This shocking study shows men with low T are 75% more likely to die from this heart problem…
—-Important Message for Men—-
Check your member right now for fibrosis

Some men have a bump, bend, or lump in their members.
You can feel yours now to see if you have one.
That’s fibrosis built up in the penile chambers, blocking off blood flow.
But here’s the thing — plenty of men won’t have this lump or bend…
But they’ll still have fibrosis.
Only severe cases result in bends, lumps, or curved members.
The good news is that penile fibrosis can be reversed, easily, using something as simple as a toothbrush…
But you’re going to need a new toothbrush…
Boosting testosterone this way can help reverse heart disease
Coronary heart disease is caused by a buildup of plaque in the arteries of the heart.
This plaque, made from calcium, fat, and proteins — restricts blood flow to the heart muscle.
Lack of blood deprives the heart of oxygen and energy.
Starving the heart like this can lead to angina, heart attack, and sudden cardiac death.
One of the factors in coronary heart disease in men is low testosterone.
Men with low testosterone are more likely to develop coronary heart disease.
And men with low testosterone are more likely to die from coronary heart disease.

This report was issued by researchers at the Imperial College of London. It was published in European Cardiology Review.
The paper discussed some of the relationships between low testosterone and coronary heart disease.
The researchers highlighted the fact that low testosterone is clearly linked to an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease.
“Serum testosterone concentrations are known to decrease with age and reduced testosterone levels are linked to premature coronary artery disease.”
Low T is a major problem in the development of the disease.
“A significant number of men with heart failure have low testosterone and there is evidence suggesting that low testosterone affects cardiac repolarization.”
Other research has shown that low testosterone not only increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease…
But that low testosterone also increases the risk of death from coronary heart disease.

The human research was carried out at the Department of Cardiology, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK. The results were published in the British Medical Journal — Heart.
The researchers looked at the relationship between blood testosterone levels and survival in men with coronary heart disease.
“We set out to examine the effect of serum testosterone levels and survival in a consecutive series of men with confirmed coronary disease and to calculate the prevalence of testosterone deficiency.”
The study used information from over 900 men with coronary heart disease.
They were enrolled between 2000 and 2002 and followed for an average of almost 7 years.
One in four men in the study had clinically low levels of testosterone.
“Testosterone deficiency using bio-available testosterone was 21%, using total testosterone 17% and using either was 24%.”
Men with low testosterone (androgen deficiency) were 75% more likely to die during the course of the follow-up period.
(All the men in this group already had coronary heart disease.)
“Excess mortality was noted in the androgen-deficient group compared with normal (21% vs 12%.)”
The research actually looked at a large number of different factors which might influence death from coronary heart disease.
They found only a small number of factors which could be changed.
Aside from improving testosterone levels, using aspirin was associated with a lower risk of death.
Aspirin decreased the risk of dying from coronary heart disease by 37%.
(Human studies have shown that aspirin can increase testosterone — but it also has numerous other protective effects on the cardiovascular system.)
The use of beta blockers was the only other factor which could reduce the risk of death from coronary heart disease.
Low testosterone is a major factor in the development of coronary heart disease and the risk of death from the same.
The researchers called for human trials looking at testosterone supplementation in this cardiovascular disease.
“In patients with coronary disease testosterone deficiency is common and impacts significantly negatively on survival. Prospective trials of testosterone replacement are needed to assess the effect of treatment on survival.”
Testosterone supplementation may or may not work.
Much of the time low testosterone is due to the fact that it is being converted to estrogen.
In cases like this, more testosterone will just end up as more estrogen.
For many men, the solution might be blocking the conversion of testosterone to estrogen.
This means higher testosterone and lower estrogen.
It can be done with Big Pharma’s treatments…
But you can also block the conversion of testosterone to estrogen using functional foods…
—-Important Message for Boosting Testosterone with Functional Foods—-
This one food dramatically raises your own testosterone levels

I’ve discovered one food acting as a natural aromatase inhibitor and it’s doing wonders for men…
An aromatase inhibitor is something that blocks the conversion of testosterone into estrogen…so your natural testosterone builds UP UP UP.
And this one food does just that…and you only need a couple teaspoons a day!
With this food, men’s precious natural testosterone STAYS testosterone…
So T levels climb higher and higher while estrogen stays low!

Role of Testosterone in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease.
Low serum testosterone and increased mortality in men with coronary heart disease.