Check your food labels for this one toxic ingredient…

Matt Cook here, and I’ve discovered one common food additive… a special type of oil…
That is poisoning men’s bodies from the inside out.
And now scientists have found it can even lead to prostate cancer.
Are you eating this? I wouldn’t recommend it…
—-Important Message From Matt—-
This is the most toxic dangerous threat to men’s health and sexual function
It causes prostate inflammation.
It gives men terrible “rockiness” problems.
It disrupts the metabolism and causes diabetes.
It makes men gain fat and lose muscle.
And it even leads to Alzheimer’s.
Beware this one food oil that can give men prostate cancer
The prospect of a prostate cancer diagnosis worries many older men.
Prostate cancer is overdiagnosed and overtreated — but this doesn’t make the diagnosis any less harmful or worrying.
The “treatments” are brutal.
Diet and hormones play a large role in altering the chances of a prostate cancer diagnosis.
Researchers carrying out experiments on rodents found that a small number of nutrients can have a major effect on alterations to the growth of prostate cancer cells.
These alterations are taken as a sign of prostate cancer.
Lots of vegetable oil, combined with inadequate calcium and vitamin D, were found to increase the risk of prostate cancer.
This pattern of nutrient intake is quite common these days — so much so that the researchers labeled it a “Western-style diet.”
Other lines of research individually confirmed all of these factors as risks for prostate cancer.

These animal experiments were carried out at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. The findings were published in Carcinogenesis.
The authors of this study were interested in the effect of modern dietary patterns on prostate cancer.
“In this study the effects of the Western-style diet on epithelial cell proliferation in the prostate and bladder of mice were investigated.”
The epithelial cells are the barrier cells of the organs of the body.
Rapid growth of these cells in the prostate is the indicator of prostate cancer.
The researchers raised young male mice in a number of different diets.
One of these diets was considered a normal, healthy diet for mice. The second diet was modified to be more like the “Standard American Diet” — or a “Western-style diet.”
“The diet contained increased fat and lower levels of calcium and vitamin-D. It simulated human Western diets.”
The high-fat, Western-style diet provided extra fat from a particular source, corn oil.
This type of unstable, unhealthy fat has become increasingly common over recent decades.
The Western diet had 4x more fat than the control diet.
The Western diet had only 1/10th the amount of calcium found in the control diet.
The Western diet and only half the amount of vitamin D found in the control diet.
The researchers used a standard chemical technique for analyzing the proliferation of prostate cells — a technique which looks for increased cell proliferation, indicating cancer.
The researchers found an increased risk of prostate cancer in mice eating the Western-style diet.
“We found significant increases in signs of proliferation in epithelial cells in the prostate after eating the Western-style diet for 16 weeks compared to mice on the control diet.”
Changes in the prostates of the animals were evident by week five.
But the differences between the two groups increased further by week 16.
The Western-style diet was making the mice more and more susceptible to cancer the longer they consumed it.
Vegetable oil, alongside insufficient calcium and vitamin D, seem to increase the risk of prostate cancer over time.
“Our findings suggest that these nutrients may have a role in human prostate cancer, since mouse and human prostatic cancers have similar characteristics.”
Since the completion of this study, researchers have looked at the role of vegetable oil alone and found that it increases the risk of prostate cancer in animals.
The researchers who carried out this study also looked at the combination of low vitamin D and low calcium — they found that this too increased the risk of prostate cancer in animal models.
Other research has shown that a number of other foods can lower the risk of prostate cancer significantly.
All of these foods have potent effects on hormones — hormones which have knock-on effects on prostate health.
—-Important Message About Your Prostate—-
This cancer-fighting nutrient shrinks the prostate
Men can have a prostate the size of a lemon… sometimes even larger…

Yet with this special cancer-fighting nutrient I’ve discovered, you can shrink a lemon-sized prostate down to a walnut, the normal size, with good urinary function.
And you can do this at home, without medications or procedures, or even a doctor’s visit.
See, most men are deficient in this special nutrient that’s been called the “anti cancer nutrient” by some scientists.
It fights back against toxins and chemicals in the testicles to protect your prostate and keep it healthy.
And now I’ve found a very simple way to increase this cancer-fighting nutrient in the body — here’s how.

Induced hyperproliferation in epithelial cells of mouse prostate by a Western-style diet