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Hey, Matt Cook here, and men are told over and over again that they need to exercise…
And I see the kinds of workouts being promoted all over social media…
“Iron man” workouts that are supposed to push men to their limits because that’s what makes a man “strong” and “manly.”
But the truth is these workouts are doing more harm than good, and are actually making men weaker and slower…
Here’s the gentle, easy exercise you should be doing for peak fitness instead…
Biggest exercise mistake men are making
Thyroid hormones have a massive effect on your metabolic rate. The metabolic rate determines how much energy you use.
If you use more energy you will store less fat – you will be leaner.
You will also have more energy available for daily tasks and repair of the body.
Optimizing your thyroid hormones is one of the foundations of good health.
But many people overlook it.
Many people who want to get leaner believe that they should just exercise as much as they can for as long as they can.
But very high intensity exercise actually lowers levels of T3 – the most active thyroid hormone.
This is one reason why excessive exercise does more harm than good.
This human study was carried out at GENLAB Medical Diagnostics and Research Laboratory, Istanbul, Turkey. The findings were published in Neuro Endocrinology Letters.
Activity requires energy – more activity requires more energy – so exercise can be a good way to lose weight.
But there is actually more to that equation.
“Physical activity increases energy expenditure and alters resting metabolic rate for several hours after exercise.”
That second part is important – exercise also has effects on metabolism after the exercise is finished.
So what effects does it have after exercise?
We know that exercise alters hormones – including the energy-controlling thyroid hormone.
“Effects of exercise on thyroid hormone values remain controversial so we investigated the effect of acute aerobic exercise on thyroid hormone values.”
The researchers recruited 60 male athletes for their experiments.
The experiments were carried out on an exercise bike.
They performed exercises at 3 different intensities…
45% (low intensity), 70% (moderate intensity), and 90% (high intensity) of max heart rate.
The mantra in mainstream health over the last few decades has been “calories – calories out”.
This simply means that if you use more calories than you consume then you will lose weight.
By that logic, high-intensity exercise should be best.
In these experiments, the researchers tested thyroid hormone levels in the participants during exercise in different intensities.
They look at changes in thyroid hormone labs related to different intensities of exercise.
The researchers looked at TSH – a hormone which usually moves in the opposite way to thyroid hormones.
T4 – the storage form of the thyroid hormone.
T3 – the active thyroid hormone – which serves to catalyze energy production in the cell – this is THE thyroid hormone.
The researchers found that thyroid labs showed an increase in metabolic rate at 70% intensity compared to 45%.
“Exercise performed at the anaerobic threshold (70% of maximum heart rate) caused the most prominent increases in thyroid function.
But everything changed at the higher intensity levels.
TSH and T4 continued to increase, but the active thyroid hormone (T3) began to decrease.
“While the rate of T4 and TSH continue to rise at 90% of maximum heart rate, the rate of T3 started to fall.”
This means that the body is trying to compensate for excessive stress – caused by very high intensity exercise.
The body is ramping down the production of the real thyroid hormone (T3).
T4 is converted into the active hormone T3 – this T4 is still increasing it shows that thyroid hormone conversion is decreasing.
The overall effect of this will be downregulation of resting energy metabolism.
You will use less energy at rest – you will have less energy to do tasks – you will have less energy to repair your body.
The decreasing levels of T3 thyroid hormone in very high-intensity exercise is a very clear indicator that this is a bad thing for the body.
Movement and a little exercise are good when they are enjoyable.
But stressful, high-intensity exercise actually causes more harm to the body than most people believe.
“Maximal aerobic exercise greatly affects the level of circulating thyroid hormones.”
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.
—-Important Message—-
How CID5920 fires up the thyroid and adds decades of healthy lifespan
Your thyroid is actually the gas pedal of the human body…
And almost all men find their thyroid levels fall as they reach 40, 50, and beyond.
Thankfully, a secret natural hormone called CID5920 fires up the thyroid fast.
So in just 2 weeks, the thyroid is working better and faster.
And you start seeing and feeling the difference all over your body…
With energy levels, muscle tone, cravings, T levels — even erections quality improves!
Here’s how to get CID5920 and naturally boost thyroid (and add decades to your life)