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Anxiety, depression, and aggression kill many of us.
We are swallowing enormous amounts of antidepressant and antianxiety medications.
But we’re still getting worse.
What is causing this epidemic of anxiety and depression today?
It may be that the cause is high amounts of serotonin and poor diet.
In this newsletter, an important yet little-noticed study may unlock the secret of lowering anxiety and depression.
And doing it better than pills.
All sugar and starch are carbohydrates.
But some carbohydrates are fermentable, while others resist fermentation.
And it looks like fermentable carbhohydrates are foods that cause anxiety.
The non-fermentable carbohydrates often do not reach the large intestine.
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For example, if you drink soda, it contains a large amount of the carbohydrate sugar.
It doesn’t matter if it’s high fructose corn syrup or table sugar, it’s still sugar, and still a carbohydrate.
When a healthy person, when they drink soda, it is absorbed quickly.
It’s absorbed way before it has a chance to go through the stomach and intestines.
However, if you eat day-old rice, that rice contains large amounts of fermentable fiber.
This fermentable fiber isn’t absorbed in the early stages of digestion.
It has to go through the stomach.
And then it ends up in the large intestine, where it ferments.
In this study that I am talking about today, researchers found that this fermentation releases lactic and various other acids.
And this buildup of excess acids causes the rats to become anxious and depressed.
Anxiety, depression, and aggression seemed to increase with quantities of starch fermenting in the bowel or large intestine.
So the fermentation process directly leads to increased anxiety, depression, and aggression.
And the scientists looked deeper to figure out why.
The researchers found that fermentation resulted in a lot of lactic acid release.
Lactic acid is toxic to the nerves and tissues.
And the body has a lot of ways of getting rid of lactic acid.
But starch fermenting in the bowel makes the body work hard to get rid of all the lactic acid.
It appears that the lactic acid poisons the nerve cells.
This poisoning causes them to become irritable and results in the increased symptoms seen in these rats.
There is every reason to believe that the same thing happens to human beings.
The same anxiety, depression, and aggression are appearing in human beings as a result of too much indigestible starch fermenting in the gut.
But what can you do about it?
One option for people to consider is carbohydrates that are easily and quickly digestible.
These would include foods such as sugar, ripe fruit, potatoes, and white rice.
This is the reason why I do not recommend whole grain foods when I talk to people.
Whole-wheat and brown rice are very difficult to digest, and the end up fermenting in the bowel.
They create lactic acid and other waste products that the body has to deal with — including serious amounts of endotoxins.
These result in the anxiety, depression, and aggression seen in rats and people.
And they cause many other health problems, too.

Worst written, most ridiculous pseudoscience article I’ve ever seen. Congrats.