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It’s the Holy Grail – raises testosterone like a rocket while lowering harmful estrogen…
—–Important Message—–
Watch this 5-minute video showing how to double your testosterone…
Startling new testosterone findings show that men with higher natural T live longer, healthier lives…
Brazilian study: Now all men can have high testosterone
We think of estrogen as the female hormone…
But in reality, its main function is causing inflammation.
Inflammation caused by high estrogen leads to obesity…
And that leads to lower testosterone along with fertility problems and erectile problems.
Sure, testosterone supplementation is effective in improving the health of overweight men.
But there is a huge problem with that:
Your body can actually convert supplemental testosterone into more estrogen…
And more estrogen can increase the risk of infertility.
So blocking estrogen might be a better idea than artificially supplementing testosterone.
Recently scientists have been experimenting with an estrogen-blocking drug called clomiphene.
Studies have been showing that this drug can lead to increased testosterone and improved body composition.
These scientists conducted their study at the University of São Paulo in Brazil and published their results in the Journal of International Obesity.
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The scientists were experimenting with a drug called clomiphene citrate.
Clomiphene citrate blocks estrogen in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus.
The hypothalamus is a control system for many of the hormones and the rest of the body.
The researchers wanted to know the effect of clomiphene citrate on men with obesity and low testosterone.
“…to evaluate clomiphene citrate treatment of adult men with male obesity-associated secondary hypogonadism.”
The study enrolled men in their late 20s to early 40s who were obese and had low testosterone.
“78 men with a body mass index above 30 and total testosterone below 300 were recruited.”
They gave the men given either 50 mg of clomiphene or an inactive placebo – for three months.
“Men were randomly assigned to receive 50 mg clomiphene or placebo for 12 weeks.”
The study found that clomiphene led to much higher testosterone and better body composition.
“There was an improvement in total testosterone and free testosterone in the clomiphene citrate group.”
This study showed enormous increases in testosterone from using clomiphene.
Average total testosterone levels went from 225 to 687.
The drug treatment more than tripled total testosterone.
The study showed similar effects on free testosterone.
Average levels of free testosterone surged from 191 to 565.
Most of the increases in testosterone happened by week four.
After taking clomiphene citrate, men had also lower body fat and higher lean mass.
“Men in the clomiphene group had better body composition. We recorded improvements in lean mass, fat-free mass, and muscle mass.“
The authors concluded that clomiphene improves male hormones and body composition in obese men.
“Clomiphene appeared to effectively improve the hormonal profile and body composition… It may be an alternative treatment for male obesity-associated secondary hypogonadism.”
Clomiphene has already been used to treat some health problems in women such as female infertility and polycystic ovarian syndrome.
A previous study in young, obese males also found massive increases in testosterone from using clomiphene citrate.
These scientists conducted their study in 2015 at the Department of Pediatrics, West Virginia University and published their results in Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders.
The researchers wanted to find out about increasing testosterone while avoiding later problems with infertility.
“Obesity has been associated with low testosterone in adult males and in pubertal boys. Therapy for hypogonadism with exogenous testosterone may lead to testicular atrophy and later infertility.”
The scientists recruited 11 young men into this study.
And they had them take 25 mg of clomiphene citrate every other day for three months.
This study showed massive increases in testosterone in young obese men with low T.
“Testosterone was 233 and increased to 581 after 3 months of Clomiphene treatment.”
Clomiphene citrate could well turn out to be a miracle drug for overweight men with low testosterone.
When it comes to studying using clomiphene to treat obesity and low testosterone, it is still early days.
Furthermore, somebody will have to run safety studies before this becomes widely acceptable therapy.
“Larger studies to study the safety and potential use of clomiphene to improve testosterone in obese, low testosterone men are needed.”
The study does show that decreases the effect of estrogen in the hypothalamus can have enormous effects on general health.
We don’t necessarily need to block estrogen…
Lowering estrogen can provide similar effects.
You should see a healthcare professional about treating and diagnosing obesity and hormonal dysfunction.
—–Important Message—–
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Clomiphene Citrate Effectively Increases Testosterone in Obese, Young, Hypogonadal Men
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