’s how.