New research proves testosterone DOES affect length and girth…
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Strange penile reflex secret gets men rocky on command

Can you remember your teenage-self getting “too excited” in public?
Back then, when puberty was giving you the works, there wasn’t much you could do to hide a full-blown boner in embarrassing situations.
But the sad truth is, as men age, such random erections don’t happen frequently anymore… and most guys think there’s nothing they can do about it.
Except you CAN do something about it… if you take advantage of these puberty-infused hormones again…
See what I mean here: How to get your manhood to spontaneously respond to arousal (and get erections at will)
Boost testosterone, boost your size?
Testosterone is the most well-known and primary male hormone.
Most testosterone is made in the testicles.
There is a very long list of health problems which are caused by low testosterone.
But the role of testosterone in penis size is something which is often overlooked.
It’s well-known that testosterone is essential for optimal male sexual function.
But low testosterone seems to change the structure of the penis too.
Researchers in Nairobi carried out experiments on rabbits to see if there was any effect of low testosterone and penis length.
Penis length decreased by nearly 9% in low T animals in just over two months!

The animal experiments were carried out at the University of Nairobi. The findings were published in the Anatomy Journal of Africa.
We have known for a long time that male hormones (androgens) are essential for the development of the penis in young animals and humans.
“Androgenic hormones are important in normal embryonic development and maintenance of the structural integrity of the penis.”
The structure of the penis is critical to sexual function.
Structural problems will lead to erections problems and possibly even infertility.
“The structural integrity is vital in penile ‘firmness’ and its alteration may lead to functional impairment resulting in ‘penile limpness.’”
The role of androgens in the structural integrity of the adult penis has not been very well investigated.
But low testosterone is a clear risk factor for erections problems.
So, the researchers were curious whether low testosterone leads to structural changes which can cause erections problems.
“The link between low testosterone ‘penile limpness’ of party anatomical, involving alteration of structural elements of the penis.”
The most basic way of measuring structural changes in the penis is to measure any changes in length.
So that’s what these researchers did.
They measured the penis length of a group of rabbits.
Then they castrated some animals — removing the testicles — the main source of testosterone.
“The aim of this study was to describe the changes in the rabbit penile length after castration. Fifteen adult male rabbits were used for the study. Nine of these were castrated under local anesthesia to induce hypogonadism and six remained as controls.”
And they measured the length of the penis over the next few weeks to see if there were any changes.
The difference in penis length was less than 1% after three weeks — within the margin of error.
But by week six the penis was clearly shrinking in the low testosterone rabbits.
Penis length at this time had decreased by 3.4%.
By week nine, the effect was clear and the penis was shrinking at an ever-increasing rate.
By week nine, penis length decreased by almost 9% in the low testosterone animals.
“There was progressive reduction in the average non-‘firm’ penile length by 0.7%, 3.4% and 8.7% in the castrated group at the end of the third, sixth and ninth week respectively.”
The study shows clearly that testosterone, or other hormones which are dependent on testosterone, are essential for maintaining penis length.
Not only that, but the shortening of the penis indicates harmful changes at a structural level — changes which are expected to cause rockines problems.
“Castration causes progressive reduction in the non-‘firm’ penile length. Such length reduction may impair the normal physiology and contribute to the anatomical basis of ‘penile limpness’ in low testosterone.”
Lower testosterone is clearly associated with erections problems in men. Testosterone tends to drop over the years.
But low testosterone is not something you should have to put up with simply because you’re getting older.
There are many ways to safely optimize testosterone levels and protect the structure of the penis out the rest of the body.
—-Important Message for Men Who Want More Testosterone—-
Here’s how I doubled my testosterone at home

My T used to be in the toilet…when I was far younger. Now it’s 900.
Well, for starters…just one bite of this naturally raises my testosterone…
I just pop it in my mouth and feel the surge of energy that comes with having high T.
Having high testosterone will make your muscles stronger, boost your drive and stamina, and give you an extra “oomph” when working out or getting busy in bed.
And scientists found that men with higher natural testosterone live longer than men with low testosterone:

So raising testosterone is the best thing you can do as a man.

Castration Causes Progressive Production of Length of the Rabbit Penis