It turns out the tea works in a way that’s unlike anything guys normally use…
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—-Important Message From Pure Body Innovations—-
Brazilian twig tea = wood in 30 seconds
Researchers studied a tribe deep in the mountains of Brazil…
Where the people have no modern meds like blue pellets.
And they discovered that the elders – guys in their fifties, sixties, seventies and beyond…
…are still banging the young chicks in the tribe every day.
And I’m talking for hours on end, without any chemical stimulation whatsoever.
Researchers couldn’t work out how these men were still so virile, when so many men in America struggle.
Until they saw the elders drinking a strange “twig tea”…
The tea is completely natural, and it’s made out of ingredients that might even be growing in your backyard.
It takes less than a minute to knock together, then you just take a sip and feel your loins stirring almost straight away.
One former FBI doc was so blown away by this discovery that he shared the recipe for the twig tea in a short video — watch it here
Resveratrol — does it really lower PSA levels?
Over the last few decades, pharmaceutical corporations have invested millions in researching a substance called resveratrol.
Their marketing claims that resveratrol is a miracle substance which slows aging and reverses disease.
Resveratrol is a natural substance which comes from a number of different plants.
The production of resveratrol increases when plants are injured or have been attacked by fungi or bacteria.
Resveratrol is a plant derived stress-chemical – and plant derived stress-chemicals are usually bad news for animals which consume them.
Resveratrol has been marketed as curing almost every disease – including prostate cancer.
But the research shows it does nothing except lower youth associated male steroids.
This will have the effect of accelerating aging – rather than slowing aging as the unfounded theories about resveratrol claim.
The human study was carried out at Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark. The findings were published in the journal Prostate.
Like most plant derived stress-chemicals, resveratrol is estrogenic.
Estrogenic substances have profound effects on the prostate – all of them negative.
But because of many misunderstandings about how the prostate works…
The effects of resveratrol on animal prostates have been interpreted as meaning it has an anti-cancer effect.
“Resveratrol reduces prostate growth in animal models and reduces prostate cell growth in vitro.”
Because of this, researchers wanted to find out what happened to men who took this supplement for a few months.
“Based on these preclinical findings, interesting resveratrol is increasing in relation to the management of benign prostate hyperplasia and prostate cancer.”
So the researchers recruited 66 middle-aged men for their four-month study.
The men were put on one of 2 doses of resveratrol – 150 mg or 1000 mg per day.
The researchers looked at prostate size and prostate specific antigen – a marker of prostate inflammation.
They also looked at male hormones before and after the four-month intervention.
All of the men in the study had metabolic syndrome – putting them at high risk of prostate problems.
Resveratrol didn’t lower testosterone – nor did it lower prostate specific antigen (PSA).
PSA is a protein which indicates inflammation in the prostate gland – is used to diagnose prostate cancer.
Going by the dominant theory of prostate cancer, anything which lowers the risk of prostate cancer should lower PSA levels – but resveratrol does not lower PSA levels.
Resveratrol also did not have any effect on prostate size.
“Prostate size and circulating levels of PSA, testosterone and DHT were unaffected by resveratrol.”
The substance didn’t impair the major male sex hormones – nor did it exhibit any improvements in “markers” of prostate cancer.
But there were some very worrying effects from the research.
Resveratrol was associated with a significant decrease in the less well-known male sex hormones – those associated with youthful characteristics.
DHEA, DHEA-S and androstenedione are all very important male hormones.
They are often seen as simply precursors to testosterone and DHT – the “real male hormones”.
But DHEA, DHEA-S and androstenedione all have very important functions in and of themselves – not least of which is slowing biological aging.
Men who look and feel younger have higher levels of these 3 hormones. These hormones were decreased by resveratrol.
“4 months of administration of resveratrol significantly lowered androstenedione, DHEA and DHEA-S.”
Androstenedione decreased by 24%.
DHEA dropped by 41%.
DHEA-S dropped by 50%.
There is a lot of evidence to show that decreasing levels of these hormones accelerate aging in men.
The idea that resveratrol slows or reverses aging is far weaker, mostly theoretical…
And almost certainly the opposite of the truth, given the effects on these hormones.
I believe resveratrol is nothing but trouble – and it certainly won’t help improve your prostate health or slow aging.
“We found no support for the use of resveratrol in the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia.”
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health related problems.
—-Important Message About Protecting Your Prostate—-
This 10-second bedtime ritual heals the prostate + boosts rockiness
I need to show you this brand-new 10 second ritual you do before bed…
Because it naturally restores your prostate health AND makes you a rock-hard raging beast between the sheets!
And this is super important for guys our age — because past 40, our testosterone is declining faster than ever…
And the prostate is slowly swelling…
Which is why you may have noticed you aren’t HUNGRY for sex the way you used to be…
And for a lot of guys, this also means irritating prostate issues…
Such as weak urination streams, and feeling like you need to “go” even when you really don’t…
And then it starts affecting rockiness…where suddenly it’s difficult if not impossible to get erections and stay rocky long enough for sex…
That’s where this easy bedtime ritual comes in — it protects men’s T levels, heals the prostate, and boosts erections all at the same time