Men with higher levels of DHEA have more muscle mass, whether they work out or not!
—-Important Message—-
Using the “maximizer” method to get bigger down there
Did you know there’s an all-natural way to get bigger down there, and add extra inches AND girth?
It’s being called the “maximizer” method, and it allows any guy to give a woman the DEEP penetration she craves.
Soon she’ll be bragging to her friends about what a “big man” you are…
And listen, don’t bother with pills, pumps or any crazy contraptions that claim they can make you “bigger” down there.
They simply do NOT work!
The only real “get bigger” method I’ve come across is this…
…and it’s not just GUYS that are raving about it — their girlfriends and wives are darn happy about it, too…
Boosting DHEA this way gives men more natural muscle mass
For bodybuilders and those interested in physique, maximizing muscle mass is a lifetime pursuit.
For everyone else it eventually becomes a requirement for optimal health.
You see, after about the age of 40 we naturally start to lose muscle.
And at some point, this leads to health problems associated with frailty, falling, and hospitalization.
Muscle building workouts can optimize muscle mass. But hormones also play a massive role.
Over 65 year olds with a higher cortisol:DHEA ratio have a much higher risk of clinically low muscle mass (sarcopenia).

The human research was carried out at Muta Hospital and Fukuoka University in Japan.
The results were published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society.
Cortisol is a hormone which is necessary for many functions in the body.
But chronically elevated cortisol causes many health problems.
Elevated cortisol leads to the breakdown of muscle — cortisol causes muscle to be burned up as fuel.
DHEA is another hormone — one which is associated with youthful vitality.
DHEA is the material from which the masculinizing hormones testosterone and DHT are made.
Higher DHEA means potentially more testosterone — and a greater ability to build muscle.
Most of the DHEA body circulates as DHEA-S — so the researchers focused on this form of DHEA.
A recent study looked at the effect of both of these hormones and the risk of sarcopenia (very low muscle mass) in older people with type II diabetes.
“The current study sought to evaluate the risk factors for sarcopenia in elderly patients with type II diabetes.”
The researchers enrolled over 100 participants, both men and women, over the age of 65.
All the participants went through a number of diagnostic tests to see if they suffered from clinically low muscle mass.
“Sarcopenia was assessed and diagnosed based on the Asian version of the diagnostic criteria regarding muscular strength, physical function, and muscle mass.”
People with a higher cortisol to DHEA-S ratio one more likely to suffer from clinically low levels of skeletal muscle.
“Analysis showed that a high serum cortisol/DHEA-S ratio was an independent risk factor for sarcopenia.”
Independently, high cortisol or low DHEA were risk factors too.
The results are not surprising. This cortisol eats away at muscle while DHEA helps to retain it.
“The concentrations of cortisol and DHEA-S, as well as the cortisol/DHEA-S ratio, changed in accordance with the severity of sarcopenia.”
Chronically elevated cortisol is a classic sign of stress — leading to breakdown of body tissues.
“A relative increase in cortisol may reflect the presence of stress and stimulate muscle catabolism.”
Cortisol needs to be kept under control in order to save muscle.
Coffee can lower cortisol through a number of different mechanisms.
Balancing blood sugar levels and getting optimal sleep is also critical to keep cortisol under control.
DHEA is the precursor to our natural anabolic (muscle-building) steroids.
DHEA naturally declines with age.
Older people should take measures to keep their DHEA levels higher.
“A relative decrease in DHEA-S may cause a decrease in the anabolic action of DHEA on muscle.”
Tai chi is a gentle form of exercise that is proven to boost DHEA levels in older people.
Tai chi also lowers cortisol. It’s a good natural way to balance these hormones.
DHEA can also be supplemented. But you need to be careful not to take too much as it can increase estrogen.
Less than 10mg of DHEA over the course of the day is shown to increase DHEA in the blood without boosting estrogen.
DHEA is also one of the most effective supplements to lower cortisol levels.
I always recommend that if people are to supplement hormones like DHEA, they should get regular hormone testing under the supervision of a trained medical professional.
Coffee, sleep, and Tai Chi can optimize these hormones without much risk of pushing things too far.
Walking in nature also boosts DHEA and lowers cortisol.
—-Important Message—-
This is how Mike Tyson returned to the boxing ring at 53 years old

Boxing is considered a young man’s sport.
So how is it that guys like Mike Tyson and Roy Jones Jr are suddenly making a boxing comeback in their 50’s?
Well, the secret is in their testosterone levels.
“Iron” Mike reportedly gets testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).
And this extra testosterone helps him build stronger muscles, have more energy, and last longer in the ring.
But TRT is expensive and can come with some risks…
So instead, I’m using these tasty little Booster Bites I make at home to get all the same testosterone-boosting benefits…

A High Serum Cortisol/DHEA-S Ratio Is a Risk Factor for Sarcopenia in Elderly Diabetic Patients